kindly sent to me by Sion, a non forum member, but happy to add contribution until registration is enabled again:
Neovo F417 – By Sion (non forum member)
User Pictures Of Monitor:
Pic 1
Colour Reproduction:
The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.
Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Before I begin, all these tests were done at default colour settings. I haven’t bothered changing them yet. Anyway, colours are all very vivid on this picture, though the reds do appear stronger than the others. Not in an intrusive way, but I’d imagine switching colour temp would sort out this negligible issue.
Image 2: Colour Sands – As before, definite tendency towards the red end of the spectrum. But other colours still very vivid, there is nothing being taken away from there.
Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Can’t notice any difference from the CRT to be honest here. Looks just as good, blacks and greys well defined. Colours ok (Though the red shadow thing on the floor seems a bit pixelated).
Pixel Response Program: Results = 14ms (Manufacturer’s spec 12ms)
Gaming Observations: - Played some CoD at native resolutions, lovely. One word for it! Colours are great, picture is pin sharp, colours were lovely (well, not many colours on show in CoD, but the flame effects were gorgeous!!) HL2, no probs at all. Had to turn on Vsync otherwise it would tear the image, but I believe this is an issue with many TFTs anyway. Solitaire has never looked better either !

Gaming is fine, I’m not a hardcore gamer, but I do like to play every so often, but results so far are positive.
Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Not an avid gamer anymore I must admit, but I still like to play the latest-greatest releases…though the last game I bought was Riddick.
Panel Uniformity:
Black Screen - Black right across, but for a little hint of lighting in far bottom left corner. But you'd have to be close to notice it.
White Screen - Same again. From distance pure white. Up close little bit of off-colour around the edge. But I mean up close (few inches)
Image Clarity:
? Running at 60hz, as that seems to produce the best results. In 70-72hz, I notice some sort of ghosting effect around text. 60hz text is clear though, best results through that. Doesn’t seem to be an option for 75hz for me.
Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? – n/a
Viewing Angles:
Vertical: - Definitely needs to be looked at relatively straight on, or brightness becomes an issue. Luckily I don’t use my monitor stood up, or sat on the floor, so its not an issue.
Horizontal: - Probably not in all honesty, but sod other people, I bought this for myself!! You could probably get 3 people around it sat down watching something, think of those angles. More than that and the two on the end would be moaning.
Movie Playback:
General Movie Playback: - Well, my main use these days is watching my downloaded American TV shows (but only the good ones!) Family Guy, South Park, American Dad, 24. Animation is lovely, colours vivid and bright (as you can see from the picture I linked to) Live action is great too, 24 has lost none of the charm, even in those darkened action scenes. I can fully recommend this monitor if you want something to watch DVDs or DIVX/XVID videos on, results are great.
Additional Comments:
For £140 delivered, I think it’s a bit of a bargain. Only other option at this price for such a responsive screen is the Digimates, but to be honest, they look like crap. This has a thin bezel, is in black, and looks the biz.