Cyclists two abreast on busy 'A' road, selfish?

You have to slow down at the 'junctions' with Harplands Hospital and the Ambulance depot but other than that I'm hitting 25+ on it.
Also because you're on the pavement as such you can clearly see cars coming out of these junctions but cycling on the road your view is obscured by parked cars.
I've been using it for a year with zero problems.

It's not the ones coming out of the junctions that would bother me but the ones turning in.

Also you do 25Kph or Mph on there? One is above the DfT recommended speed for cycle tracks and the other isn't.
This is part of the cycle lane I'm on about -!1e1!2m2!1sQLw8QoaS6JatII2OmQEsKQ!2e0&fid=5

It's excellent and exactly how they should be made but nobody uses it except me.

I disagree with that being excellent, I wouldn't use that lane on my road bike unless there was a queue of traffic and it made a quicker way to skip it all.

Reasons I wouldn't use it are the following:

- Notice how its winter/autumn and the roads is nice and clean from being swept regularly. The cycle lane though, its full of wet leaves. Alright if you are on proper mountain bike tyres running lower pressures, but on slick road tyres, I think I'll give that one a miss.

- Its poorly marked as a cycle lane. Therefore you will have pedestrians wandering into it thinking its the pavement. You also have the risk of people parking and then opening the doors into the cycling lane to get out.

- The junctions are dangerous. Motorists may not be paying enough attention or expect you to flat out stop at each junction, so there is a high probability that somebody will turn in on you.

- Where people have houses leading onto the road, they may pull out into the cycle lane to enter the road without really checking the cycle lane like they would the main road.

It may be of somewhat use to people who are going very slow, such as children, but its still dangerous. Anyone who wants to travel at a reasonable pace and not have to deal with the associated issues of whether somebody is not going to see them would just stick to the road like normal.

Interestingly if anyone saw the BBC's documentary The Route Masters about London's roads this week, TFL were actually testing out the dutch style roundabouts where all motorists have to give way to cyclists, with an air to possibly introducing them to London in future.
cyclists have gotten away with too much road crime, it's about time the government man's up against these selfish individuals who think they are above the law and that they should be emphasised on every occasion.

reflectors, high visible jackets, head gear should be made mandatory and the cycling proficiency test should be made a requirement before any retard steps foot on a bike, with theory tests on how to ****ing read road signs and what a traffic light colour means also being a major requirement.

Approx 17% of cyclist in central London jump stop signals according to the last TFL survey. Only 5% of cars did. Both are deplorable.

Guess which causes the most accidents and injuries and so should be the focus of the Police?

Reflectors and hi-viz are to mitigate the short comings of others so remind me again who should have to take a harder test if we are to solve the underlying issues rather than the symptoms?
[DOD]Asprilla;24675300 said:
It's not the ones coming out of the junctions that would bother me but the ones turning in.

Also you do 25Kph or Mph on there? One is above the DfT recommended speed for cycle tracks and the other isn't.

25 mph, you have a point that I haven't thought of :D
cyclists have gotten away with too much road crime, it's about time the government man's up against these selfish individuals who think they are above the law and that they should be emphasised on every occasion.

reflectors, high visible jackets, head gear should be made mandatory and the cycling proficiency test should be made a requirement before any retard steps foot on a bike, with theory tests on how to ****ing read road signs and what a traffic light colour means also being a major requirement.

Too much road crime?
That's a pretty bold statement.

Yes some Cyclists ignore red lights or one way signs, and as pointed out earlier one did a hit and run, but really what other laws are actually being broken?

To just put what you have said in perspective, whether I'm on my bike, in my car or on foot I regularly see people using their phones while driving. I've seen motorists run red lights. All these kind of crime are happing in far greater quantities than what Cyclists are committing yet they also mostly go unpunished.

I also need to point out again that many cyclists will be drivers, and as such have completed a licence test. Many also do the proficiency test at school.
You have to be a troll or simply can't read there is no such thing as road tax. I still cannot believe the amount of people who don't understand this. It doesn't help that I hear adverts for vehicles saying cheap 'road' tax. Such mixed messages.

Your last comment you basically admitted that all motorists are dangerous drivers as they cannot perform the simple maneuver of overtaking a cyclist. Looks like you all need to be banned from the road or re-do your driving test? Seriously, cyclists are more vulnerable yes but it only becomes dangerous when either cyclist or driver makes a bad decision and performs a crazy maneuver of some kind.

If you are a danger to the cyclists you share the road with (by law) I suggest you get off it and get the bus before you hurt someone.

The sheer arrogance is astounding ... "cyclists think they own the road ... get off mah road!" :rolleyes:

Cyclists are a danger to themselves. The danger part being the cars or lorries behind them or overtaking them. They swerv around drain covers unexpectedly cycling 1 meter away from the kerb, never looking behind to see what is coming or how they're holding everyone up because the cars can't overtake. The arrogance of them is second to non, they think they own the road. They don't pay VED (for the smart arses in here) VED helps to fund the maintenance costs of our roads. Lets start charging cyclists VED and insurance and see how many of them move to the pavements where they belong.
cyclists aren't allowed on the pavement....
VED doesn't pay for roads and even if it did it's not cyclists damaging the roads.

never seen so much ignorance in a post before
Cyclists are a danger to themselves. The danger part being the cars or lorries behind them or overtaking them. They swerv around drain covers unexpectedly cycling 1 meter away from the kerb, never looking behind to see what is coming or how they're holding everyone up because the cars can't overtake. The arrogance of them is second to non, they think they own the road. They don't pay VED (for the smart arses in here) VED helps to fund the maintenance costs of our roads. Lets start charging cyclists VED and insurance and see how many of them move to the pavements where they belong.

