**Review your TFT! - OcUK User Reviews and Comparisons**

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27 Aug 2004
As some people may know by now, Baddass has very kindly made a TFT test for these which is available for download HERE

At the bottom of the test Baddass has stated that he would convert the document to code that can be used in the forums, so i thought it would be nice for those that have participated to post their results if they so wish for us forum goers to compare TFT with.

As most people know, there is nothing like getting advice off a person that already has the screen, so i thought this thread may come in hand to at least a few people.
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Acer 1916W - reddeathdrinker
Dell 1905FP - Salami1212
Dell 2001FP - Mud
Dell 2005FPW - Frank Butcher
Dell 2407WFP - keogh
LG 1720B - Stellios
LG 1780U - Ice On Fire
LG M208WA - JsD
Iiyama 435S - PieMaster
NEC LCD20WGX2 - Richdog
Neovo F417 (R12) - Evade
Neovo F417 (R12) - John1986
Neovo F417 (R12) - Sion (non forum member)
Samsung 913B - Fish99
Samsung 913N - mortals
Samsung 913N - Lemonzest
Samsung 913N - divine_madness
Samsung 970P - steve_h
Sharp LL172A (x2) - Kainz
Sony HS94B - Evil513
Viewsonic VG910B - ajgoodfellow
Viewsonic VP191B-2 - newbiejim
Viewsonic VP191B-2 - ocukcustomer
Viewsonic VP930 - djohn
Viewsonic VX912b - KaHn
Viewsonic VX924 - SeanyK
Xerox XA7-192i - ajgoodfellow
Xerox XA7-192i - MeddIE


Samsung 913N vs Dell 1905FP (8ms AUO) - $anch3z


How to participate!:

I've attached all you need in this one download.

Open up either the:

Monitor Review template - if you're reviewing just one monitor

or the

Monitor Comparison template - if you're comparing 2 monitors, or a TFT to a CRT

Just follow the steps really. All the key quesitons are there, so just fill in the boxes and at the end it should be a pretty comprehensive and useful review of your screen / screens :) Just send it back over to me when you're done and I'll put it in code and send it back for you to post on OcUK if you want to. I can then also archive the review on my site for future use

Thanks for your help with the testing
Thanks to Baddass for the conversion.

LG1720B – By Stellios


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1

Pic 2

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – All pretty much balanced, with a clear sharp picture. In this test the yellow colours seem quite bright compared to the rest of the colours, although yellow is naturally a bright colour.

Image 2: Colour Sands – They all look pretty much balanced. Nothing seems to stand out from the crowd in the way of being over bright, although the greens look fairly similar, but there is a difference. The green on the top right is brighter than the one below, but there is not a huge difference

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Very clear picture. There isn’t really any too dark areas although a lot of the room is very dark, but nothing that cant be changed by altering my brightness (I like my screen pretty dark as its easier on eyes).


Pixel Response Program: Results = 23ms (manufacturer's spec 16ms)

Gaming Observations: - Obviously slight ghosting is noticeable, although its nothing that worries me. Within a fast paced game like UT2k4 I hardly notice any ghosting, although some is there. This ghosting doesn’t really effect me at all as its not a lot and something I’ve grown used to and don’t notice now. When I first got the screen this ghosting was noticeable, but barely and took me about 5 minutes to get used to. The screen’s actually better at displaying a picture than my old CRT was. It has brighter colours and images are so much sharper.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Ghosting is there, although it is minimal and nothing that would be enough to make me dislike the screen. The colours are well balanced and are pretty vivid. The black is black, although ghosting is visible the most with white of a black background.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Yes I play a lot of games; I think my xfire profile say it all to be honest (profile.xfire.com/Stellios). Usually clock up at least 20 hours of gaming a week, so id consider myself pretty heavy.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - No noticeable backlight leakage and the black is almost completely black. It actually makes it look as if the screen is turned off it’s that dark.

White Screen - The white stays the same consistently across the screen and is of a nice brightness, its not too bright although not too dark.

Image Clarity:

Personally I find the screen looks sharper at 75Hz rather than 60Hz, which is unusual as all the other screens I’ve used look better at 60Hz. Cleartype makes a massive difference to the clarity of text, and makes it a lot easier to read.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - N/A, don’t have DVI

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - The colour changes when I am at about 45 degrees of the screen, although at no point up to 180 degrees does it become unreadable.

Horizontal: - Once again, the screen changes at about 45 degrees, although is useable all the way to 180 degrees. The screen would be OK for watching a movie with a crowd, although a CRT would probably do the job better.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - There is noticeable ghosting on the screen with this movie, although nothing that makes it unwatchable. It has actually surprised me how little ghosting there is considering the fast paced nature of the movie. The colour reproduction was great and very accurate with the greens showing up perfectly on the blacks etc. Overall the movie looked very good and very watchable.

General Movie Playback: - Although my screen is not used for a lot of movies, those I have watched using it have been fine, although ghosting is present on a larger scale than when gaming. My dad noticed this when I was watching ‘Band of Brothers’ although its something I don’t notice any more as its quite minimal and ghosts a lot less than my dads laptop screen does (my dads pretty picky).
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With thanks to Baddass for kindly converting this into code

ViewSonic VG910b – By ajgoodfellow


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 (on the right) | Pic 2 | Pic 3

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – The overall picture tends to give a decent colour reproduction. The palette on the left hand side of the picture does look a little washed out, as if they are pastal colours. The uniformity is good.

