*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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I use a bit of bilberry on my tyres when I'm cleaning the wheels, gets off loads of dirt, then 3m spray which does a good job. Its more matt then shiney, which I prefer.
Bought some demon shine snow foam with a built in sprayer bit the other week . Mainly out of curiosity

Very very surprised about how much it actually foamed using just a normal hose , and how little of the product it used to get a thick cover over the car . So much so that I rinsed it then applied another coat of suds before doing my normal buckets and mitt effort. Not sure how much good it actually did but it left the car very slick/slippery when going over it with the mitt . Slicker than I remember with just Ag shampoo
Il agree with that , very similar to blackhole/prima Amigo but maybe with more sealant properties but slightly harder to apply/remove

Infact I would swear that that product made by that well branded company , tripple? Is almost the same product .
Nothing wrong with SRP? The dust just blows off, or you could just buff it with a decent cloth, you know :p
It doesn't blow off, it sticks to the body, static or some magic.

I use a MF cloth to buff off.
Any excess dust from mine when I do use SRP can just be blown off. Sounds like you're not buffing properly then or leaving it to cure for too long.
Cant really go wrong with Autoglym SRP + HD Wax. If you've got loads of dust you are applying too much though the "new formula" is a lot better than the older stuff.

i had the AG in my hand today at halfords and i dont know why i didnt buy it. the hd wax seems a bit pricey £35 unless im looking at the wrong thing.
It is a bit pricy compared to Turtlewax etc but its really good stuff and stupidly easy to apply.

I've done 2 coats in all of our cars (4) and not even used 1/4 of the pot, it's a solid wax so lasts way longer than paste.
Just got done upgrading the RO system for car washing.

Our water is very hard at around 400-500 TDS which means very tough to remove water spots if you don't dry your car properly and not very good foam from snow foam (and just little to no lather from any soap).

So this is what I have done.

Osmotics Ultra-Pure 4 Stage 150 Gallon Per Day RO System

Output of 2 TDS with no DI stage.

1000L IBC container round the back in the bike shed, stood on some concrete blocks and a pallet to raise it up for a bit of extra pressure. It has been filling for a few days while I got the correct plumbing bits sorted.

Nice convenient connector for the pressure washer.

Just need the sun to come back out again and I will try and take some water spot free pictures.
Now that looks interesting, as I swear I've got the hardest water known to man here!

Yeah if I use "tap" water it will be covered in almost impossible to remove white marks if you don't dry it thoroughly.

Just did a rinse, snow foam, rinse and started to air dry but just had to pop out so air dry turned into get covered in dust. No water marks though :p

RO water also makes the best cup of tea :D
How much did the whole system set you back (minus pressure washer obviously)?

Our water is stupid hard too and I'm sick of the effort it takes to remove drying marks.
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