I think it works both ways.
Drivers should be careful about more vulnerable road users like cyclists. However, cyclists shouldn't flaunt their "freedom" and be aware and considerate to other road users too. It's a bit of both.
Whilst I realise some people may think it's unfair that a driver will necessarily/automatically get the blame in any interaction between a car and bicycle - they both have a responsibility to one another to be safe and courteous.
Unfortunately, as most things in life, the exception doesn't make the rule, but they are the ones we remember (being cut up, having to swerve, running red lights etc....).
I was run into by a bike when I was crossing the road (it was green for me to cross) - he went over the handle bars, I got a massive bruise (I spoke about this on here many years ago IIRC), and yet he tried to blame me for having seen he was coming and not getting out of his way.
Anyway, when I'm in my car, I always wait until it's safe to over take, and try and be as careful as I can - most of the time I get a thank you, but sometimes some cyclists are so oblivious to what they are doing.
Riding 2 abreast in some situations is fine, but in a busy place like London? No, it's daft.