Image 2: Colour Sands – All of the colours look good here, although they tend slightly to blue (the blue colours look slightly more vibrant than the rest). As before, they look a little like pastal colours.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – The black levels do look deep. The definition in the areas however isn’t great – you can distinguish dark grey from black quite easily but the black areas appear a little ‘swamped’. For instance, on the left hand side of the door you can see the different shades of grey but looking at it as a whole it is tricky to make out the detail – if you zoom right in it is easier but still not overly well defined.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 31ms (Manufacturer's spec 25ms)

Gaming Observations: - The main games I’ve played are Half Life 2, Need For Speed Underground and UT 2004. Ghosting is very noticeable in Half Life 2 – there is a very distinct full-screen blur when you move from left to right. Even if you move slowly you can see a distinct loss of definition. The ghosting is not so noticeable in NFSU – it’s there but doesn’t overly detract from the gaming experience. It looks like you’ve permanently got motion blur on! Funnily enough, in UT2004 it’s fine – I can’t see any ghosting!!

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - The video doesn’t show any ghosting or blurring. The colours on it look nice and vivid and clear – the dark areas are defined and the blacks look deep (although it’s a movie so probably not quite as good as the game!)

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Tricky question! I used to play a lot of games but recently haven’t had the time – having said this though I’d say I’m a fairly avid gamer! :) I would definitely not recommend this screen for gaming – it’s actually stopped me playing as many games as the ghosting gives me a headache! (perhaps this is good as I shouldn’t play so many!?)

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - In a completely darkened room, it looks a little washed out – this isn’t so noticeable if it isn’t full screen. There is a little backlight leakage around the edges of the screen – not a huge amount though. It seems to be at it’s worst in the bottom right hand corner. The screen looks like a dark grey!

White Screen - In a completely darkened room it looks perfect! It’s perfectly uniform – even to the edges and no particular areas look different to any other areas!!

Image Clarity:

This is very very good. It is pin-sharp across the whole screen – even pictures are perfectly reproduced. Very impressive! Cleartype doesn’t help – it leads to blurred text – the text is really sharp with it turned off! The image is a little sharper at 60Hz against 75Hz.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - The image quality isn’t nearly as good on VGA. You can see slight dithering across the screen and slight banding on colours – the focus isn’t quite as good either (although I’m being critical as the DVI is so good!)

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - The viewing angles are rather good actually. To see a change in brightness, you need to stand up and look down on the screen at about a 20 degree angle. At about a 10 degree angle it becomes unusable. (Using top down as a 0 degrees reference point)

Horizontal: - This is better than Vertical. Brightness and clarity doesn’t seem to change moving from side to side. You need to be practically looking at it side on to see a difference – similar angles to above but slightly less, say 15 degrees and 5 degrees. It would be suitable for several people sat side by side. (Using from side on as a 0 degree reference point)

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - The movie looks good overall. The colours are distinct and well defined – there isn’t any noticeable noise. There isn’t any noticeable blurring throughout (apart from the intended ones on the fight scenes with Neo!) – funny as it ghosts on games but movies do look pretty good on it!

General Movie Playback: - Movies look good in general – I haven’t noticed any real problems. In cartoons I can see a little ghosting, but it’s not too bad. Movies on the whole are free from ghosting – the colours look good without any real noise on them.

Additional Comments:

Overall, the uniformity and colour of this panel has impressed me. So often I see larger panels with poor colour distinction and poor uniformity. The focus is spot on & the panel is nice and bright. When I’ve been editing photos or watching movies it’s been good. The only disappointing aspect is the ghosting – it’s just funny that this isn’t noticeable in UT2004 or movies! Some games do suffer from it badly though. Briefly comparing it to the monitor on my iMac the colours are far more accurate – the whites for example are spot on – they are perfectly white! The colour balance is good too. Even after fiddling with the colour settings on the mac the screen still has a distinctly yellow tint to it.
Baddass, I would suggest that everyone put their monitor response time so it can be compared to the results from the program. Also another thing, why is every one getting that slow response time?
well i was avoiding quoting the "response time" as mentioned by the manufacturer as this is readily available anyway (from sticky, spec pages etc) and isn't really that useful from a testing point of view. I'll try and sort that out though as a reference. Thanks for the suggestion :)

Ppl are getting varied results as the response time from that program is more of an "average" response time than the fastest one possible. Bare in mind that the ISO standard response time is the fastest transition they have measured in their testing and is the black > white transition. This is the figure that the manufacturers quote and isn't really that useful in determining the performance of a TFT, only as a rough guide to what you might expect. The results so far are in keeping with what i would expect to be honest, a response time figure based on a more avergae performance / transition.

EDIT: done ;)
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keeping an eye on whats going on guys nice work.

Could i suggest that any of the pictures people will use to test are resized and available for the most common desktops, ie 1280x1024 1600x1200 1920x1200 and err perhaps that funny 20" widescreen one. This will allow the user to download the appropiate size and view it without scaling.

Regarding the response time test i havnt tried it but perhaps have someone run it at different Hz eg 60Hz / 75Hz and possibly re-compare again with DVI against VGA. Interesting to see if the results differ?

Keep up the good work
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thanks for the input Mr Latte. Will sort out those images as suggested and make them part of the download package :)
Thanks to Baddass.

