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What would you replace SLI 670's with for 4K

That's not quite true. If you can put up with 40-60 FPS and dips into single figures in some games and can handle the fact that some games will need the settings reduced heavily in order to meet that target then it's fine.

Reviews of both the 980ti and Fury X are both a little economical of the truth. Reviews always are. They cherry pick a scene, then run it for a minute or so. Not indicative of actual real world performance at all as I found out.

I had a 4k and 980ti and it ran everything I wanted to play fine. I didnt have to heavily reduce any game settings or get single figure FPS. It all depends on what your gaming experience expectations are. One persons playability is another persons chug chug.

When people say "4k is not there yet" its a terrible sweeping statement backed up by one persons opinion.
OP, what fps are you hitting with your current 670's @ 1440p? Have you overclocked your monitor to push above 60? You seem to play a limited amount of games, so why are you shifting to 4K?

Ive started something here haven't I lol.

To be honest I have no idea. I play all the games I've said as well as BF4 at about 100fps on high. They are good, im just severly limited by VRAM. 2GB just doesn't cut it.

The thing is, I think I just have an upgrade bug and it needs to be scratched I just dont know of anything else that would be worthwhile.

So if I buy a 980ti right now, how long have I got of Ultra Graphics before things start getting out of hand again? 6 months? a year?

Also what the hell is Gsync and Freesync? I cant make sense of the googling.

Basically its

Keep what I've got until something breaks - cant play a new game

Get 980ti and a IPS Gsync display - upgrade?

Get a 980ti and a 30"+ 4K Display
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Ive started something here haven't I lol.

To be honest I have no idea. I play all the games I've said as well as BF4 at about 100fps on high. They are good, im just severly limited by VRAM. 2GB just doesn't cut it.

The thing is, I think I just have an upgrade bug and it needs to be scratched I just dont know of anything else that would be worthwhile.

So if I buy a 980ti right now, how long have I got of Ultra Graphics before things start getting out of hand again? 6 months? a year?

Also what the hell is Gsync and Freesync? I cant make sense of the googling.

Basically its

Keep what I've got until something breaks - cant play a new game

Get 980ti and a IPS Gsync display - upgrade?

Get a 980ti and a 30"+ 4K Display

980ti and 1440p Gsync is what I have, and as I said previously I think it's enough to see me skip 4k until a single GPU can push it properly.

Gsync basically synchronises your monitor and GPU frame rates so that you get silky smooth, tear free gaming.
This thread is interesting. I thought Pascal would tempt me into 4K, but by the looks of it, it's more likely to give me 100+ frames at 1440 with most games.

Thing is, there are plenty of options that you can lower in games where the visual quality will hardly be impacted but the actual performance will be greatly improved. When people just put every slider to max, yeah, it's gonna struggle even with the best card available, but you don't have to. Plus, for major releases you can even just go by the GeForce guides released. Ultimately, for the highest PC gaming experience you can't just plug in and play. If you want to be at an enthusiast level you gotta act like it and start tinkering (I'm not specifically referring to you String).
One of the basic problems is that the people who frequent these forums and give out advice are enthusiasts, and as such we don't like to settle for less than the maximum settings. The truth is that even a 970 will play things at 4k, but and it is a big BUT, you will have to turn down the settings. this also have the advantage of decreasing the memory required, making the whole its only got 4GB thing a moot point. How much you have to turn down the settings is very game dependant, some down to high, or even medium, some it will be just reduce the AA of shadowing etc.

My advice pick yourself and budget and then ask again, but be prepared to have your budget smashed by people suggesting that for just an extra 70% you can get this way better card because it is red/green (delete as applicable).
I had a 4k and 980ti and it ran everything I wanted to play fine. I didnt have to heavily reduce any game settings or get single figure FPS. It all depends on what your gaming experience expectations are. One persons playability is another persons chug chug.

When people say "4k is not there yet" its a terrible sweeping statement backed up by one persons opinion.

most sensible thing ive read in a while.

I dsr a lot of games from 3440x1440 on my 970, even some at 5120x2160 (few mind)

I would say big pascal will be fine for most things at 4k, just not settings maxed and absolutely rock solid frames.
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One of the basic problems is that the people who frequent these forums and give out advice are enthusiasts, and as such we don't like to settle for less than the maximum settings.

Sure, but the problem is when they don't want to settle for less than maximum because of e-peen (i.e. say they're running max) rather than actual noticeable visual differences. E.g. http://international.download.nvidi...-msaa-interactive-comparison-3-8x-vs-off.html

8 fps difference 0 visual difference.
Sure, but the problem is when they don't want to settle for less than maximum because of e-peen (i.e. say they're running max) rather than actual noticeable visual differences. E.g. http://international.download.nvidi...-msaa-interactive-comparison-3-8x-vs-off.html

8 fps difference 0 visual difference.

Completely agree that a lot of the very high end effects are very subtle and it can be very difficult to see any difference. I'm not sure about that link though, there is a world of difference between the two shots, good or bad that isn't a sensible example, whether it is worth in when in motion is what matters.
Bumping this as my requirements have changed.

I don't want SLI anymore. If I do I don't want it to be with cards that have only 2GB of VRAM - 1440p is really struggling at the moment.

I will be staying with 1440p but can anyone recommend a graphics card to buy that will be better than my 670s, cooler, quieter, faster but would only be a stopgap for a year or so until Pascal is out and cheaper. Used market is fine also.

Plan is to buy,
Graphics card for 1440p
New Case that I don't care gets scratched and dented or whatever
Quieter fans
Maybe bigger SSDs depends.

Future would be
X99-E when skylake E comes out.
Pascal GFX
m.2 Pci-e x4 ssd

Solid upgrade path?
What you asking, which GPU to go for as a stop gap until Pascal arrives?

If so, at 1440p you want a 980Ti. I went for EVGA you've got the step up option if Pascal hits within 3 months of buying it, and the warranty will transfer to the new owner so second hand market should be good.
I'm still worried that if I drop £500 on a 980ti and pascal drops the second hand market for these cards will plummet. Leaving me with a massive loss. On the other hand I can't deal with all these SLI bugs. Driving me insane. Driver keeps crashing. Part SLI issues part the fact that Win10 is bluegh.
I'm still worried that if I drop £500 on a 980ti and pascal drops the second hand market for these cards will plummet. Leaving me with a massive loss. On the other hand I can't deal with all these SLI bugs. Driving me insane. Driver keeps crashing. Part SLI issues part the fact that Win10 is bluegh.

I had the same choice. As I say, if you go EVGA you've got 3 months before you need to sell second hand.

What are your options, realistically? High end Pascal could be a while away yet.
Wait for the new gen cards. They will be a lot faster then the ones atm and probably have a lot of VRAM. Also: 1 fast card > 2 mediocre cards.
I wouldn't want to go anywhere near 4k unless I had SLI 980ti or better. I'd take higher fps and higher settings at 1440p over higher resolution.
I wouldn't want to go anywhere near 4k unless I had SLI 980ti or better. I'd take higher fps and higher settings at 1440p over higher resolution.

This is each to their own. I am perfectly happy with 3840X2160 and one 980Ti and I know I will have to dial down a little for some games but this is what I have always done, make do. I do chuckle at some of the comments like, 'I must have min 60/120/144 fps' or 'I cant live without gsync', well I can and do enjoy my gaming. Smooth 30fps is fine for me and I don't have tearing issues or such. There are a lot of options and settings in games, spend a little time messing around, you might be pleasantly surprised at how good it can be.
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