Dying Light - PC next gen zombie open world game?

I really enjoyed Dead Island and so I thought I would give this a try. I have reached the Mothers Day mission but my eyes can't take it anymore. I can't stand the blurry Chromatic Aberration effect.

I've had a good Google and from what I have found it is not possible to completely disable CA in the latest version. I did look at a couple of mods but Dying Light Manager only supports 1.4 and Chromatic Aberration Begone requires that Motion Blur is enabled (no thanks).

Does anyone have a recipe for blur free zombie slaying? If not this one will have to go back in the grave.

Awesome! Especially looking forward to the vehicles, but the smaller things like more Quarantine Zones are a really nice addition as well. They were all pretty good.
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I've just started to get back into it after a break and am absolutely loving it. Stopped at 15% of the story finished whilst real life got in the way. Now 26% of the main story line through, and can't get enough of it. I've heard there's a bow available is that so?

If there is I want it! I replayed the sp twice but put more time and effort in the second time round exploring etc.
I've just started to get back into it after a break and am absolutely loving it. Stopped at 15% of the story finished whilst real life got in the way. Now 26% of the main story line through, and can't get enough of it. I've heard there's a bow available is that so?

I never found a bow. Not sure if there is one.

There are definitely mods that add bows. In fact, there are a few decent mods for this game, and they will only improve when the tools are released!

This one looks very interesting- http://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight/mods/145/?
I get sick and terrible headaches playing some games mainly FPS is actually fairly common for some games to cause motion sickness, genrally to do with FOV, head bobbing and motion blur

Field of view (FOV)
Fix Edit video.scr
Go to the configuration file(s) location.
Open video.scr with a text editor.
Modify the value for ExtraGameFov. 20 equates to 72° vertical (102° horizontal on a 16:9 monitor) FOV.
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