Sony SDM-HS94B – Evil513


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5 | Pic 6 | Pic 7 | Pic 8

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Image is very bright and vivid. All colours look well balanced and in a way unreal.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Colours very bright. Probably a bit too much. The monitor has a pre-set colour types plus you can set your own one. They vary from cold to very warm palette which is nice.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – The whole image looks very bright and clear with no shadowy or complete dark sections unlike the game. Probably more contrast and bright then originally intended in the game.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 13ms (Manufacturer’s spec 12ms)

Gaming Observations: - I play a lot of first person shooters. Well at least I used to. It is a quite different experience playing games on a TFT screen after you’ve played on a good 19” CRT monitor. And to be honest it varies on the different games. I have noticed no ghosting in DOOM 3 and the game looks bright and clear.

It is a real pleasure playing Far Cry especially in open spaces. Very detailed and crisp picture. No ghosting. A bit of a smearing but nothing major. It gets a bit worst in indoor scenes. Slight ghosting but the smearing gives the game a sort of a “dream” effect, where everything looks surreal. Perfectly playable though.

Half-life 2 – that is the game where the smearing and ghosting is most noticeable. No overall ghosting just on some small details like wires and fences. Same “dream” effect. As the game’s main colour is grey I think this is the reason all this to be so noticeable. As a conclusion I would say the grey or shadowy scenes is where this monitor suffers. Bright colours, green, red, yellow, blue, black, white – no problem at all.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - I have watched the trailer from a very close distance trying to pick all the little details up. No ghosting at all. Nothing. Perfectly crisp and sharp picture. And the black is really black.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I wouldn’t consider my self an avid gamer, although I play a lot. I would definitely recommend this monitor. As I said playing games on a CRT and TFT monitors is quite different. The image is more responsive on CRT but more detailed and crisp on TFT. Another point – the monitor I have got is not a typical Sony. It’s the HS94 non P model. Still 12ms panel. The screen is not reflective. Weird. It is late 2004-2005 batch.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - For some reason when I open up the black image in full screen window it appears really inky black, but when I set it up to fill up the whole screen it looks a bit washed out. And changes throughout the panel when I change the viewing angles. I can see some sort of a leakage in the corners which disappears even with the slight change of the viewing angle.

White Screen - White is pretty uniform. Pretty bright but not painfully. Although it appears like watching a very bright white panel behind a tanned glass.

Image Clarity:

Image is very crisp. Text is clear. For some reason after installing the drivers from the disc that comes with the monitor, it only gives me 60Hz in monitor settings.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - I have only got a dual DVI graphics card so can’t really say.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - The image doesn’t change at all if I move let’s say 30 degrees up or down. But does changes a bit beyond that. But not much. Even text is readable if you look down on it at about 5-10 degrees.

Horizontal: - Quite a lot better than the vertical viewing angles. Getting like 15 degrees on each side where the image is still usable (and text readable) but the brightness changes and the colours get a bit washed out.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - No blurring throughout the whole trailer. The blacks are really black. I would even say it’s too sharp. Don’t get me wrong it’s awesome it’s just in a way looks like the animatrix. But I guess I am too used to the CRT screens.

General Movie Playback: - I have only tried a few movies. One of them was LOTR Return of the king. To be honest it was surprisingly pleasant experience. Especially the final battle. Everything is crisp sharp, colours well defined. Even the grey shades. No ghosting at all, and I am picky.
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Dell 2005FPW – By Frank Butcher


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Looking at the first image is an almost drop-jaw reaction of how vivid and well produced the colours are. The image looks so crisp and sharp compared to my old CRT, needs to be seen to be believed.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Again, same reaction to the first picture, colours jump out at you, very crisp clean picture. All colours superbly produced.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Black and grey areas are visibly different. The black looks black how it should do. I was worried about the reproduction of black on a TFT but I’m more than happy with the result from this picture. Again a very crisp image is produced.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 15ms (Manufacturer’s spec 16ms)

Gaming Observations: - Out of all the tests I’ve put the panel through, gaming was the most important to me and gaming is where this panel has impressed me the most. First I booted up World of Warcraft at 1680x1050 with 2x AA and the result was breathtaking. Image was sharp and crisp and there was absolutely no ghosting at all to be seen. Blacks and whites were reproduced to a high quality. Counterstrike: Source was equally impressive. Again running at the same resolution on my x800, there was no ghosting. My CRT is now truly redundant as this panel really excels at gaming. Thoroughly impressed overall.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Just downloaded and ran the trailer twice. Again there was absolutely no noticeable ghosting or blurring that I could see, blacks were deep and looked how they should do. Again a very impressive benchmark to show off this panel.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I would consider myself to be a very avid gamer. Probably spend a good 20-30 hours a week gaming so the panel simply must perform well for games which it does with ease. I would 100% recommend the TFT.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - There looked to be a slight bit of backlight leakage covering about 5cms at the top right of the screen. However the black was well produced, and looked nice a deep.

White Screen - On a white screen you can’t make out the backlight leakage, white looks consistently the same all across the panel. No differences. White looks as pure as it comes.

Image Clarity:

Image clarity is superb, the pictures I saw earlier in the review were literally jaw dropping. Colours are produced beautifully and picture really grabs you as it so crisp and vivid. A screen of text is clear and easy to read. Didn’t notice much difference between 60hz and 75hz.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - There’s defiantly a noticeable difference between using DVI to VGA. DVI seems a tad better in producing a clearer, crisper, sharper image. Difference between the 2 isn’t amazing though.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Image gets a bit darker as the angle gets more and more but still nice and clear whatever angle I seem to look at it from. Can read text off of it etc.

