***The Official Manly Shaving Thread***

Yeah i think this is where i go wrong,i should have a shower or bath before to soften the hairs up.

It makes a massive difference. There's a reason a barber spends ages warming the skin prior to a shave.

On the rare occasion I have to do it without I'll use oil, a new blade and pay really close attention otherwise it's rather raw and 'rashy'. It's never perfect though.
Does a decent job on the face but no matter how slow or careful i go around the neck it leave it sore and patchy as i keep having to go over it to get a close shave :(
It's perfectly OK to keep going over the same spot but make sure you lather between each pass. Don't shave dry skin or you'll experience soreness as you've described.

Personally I just splash my face with warm water before I soap up for the first time and that works for me but it all depends on your own face.
My best shaves come after a shower, then lather and place a warm face cloth over then relather. It is a bit of a pain to do all the time but does gave a nicer (maybe not better) shave. I've got a mix of wiry stubble and sensitive skin, which is what lead me to DE shaving in the first place.
I shave in the shower I have a fog free mirror on the wall. If you get aggravation on the neck it's because your going in the wrong direction. Go from the bottom upwards rather than downwards.
I'd say always go with the grain on the neck.

I'm fine across the grain but can only go against if I'm using a more forgiving multi-blade.

On a similar note the Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes cream I started using about 6 months ago is utterly rubbish with the Gillette Proglide. It's fine with a Wilkinson Sword Hydro (so it's not the multiple blade razors as a whole) as it is with a DE (using Feathers at the moment), but the Gillette is like it's trying to rip the hairs out rather than cutting them.

I did find I always preferred the Proglide with Taylor of Old Bond Street cream though, so tended to use it if I was shaving in the morning or before going out (speed and a better result for me), but used the DE and Feathers for cost purposes if I was shaving the night before. The Hydro has taken up that role now, though it's not quite as good a cut as the Proglide.
Does anyone have good recommendations for sensitive skin creams? Same for after shave.

Currently using my de razor with my old clarins stuff.
Evening chaps, the good lady has continued in the vein of purchasing shaving gear for me every festive season, some images below. The brush is the main present, hand made silver tip from Etsy, it really is absolutely amazing, a massive difference from the brush I was using previously. I'd imagine it was a bit pricey though.











I'd love to be able to say I know something about these razors, but beyond thinking they're a bit cool I'm in the dark. Maybe I need to find some time to research?
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Well, I didn't expect to find a thread here on DE Shaving - and so much well informed discussion.

I'm 66 and took to a cartridge razor as they became available in my twenties, abandoning my standard-from-Boots twist to open DE razor - but I never gave up on my brush and soap. Gels and foams I thought awful.

In my mid fifties my beard started to go white and get very tough. I found even the latest and most expensive cartridge razor would just not do the job. I read on a men's health forum that some men were returning to or taking up DE shaving. I did some research and within a few months had settled into a routine with a long handled Merkur Slant and Feather blades - that combination will cut my beard.

Now I have retired and grooming expectations for men of all ages are changing I no longer shave every day, so after ten years with my Slant I decided to give the Muhle R41 Open Comb a go. After adding a longer and heavier handle I find the R41 excellent. I have been experimenting with blades other than the Feather - but none cut it!

I expect to be using both the Slant and the R41, moving to the Slant when I need to shave on consecutive days.

Long handled Slant with Stock R41 Grande


Long handled Slant with R41 head on longer and heavier handle by Windrose (see the Bay UK)

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I'm looking to start de shaving. Can anyone comment on this set I am looking to buy please?
Men Rock Double Edge Razor Shaving Gift Set with Shaving Bowl and Drip Stand...
I have been experimenting with a soap stick and a cheapo brush I got from wilkos and I am loving my shave but that is still using my Gillette fusion razor.
No no no.


You can happily use the 50p Palmolive soap stick until you're sure you want to stick with DE.

And then it's all down the rabbit hole...

Thanks for the replies but it's too late. My misses has ordered it for me as a Christmas present.
I will be sticking with DE shaving as I can't stand paying for cartridge blades any longer.

Down the rabbit hole I go I guess :D

Well I soon binned the Men Rock DE razor, it was very poorly built. You would tighten the blade down and the blade would be sticking out more on one side than the other and sometimes not even sitting in square.

It still gave me a glimpse into DE shaving and led me to buy the suggested Irwin Jagger DE89L which in comparison is VERY well made and a pleasure to use.

I also bought the sample pack of blades and am enjoying trying different blades with different soaps. I am currently using a Tobac shaving soap stick which gives a superb lather and a blast from the past scent as my dad used to wear Tobac aftershave.
Just delivered today was some Taylor of bond street sandlewood soap, can't wait to try that tonight. It smells great.
Also I bought a new brush, one that was suggested in this thread.... http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk...pany-Ivory-Pure-Badger-Shaving-Brush-100.html
Can't wait :) :D

"Into the rabbit hole" you were not kidding :p :D
I have read a lot of this thread and would like to thank everyone for their comments. They have really helped me in my switch over from Dick Turpin shaving (robbing, expensive cartridge's)

Sandlewood soap created a very silky lather and left my skin feeling great, it never dried out on my face.
A lot better than the palmolive soap stick which dried out on my face and left my face feeling juddery (if that's a word :d )

The badger brush was amazing, night and day difference from the Wilkinson sword cheapo brush.

BUT bloody hell what a stink :eek: :eek: :eek: :o :(
Need to shampoo it I think :p :D
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