NP: The now playing thread

New Toe album out in a few days. At least for the digital download from Topshelf. Can't wait. Put my pre-order in for a CD copy, but that's not out until August.

Heard this on an ambient / drone mix. Ordered a copy of the CD.

The album is available for free from the Resting Bell net label, as the music is released under a Creative Commons license. You can download it here.
Okay I will admit to having a cheesey pop moment but these two songs just have something about them. It also helps that they are both hot :D

oh well, it is friday after all.

6 Music has been mostly on in the office this week - some interesting sounds.

Two of my favourite 'new' tunes from the last week.

I really like this one:

That sampled bass harmonic to start along with the sparkly drop makes it an interesting sound indeed.

Also, falling slightly down the youtube rabbit-hole:
I first heard this on eve radio:
I loved the texture of the keys, just sounded really polished; a bit of a throwback to my love of early house music.

And now this:

oh dear, I seem to have youtube all over the place...

hah, in for a penny, in for a pound. Enjoy your friday night. :p
Everyone's most hated band, live on the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1986. I hate to think how much the two Fairlight CMI and the Yamaha DX1 was worth.

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