Horizontal: - Again the same response as above. Multiple people viewing from different angles shouldn’t be a problem.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - The resolution of this trailer is quite harsh when its stretched out which degrades the image a fair bit but again, I couldn’t spot any ghosting, any odd noises or artifacts no matter how hard I tried and I’m sitting about a foot away from the screen! Large areas of colour seem vivid and well produced. Blacks look deep and how they should.

General Movie Playback: - I played through 15 mins of Star Wars Episode 2 DVD and again was very impressed with the quality. Wipes the floor with my CRT, the vivid colours and crispness of the image is truly draw dropping and adds another element to the movie itself. I don’t usually play DVDs on my PC but I may start to after seeing this!
kindly sent to me by Sion, a non forum member, but happy to add contribution until registration is enabled again:

Neovo F417 – By Sion (non forum member)


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Before I begin, all these tests were done at default colour settings. I haven’t bothered changing them yet. Anyway, colours are all very vivid on this picture, though the reds do appear stronger than the others. Not in an intrusive way, but I’d imagine switching colour temp would sort out this negligible issue.

Image 2: Colour Sands – As before, definite tendency towards the red end of the spectrum. But other colours still very vivid, there is nothing being taken away from there.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Can’t notice any difference from the CRT to be honest here. Looks just as good, blacks and greys well defined. Colours ok (Though the red shadow thing on the floor seems a bit pixelated).


Pixel Response Program: Results = 14ms (Manufacturer’s spec 12ms)

Gaming Observations: - Played some CoD at native resolutions, lovely. One word for it! Colours are great, picture is pin sharp, colours were lovely (well, not many colours on show in CoD, but the flame effects were gorgeous!!) HL2, no probs at all. Had to turn on Vsync otherwise it would tear the image, but I believe this is an issue with many TFTs anyway. Solitaire has never looked better either ! :P Gaming is fine, I’m not a hardcore gamer, but I do like to play every so often, but results so far are positive.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Not an avid gamer anymore I must admit, but I still like to play the latest-greatest releases…though the last game I bought was Riddick.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Black right across, but for a little hint of lighting in far bottom left corner. But you'd have to be close to notice it.
White Screen - Same again. From distance pure white. Up close little bit of off-colour around the edge. But I mean up close (few inches)

Image Clarity:

? Running at 60hz, as that seems to produce the best results. In 70-72hz, I notice some sort of ghosting effect around text. 60hz text is clear though, best results through that. Doesn’t seem to be an option for 75hz for me.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? – n/a

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Definitely needs to be looked at relatively straight on, or brightness becomes an issue. Luckily I don’t use my monitor stood up, or sat on the floor, so its not an issue.

Horizontal: - Probably not in all honesty, but sod other people, I bought this for myself!! You could probably get 3 people around it sat down watching something, think of those angles. More than that and the two on the end would be moaning.

Movie Playback:

General Movie Playback: - Well, my main use these days is watching my downloaded American TV shows (but only the good ones!) Family Guy, South Park, American Dad, 24. Animation is lovely, colours vivid and bright (as you can see from the picture I linked to) Live action is great too, 24 has lost none of the charm, even in those darkened action scenes. I can fully recommend this monitor if you want something to watch DVDs or DIVX/XVID videos on, results are great.

Additional Comments:

For £140 delivered, I think it’s a bit of a bargain. Only other option at this price for such a responsive screen is the Digimates, but to be honest, they look like crap. This has a thin bezel, is in black, and looks the biz.
LG L1780U – By Ice On Fire


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – In this image the colours look vivid, and very clear. Almost as if you’re looking at it with your own eyes standing there in front of it. All the colours are well produced, they are bright and clear, this picture really does look excellent on this screen!

Image 2: Colour Sands – The colours look once again excellent here, very bright and clear – Also a sharp image. They are vivid and well produced!

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – The Doom 3 picture looks great on this monitor, you can clearly see which areas are grey, light grey and just black areas. Most of the black areas seem to have some depth to them as well, this game, (Doom 3) also is sweet to run on this screen bring new life to the room!


Pixel Response Program: Results = 12 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 12 ms)

Gaming Observations: - I’ve played the following games: Need For Speed Under Ground 2, Half Life 2, Doom 3, Far Cry. And in all of these games the screen worked very well, I couldn’t notice anything wrong. Just a nice vivid screen that looked great. All images in games were sharp as well!

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - I couldn’t see any blurring on the trailer, nor did I see any ghosting either! Some of the dark levels were displayed correctly as well. Trailer was fast so I couldn’t see anything wrong, all looked good to me!

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Well, I do like my games, but I don’t play games a lot well not as much as I used to. However I am very impressed with this screen, I was told it would or might have some problem with gaming. None here all good! I would highly recommend this screen to a gamer it’s very nice!

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - The image seemed fairly constant in its colour all over the screen, there are places were it’s a bit lighter then others. You can clearly see were cathodes in the screen are and it’s a little patchy. But it does look deep and not washed out at all, very good.

White Screen - The white screen is pretty much uniform all over. It's all same colour, and no smudges or yellow at all.