Yes some cyclists are a danger to themselves. But the majority of the danger is the same for them as it is for motorcyclists, arrogant car/lorry drivers that think they own the road. How dare they slow you down until it is safe to overtake :eek:

The pavement, or footpath as it is also known, is for people on foot. The road is for vehicles.
Cyclists are a danger to themselves. The danger part being the cars or lorries behind them or overtaking them. They swerv around drain covers unexpectedly cycling 1 meter away from the kerb, never looking behind to see what is coming or how they're holding everyone up because the cars can't overtake.

Covered this earlier - in most cases, overtaking a cyclist is easy and will barely slow you down. If you cant manage it, it says more about your driving ability and confidence than that of the cyclist.

The arrogance of them is second to non, they think they own the road.

The hypocrisy is amazing.

They have as much right to road space as motorists. Everyone knows this, its one of the most basic things you are taught when learning to drive. Same goes for horses and pedestrians when there's no footway.

You signed up for that the moment you got your licence. Don't like it? Don't drive. The arrogance is yours for wanting everyone you don't like off "your" roads.

They don't pay VED (for the smart arses in here) VED helps to fund the maintenance costs of our roads. Lets start charging cyclists VED and insurance and see how many of them move to the pavements where they belong.

Really? As mentioned earlier, most cyclists probably drive as well, so they do pay VED. Not that it matters, because VED isn't a ring fenced tax for road maintenance anyway.

I wouldn't be against bikes requiring at least 3rd party insurance, as long as it didn't end up as horrendously overpriced as motor insurance.

As for moving them to the pavement - why? As covered in point 1, overtaking a cyclist in a car isn't a problem for most, and it would only increase the danger to pedestrians.
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Cyclists are a danger to themselves. The danger part being the cars or lorries behind them or overtaking them. They swerv around drain covers unexpectedly cycling 1 meter away from the kerb, never looking behind to see what is coming or how they're holding everyone up because the cars can't overtake.

That's why you will find the highway code states that you must give a cyclist as much room as a car, regardless of whether a cyclist is riding in the gutter or prime position. You should be ready to anticipate that a cyclist might swerve to miss something as a good driver and is why you shouldn't be to close and pass giving enough room. Just like if you hit another car because you were following too closely, it would be your fault because you didn't give enough room and thus were unable to stop in time.

If you are driver though.... you took the test so should already know this right? :rolleyes:

The arrogance of them is second to non, they think they own the road. They don't pay VED (for the smart arses in here) VED helps to fund the maintenance costs of our roads. Lets start charging cyclists VED and insurance and see how many of them move to the pavements where they belong.

Your argument is still just as poor as those who go on about 'road tax'.

VED is a tax on emissions, how much emissions does a bicycle give off.... zero!
Similarly, there are now many vehicles on the road such as electric cars and scooters which are also exempt because they don't emit anything.

VED doesn't fund the roads. Road maintenance both regional and nationwide comes from general taxation, of which anyone of working age and employed contributes to.

Further to that, I personally have a car which I pay VED for, I also have an insurance policy for my bicycle which includes third party cover up to 10 million pounds.

Telling Cyclists to get on the pavement where 'they belong' is foolish because cycling on the pavement is illegal.
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Cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the road. Most of them go around like they own the road, yet they pay zero road tax. Get on the pavement, it's far safer. Yes, they're a danger to walking pedestrians, but not as much of a danger as motorists are to cyclists.

It worries me that I have to share the roads with people as thick as this to be honest.

It's easy enough for everyone to just use the roads safely as long as you don't consider them to be 'your' roads. Just show a bit of courtesy on the road. If someone holds you up for the 30 seconds (and thats generally all it is) just take a breath and chill the **** out.
Interestingly if anyone saw the BBC's documentary The Route Masters about London's roads this week, TFL were actually testing out the dutch style roundabouts where all motorists have to give way to cyclists, with an air to possibly introducing them to London in future.

That design looked dangerous to me.

It's bad enough having zebra crossings on roundabout exits, let alone having cyclist priority crossings.

Roundabouts have many dangers, distractions and people racing around trying to sneak up on the inside of you.
You don't really want a crossing right on the exit while drivers are distracted by the above and also causing cars to stop bringing the roundabout to a halt.

If they set it further back it might work and enforce cyclists having to go round in one direction only. The other issue I saw was that there wasn't enough room to have a car in waiting for the roundabout between the pedestrian and cycle crossings which means either the traffic won't move or it will just block the crossings making the whole thing pointless.
I think that all bicycles on the road should have mirrors, that way they will have a better awareness of their surroundings rather than just what's ahead of them.
My only issue is when you can't pass them safely so you're stuck behind them and by safely I mean, you can fit easily and safely around them but not safe from the oncoming traffic around here in Jersey.
I very rarely see them go single file when traffic is backed up hundreds of meters or even look behind to see how it's going back there. I mean, how hard is it to just let your buddy go ahead a meter and slide in.

Those kinds of cyclists are either ignorant, don't care, want to do it so they're safer with no cars overtaking or stupid. I've even seen a pair cause a backup with emergency services stuck behind. I ...FFFFFF it's the only time I wanted to react to it. I'm always courteous to cyclists however, regardless if they're being a **** or not, same goes for horse riders.

Just... all I can do is sit there and think why? WHY? What are you doing in your little world cycling two abreast with no care for anything else? We can both get along on this road.

I also refuse to cycle on the road myself because I don't trust other drivers :C so that says something.
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People who don't use the empty pavements do my head in more. Far enough in a city or busy town center but otherwise, get up the ******* curb!
Let me refer you to this:

Legalities aside, ever tried doing 28mph on the pavement? Good luck :)

Cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the road. Most of them go around like they own the road, yet they pay zero road tax.
Pedantry about the correct term for road tax aside, you're right, I don't pay any road tax. Except for my two cars.
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