Image Clarity:

Text on the screen is very clear and not jagged at all. The images are also very sharp and look much better then it did on my old monitor! Much more vivid and you see more detail then you did before! I tried switching between 60 and 75Hz, can’t say I could see anything different between the two.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - Couldn’t say I noticed that much of a difference although on DVI the image looked shaper and a little better.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - If I stand up and look directly down on the screen from above it you can still see the image/text however brightness has changed its dimmer and you can see the image still, however text you can’t see or read it rather after you’re just about to look over the back of monitor.

Horizontal: - The brightness changes as you move along the screen however it’s still fully visible. It would be okay for a few people to view the screen side by side. And at different angles as well, would be good to watch with a few people for a movie.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - The movie looks sweet as, excellent quality! I didn’t notice any blurring and all looked great. Same comments as below really.

General Movie Playback: - This screen is used a lot for movies, and they look excellent on here, just about perfect I seriously can’t see anything wrong and it’s a real pleasure to watch them on here I’ve decided to watch more on here lol. But it looks sweet as! No issues at all! And with the good viewing angles you can’t go wrong!

Additional Comments:

At £250 delivered this screen doesn't come cheap, however it's worth every penny. It's such a sexy screen and looks great! I doubt anyone would regret buying it. I havn't and I love using it! :D
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Viewsonic VX912b – By KaHn


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – As I look at the colours I can make out every shade of blue, red and yellow and none seem tinted in any way, against my old CRT this is in a league of its own.

Image 2: Colour Sands – The colours are all shaded correctly and very vivid, as before a lot better than my CRT.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – From looking at the picture I can clearly make out different shades of grey and the dark grey stands out from the black in the picture.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 12 - 13 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 12 ms)

Gaming Observations: - I have played HL2, Ground Control 2, Battlefield 1942, City of Heroes and a few other smaller games and have noticed no tearing, ghosting and have been thoroughly surprised at how good this monitor actually was when reading reviews on 16ms monitors being noticed to ghost.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - As before no ghosting or blurring and the black areas are very black.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I play computer games pretty much every day so yes an avid gamer, I would definitely recommend this TFT to any one who plays games as long as they are going to sacrifice the high resolution for the games, if they aren’t willing to do that then they must stick with the CRT’s.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - As before the blacks on this monitor are consistent through out the whole monitor and do not show leakage anywhere.

White Screen - With the white I can see a very small amount of smudging around the corners but this is a very small amount and does not alter the rest of the picture.

Image Clarity:

I use this monitor for university work as well as gaming and after writing my 12000 word dissertation my eyes were still ok so no fuzzy edges. The text is very sharp and clear as with most pictures.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - Only ever used the DVI as my graphics card only has DVI outputs.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - I’ve watched the full matrix trilogy on this monitor and not one complaint, I have also used the monitor to watch a variety of movies all of which looked perfect.

General Movie Playback: - As above no problems with the monitor in any way shape or form, a top class monitor. My only complaint is the naïve resolution as I would prefer it to be higher but that is down to personal preference.
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Iiyama ProLite E435S – By PieMaster


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Color representation is excellent on this panel – colors look strong and vibrant.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Same as previous, but the darker areas near the edge of the boxes are lighter then I presume they should be.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Dark and black areas are where the screen falls down. It represents them very badly as dark grays because of the brightness of the backlight.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 14 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 10 ms)

Gaming Observations: - I haven’t noticed any ghosting in: RTCW:ET, Half Life 2, Doom 3, NFSU2 and various other modern games. It is defiantly an improvement over my older 15” LG1510S which used to ghost heavily in RTCW:ET.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Blacks are lighter than the should be, but there is no ghosting or blurring.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I consider myself a casual gamer, I generally play for 10-15mins and then use the PC mainly for work/revision purposes. If you like bright games such as light simulator, Half Life 2 (for most of it) etc; or if you do graphics or web design then this is defiantly a good screen to consider.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - There is noticeable backlight bleed of around 5cm around the edge, and a random one about 2/3rds of the way across and halfway down.

White Screen - White is even and balanced across the screen.

Image Clarity:

Text is clear; currently I run the screen without Clear Type. There is no noticeable difference between 60Hz and 75Hz.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - The VGA input picks up a lot of interference in this room, which results in a ‘wavy’ picture; I now use a DVI input which does not suffer from this effect at all.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Display is readable at 30 degrees, although the colors begin to distort around 20-20

Horizontal: - For gaming or movies, it is acceptable at 45 degrees, but for Office applications beyond 30 would become a nuisance.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - [From watching the full DVD] Dark scenes are impossible to view, which is obviously a problem for the Matrix series. I didn’t notice any artifacts or similar when watching at normal viewing angles.

General Movie Playback: - I use the monitor on a MCE2005 machine, so it gets used a lot for movies, and is generally fine for them – unless they have significant dark scenes. I recently tried some HDTV samples on it and they looked great – especially step into liquid.


My screen recently went bad and the gamma completly screwed up. Nothing was beyond 50% grey, so was way too white.

The replacement has none of the bleed issues that the old one had, and still doesnt have any dead pixels. The colours are even more vibrant, and the blacks far deeper.
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AG Neovo F-417 (R12) – By John1986


Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Colours are exceptionally vivid, especially the prime colours, red in particular. Overall great reproduction of colour.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Again, vivid colours, no colour seems to be too bold in this image.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Black varies well from grey, dingy areas look dingy, with certain areas standing out (such as the strip lights illuminating effect in the left of the image). Shadows work suitably well. Impressive overall.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 15 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 12 ms)

Gaming Observations: - Call of Duty:
No ghosting at all. Slight smearing when turning quickly (didn’t disrupt experience at all though), however after around 10 minutes, I did not notice any. Having used a CRT for years (my first TFT here) it may have been me adjusting to the use. Overall very impressive.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Dark colours are suitably moody, with the bright colours vividly bursting from the video. No blurring, ghosting or picture deformities of any kind.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I would consider myself a reasonably serious gamer, and on a tight budget (£125) this monitor has impressed me so much, I am considering getting another for dual screens. I honestly could not justify spending any more on a TFT display, when for this price the experience is excellent. The only reason to spend more is if you would prefer a larger image, but remember, a 17” TFT is of equal viewing size as a 19” CRT monitor.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - More of a very inky purple-black than pure black, with slight backlight leakage at the very edges, never noticed that until now, so it must only show on a perfectly black screen.

White Screen - Whites are pure white across the entire screen.

Image Clarity:

Image is crystal clear. Clear type does not really increase text clarity, as it is crisp with the standard setting, although it doesn’t depreciate the image either.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - VGA only.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Vertical angles are excellent, the point where you are standing directly above the screen, a point which would never be used, the image is only slightly distorted, though obviously you cannot actually use this angle. I have yet to see distortion, at any angle which would actually be used.

Horizontal: - Again, I have yet to see any angle which is distorted. 5 people could easily sit around a desk and view a film with no discomfort. Obviously, the further back, the more people could view the film.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - No anomalies of any kind within the image, no blurring, corruption or ghosting of any kind as far as I can see.

General Movie Playback: - The monitor is perfectly fine for movies. Bright, vivid, no ghosting or interference at all. The only real problem that there is with movie playback is that they always look better on a large screen, so that might be a consideration. If you are on a budget, or have no room for larger, this could be your perfect monitor.
Ta Badass! Code wouldn't work right at first due to me being stuck in the forum's Enhanced Mode. Sorted now.

Sharp LL172A (x2) – By Kainz

User Pictures Of Monitor:

Images have been resized down from 2304x1728, therefore have lost a lot of definition :/

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5 | Pic 6 | Pic 7

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – The colors look extremely vivid and as good as my 19” Mitsubishi Diamond Pro sitting just below me. The blacks to the upper far right, and lower bottom left look a bit too dark in comparison to my CRT though.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Nothing special here, the colors are vivid and very bright. The flame colored sandbox towards the bottom right stands out the most in terms of brightness.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Much to my surprise the screenshot matches what I see on my CRT (running at 1280x1024@60hz) here. I expected the blacks to be too dark, but the blacks don’t look as dark as I expected on these TFT’s, and the gray levels are just perfect. The scene looks very easy on the eye.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 20ms (Manufacturer’s spec 16 ms)

Gaming Observations: - Concerned about ghosting, I tried a lot of fast moving games: Freelancer (space combat sim), Need for Speed Underground 2, Fifa 2005, and Half Life 2. As a CRT diehard I noticed the difference right away. Yes there was ghosting, but nothing that I couldn’t adjust to after a few months of use. The ghosting was obviously apparent in Half Life 2 though, and I’ve no idea how other higher quality TFT panels compare. Fifa, NFSU2 had very little ghosting and it was hard to tell the difference from my CRT. Freelancer did have small amounts ghosting during fast paced combat and tight turns – the colours of various nebula’s in the background look like they were smeared. Otherwise it’s not too bad at all.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - No blurring or ghosting here. I played the video at full screen and noticed that the blacks where more of a lighter tone then expected. It was a fast moving trailer so it’s hard to tell tbh.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I’m not an avid gamer anymore, I have little time. During my gaming days I had my twin Mitsubishi 19” CRT’s (still have them) but as I tend to now play slower paced games e.g RTS’s, adventure games, along with the odd driving game I’m ok with TFT’s. In-game static images were sharp, but if you’re a serious gamer I’d pay attention to the above observations re: ghosting.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - The black screen to me looked more of a dark gray then a solid black that my CRT showed. It did appear to be a tad lighter towards the bottom bezel of my first TFT screen/while it was fine and uniform on my second TFT. I couldn’t spot any backlight leakage though.

White Screen - The color is uniform across the whole screen and there is no variation in color towards any corner of the screen.

Image Clarity:

I run Win2000 which hasn’t got the ClearType feature that WinXP has, so text on the screen is extremely clear and sharp, jaggies are very apparent on the system fonts due to lack of ClearType. XP users obviously won’t suffer from this. All my high res photos from my digicam are simply vivid and stunning – easily equal to my CRT’s and I’m quite sure they look more detailed colour-wise. The screen is superb for general windows/imaging use in my opinion. I switched between 60 and 75hz but honestly couldn’t see a difference.
Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - These two TFT’s are VGA only.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - While standing (I’m 5f 11”) text on any background is still clear and readable. Images tend to lose their vibrancy so to speak, the colours look whiter up fully standing up

Horizontal: - Looking at the screens from the side definitely supports other comments that the viewing angles aren’t the best. Just tilting your head towards the far left/right of the screen introduces a ‘yellow’ tinge to the screen. While text is still perfectly readable, images and movies will be affected. I tend to watch a lot of DVD’s, and my CRT’s in this aspect will be missed. I now watch films 5ft away from these TFT’s directly head on and for that they are perfectly fine. However if there were several people in the room, obviously they’d not enjoy it.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - The trailer looked perfect. I had no blurring on either screens and there were no artefacts at all. Blacks…they looked perfect – the scene where Trinity in that leather suit drops from a great height as something explodes in front of her was perfect, her black suit looked dark and just right.

General Movie Playback: - Movies look stunning colour-wise. Although I should state that some DVD’s seem a bit too sharp for my liking. When playing DVD’s on my CRT’s they were clear, but seem more pronounced on my TFT’s – is it because TFT tech is a lot sharper? I’ve no idea. I have noticed some artefacts on Lord of the Rings – human flesh tones seem to contain minor artefacts, something which I noticed right away – but only on this DVD, others were perfectly fine. Blacks seem just perfect, and on occasions a bit too dark though.
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Dell 2001FP – By Mud


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Colours are well defined and realistic (for a well lit room), not bright to the extent of lurid and exaggerated. Crisp to the extent that every smear and white spec on the clear plastic bottle and glass beaker is evident; you can count the grains of powder paint if you are so inclined.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Vivid colours; if I squint I get a mauve-indigo smear, slightly bluer than red. I think the image is slightly biased towards blue, but the reds are well represented…tough call. Each colour is distinguishable from the others.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Blacks are a deep, deep black. However there is no strain to see anything. It may as well be floodlit. Assumedly colours/greys are as they should be or more distinguished than they should be, this screen may be more defining than it should!


Pixel Response Program: Results = not run (Manufacturer’s spec 16 ms)

Gaming Observations: - In a bright and colourful game like Counter-Strike: Source ghosting is evident if you look for it. Quick turns will see the corners of walls smear, but the textures retain much of the detail when moving across the screen. Many claim this monitor doesn’t ghost at all, in truth it does but it is minor and hard to spot if you don’t know what you’re looking for. The crisp and well-defined clarity and high resolution will more than make up for any minor image-trailing. DVI-in gives bonus of centred output, 1600x900 isn’t far off 2005FPW resolution (1680x1050) and gives 16:9 instead of 16:10.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Every flaw in the video was highlighted by the screen, this is a GOOD thing! The frame rate was a tad low to ghost, but having played the game proper extensively I can vouch for it’s handling of fast game play. Like CS:S, expect minimal ghosting but very good colour representation. The old ‘look around with white stars on black space’ test retains the stars, a blurrier/ghostier(!) screen loses them behind the trail of black space.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Although recently most computer use has been relegated to Microsoft Office (which notably will run 2xA4 portrait sheets side-by-side at 94% zoom or in portrait mode (monitor tilted through 90°) a portrait page with a significant zoom.) The screen has seen much gaming use, mostly first-person shooters. Only the more hardened, grizzled and finicky of professional gamers will object to the screen (on the grounds of ghosting). 1600x1200 will require a fair heft of video-muscle, but anyone with 12-16 pipes on their card should be fine. Games like the recent 3D Prince of Persias are a sight to behold.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Black is obviously slightly less than perfect but takes a good stab at pitch black. Light distribution is fairly even although bottom-right corner is detectably brighter, not by much however. Severe nit-picking in mentioning this flaw, but I’m reasonably sure my eyes aren’t deceiving me.

White Screen - Top-left corner seems slightly darker than the rest of the screen, as with the black though the effect is negligible to the extent I doubt its existence.

Image Clarity:

60Hz cap, however great clarity; given the definition of each pixel on this screen (to the extent some complain of the ‘screen-door’ effect). Cleartype is a must. Rotating the screen through 90° removes Cleartype and text suffers considerably for it. With Cleartype text is smooth and crisp through DVI, VGA suffers slightly with minor distortion.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - DVI is flawless, VGA is very good but noticeably less well defined. Large blocks of shade/colour flicker with noise, albeit to a smaller extent than I’ve ever seen on a CRT.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Slight darkening at extremes however remains 100% legible with small text. Viewing angles for this screen are exemplary.

Horizontal: - Slight blue-green shift towards extremes but again remains 100% usable and only really noticeable in purposeful comparison with perpendicular viewing. I’ll stress slight, viewing angles are irrelevant in terms of detail and being at a ridiculous angle to the screen will be a problem long before any negative effect is noticed. Great for home cinema or collaborative work.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - Movie looks watchable but screen shows up the limitations of DVD format, let alone quicktime/DivX type movies. Mild trailing visible when looping small sections of the movie and studying closely, difficult to spot even then though. The large variety of shades in the ‘pile-on’ scene is rendered beautifully and realistically.

General Movie Playback: - In comparison to 5:4 TFTs, the 4:3 aspect ratio of the 2001FP makes the screen seem like widescreen at first. DVDs of TV shows (like Futurama and Family Guy) will run fullscreen and be displayed impeccably. Animations such as Futurama feature large blocks of luridly demanding colour and are flawless. HDTV (of what little is currently available) will have you ridiculing the skin conditions of your favourite actors.

Widescreen films are displayed well and black borders are of sufficiently deep-blacks not to be obtrusive. The screen is big enough to be watched from ~1.5m away, any further and you will lose out in detailed epic views such as those in Lord of the Rings and the like. For this kind of use the Dell 2405FPW is better suited, simply for size advantage.
Samsung 913N vs Dell 1905FP (8ms AUO)
- By $anch3z


User Pictures Of Monitors:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 (Samsung 913N)
Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5 | Pic 6 (Dell 1905FP)

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Ok I am no photo editor, but from what I can make out with both, the 913N favours red a little too much when compared to the 1905FP. It should be noted however, the Dell 1905FP is connected via DVI whereas the Samsung only has a VGA option. For me the Dell just shines through with a more realistic colour reproduction.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Ok these sands are very similar in colour, however again the Samsung lacks the crisp contrast of the Dell. On both monitors colour representation is very good but the Samsung makes hard work of defining the finer differences in red, and more noticeable with this picture purples too.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – In the Doom jpeg blacks are well defined with the Dell whereas the Samsung seems to lack some depth in comparison. Maybe only a slight margin but the Dell once again appears a little more crisp.


Pixel Response Program: Results = Samsung 913N = 9ms
Results = Dell 1905FP = 8ms
(Manufacturer’s spec, both 8 ms)

Gaming Observations: - Gaming wise both monitors are used for both Counter Strike Source and UT2004. Both my girlfriend and me went from CRT’s to our present setup. At first we noticed a difference and a very slight blurring in fast-fire fights particularly with UT2004. After a period of a week or so this became unnoticeable, unless you really look for it!

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - As has been previously mentioned both monitors perform equally well in games but the colour representation in the Dell has a very slight edge over the Samsung.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Would highly recommend both for gaming, after coming from a very good CRT (Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930sb), the transition was smooth and painless.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - The Samsung here has the advantage as I have noticed a very slight leakage around the bottom right hand corner of the Dell, whereas the Samsung is perfect.

White Screen - Both monitors appear similar with the white screen, the Dell, however, appears slightly brighter but both are uniform for the whole of the screen.

Image Clarity:

Both appear very clear in regards to text but if I was to choose between the two it would have be the dell with the sharper, crisper look, perhaps due to the lack of a DVI connection on the Samsung

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - Well the task is not possible with the Samsung, but there a slight change in the Dell between the connections

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Viewing angles on both change with some movement but here I would again favour the Dell over the Samsung but by a very small margin.

Horizontal: - As above again the Dell maintains a viewable screen just slightly longer as the angle increases.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - The Dell shows some colour differentiation in large areas of dark colours.

General Movie Playback: - The differences are once again marginal with the Dell defining blacks slightly better, which I am sure could be worked around through the likes of Powerstrip.

Additional Comments:

Overview: Using the same drivers for both monitors and similar graphics cards (x800 pro – 913n & x800xt pe – 1905FP), in fact both pc’s have similar hardware P4’s clocked at similar speeds (3.5ghz) and both with 1gb of ram. The only difference in setups being the motherboards, which both have the same Intel 875 chipset. So the only difference being between the 2 monitors is the lack of a DVI connection on the Samsung. When comparing them on VGA the difference is literally non existent apart from minute differences in colour representation, here the Samsung is left wanting some finer control adjustment rather than having to use a third party program like Powerstrip. In summary although my partner and I do not watch movies on our monitor any more, both of these are highly suited to gaming with quick response time and ghosting at a minimum if at all.
Ok so here is my review of my recent purchase, no dead pixels BTW :)

Viewsonic VP191B – By newbiejim


Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – All colours look very vivid, I’m used to an Iiyama VM Pro CRT which I’ve always really liked. IMHO this TFT compares really well, the colours like I say are super vibrant and look to me well differentiated.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Like I said before all colours well represented and differentiated. Compares well with my CRT.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot - Black is very well represented and it is easy to differentiate between shades of grey.


Gaming Observations: - Played Battlefied 2 and I cant see any discernible ghosting. I have seen ghosting in older TFTs so I know what it is. On comparing with my CRT the TFT performs very well, my CRT is a 17in though so a direct comparison is difficult. The TFT *may* be slightly less smooth when turning very fast etc in games but again this may be due to the mismatch in screen sizes that I am comparing, in fact I am being very critical here and there may be no perceptible difference.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - No blurring or ghosting and blacks seem totally fine.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I`m not a super hardcore gamer but I am hyper-critical lol , I would definitely recommend this monitor for gaming.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Very slight backlight leakage near the corners, otherwise blacks look deep but still a little less than true black. It is very uniform though with not too much difference at the corners.

White Screen - Looks perfect to me.

Image Clarity:

Clarity is breathtaking, the overall ‘clean-ness’ of the images is apparent immediately, text is sharp , haven’t tried cleartype yet as its fine without.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - Cant say it does, tried both at different times though so side by side comparison may show differences.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - The brightness does change slightly when moving away from 90 degrees, however again it is not at all troublesome. In fact this screen is the best I have seen and the viewing angles are very good. Really not unusable until the sheer angle prohibits ‘proper’ viewing much as a CRT would given the same conditions.

Horizontal: - Looks like horizontal is better than vertical but that may just be me not doing it properly………:=),…….again, honestly this screen is very good when it comes to viewing angles, it doesn’t seem to have the overly ‘TFTness’ that is/was apparent with older/different screens.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - No blurring or artifacts that I could see, I only watched it once mind. Blacks were good and large areas of colour were good, much better than I have seen on other older TFTs.

General Movie Playback: - No noticeable noise, very impressive compared to other TFTs I have saw playing back movies, some I have seen have been truly crap with lots of ‘twinklies’. I don’t however use my monitor a lot for watching DVDs etc.
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