**Review your TFT! - OcUK User Reviews and Comparisons**

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Dell 1905fp (8ms AOU) - By Salami1212

Dell 1905FP (8ms AUO) – By Salami1212


Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – The colours are all very vivid in this picture. They all look different and clear. The TFT Is a lot better than my CRT. I am a bit colour confused so I cant really tell if i.e. the red is too red. Overall Great

Image 2: Colour Sands – Same as the last really. Very vivid and clear. Nice!!

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – I think that the black is very black and I can tell the grey areas clearly!! It is just the right amount to make games look very vivid but sometimes I have to up the brightness in the nvidia control panel in movies because sometimes its a bit dark! Better than my CRT by along way anyhow.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 15 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 8 ms G2G)

Gaming Observations: - I have played CS: Source, Age of Empires 3 and Call of Duty 2. I don’t notice any ghosting really. Maybe it was a tiny bit blurry and ghosting on player models in the dark but cant tell anymore. Bearing in mind this is first time used a TFT. A lot better than my CRT still! Call of duty 2 takes the blackness of the monitor into great effect by making it very vibrant.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - No ghosting or blurring on the unreal tournament video. The dark levels are good and displayed correctly in this.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I play games quite a lot and I definitely recommend it to gamers who play games often. I recommend it to everyone in fact, Its that good!! And once again the TFT kicks my CRT’s ass!

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - The black is very deep. It might be the tiniest bit grey compared to my CRT but cannot tell while using normally at all. When using normally i.e. with the desktop up, the blacks look much deeper than my CRT and it only looks a bit grey on a full black screen. There is a tiny bit, and I mean very small amount, of backlight leakage at the bottom left (more than top right) and top right. It’s completely undetectable except when looking at a full black screen (every TFT has a bit of backlight leakage so this is excellent)

White Screen - Very white throughout and they are pure!! I think It is tinted with green a bit too much but that went away mostly after I calibrated. 90 red - 90 green - 100 blue

Image Clarity:

The image is very, very sharp. The text is very sharp too and Cleartype helps a lot. Its not jagged as such without it (maybe a bit but that would happen on any monitor), just ugly (be honest, who wouldn’t use Cleartype). 60hz and 70hz are the same and again my TFT’s better than my CRT.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - Haven’t tried but use with DVI as with its very sharp!! Some options get disabled in DVI mode like contrast, screen movement, but the contrast is fine so there’s no need to change it and so’s the screen position.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - The image is fine throughout but some of the colours become less vivid after looking from an angle. Very good though, thought would be much worse. Maybe a bit more of a tint of discoloring towards the very edge.

Horizontal: - Same as before, image stays clear throughout but at an angle the colours change a bit. Maybe a bit more of discolouring towards the very edge. Many people could watch a movie on it!! Very good!

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - The matrix movie looks great. No blurring and noise or twinkling. The blacks are very deep and correct and are viewable properly. Many people could sit and watch a movie from the TFT! Better than my CRT!

General Movie Playback: - Normal movies look better than my CRT! No noise or twinkling effects or any that i could tell. I sometimes use it for movies and its better than my CRT. The blackness once again comes into play making lord of the rings and attack of the clones look great! HD movies look fine to.

Additional Comments:

I would highly recommend this monitor to everyone as it is perfect in nearly every way, easy on the eyes, great for games, movies, work it looks sexy and its big! Maybe the glare is a bit much at night but it’s still better than my CRT by heaps! Some people might say the blacks are too dark but I don’t think they are at all except in SOME movies. They are extremely deep!! They were too dark, when I calibrated the monitor using the Nvidia calibration tool but I reset to default and It was fine but the colour became a little bit less deep and vivid (a tiny amount). It’s fine at 1024x768, it just not as clear and its wayyyy too big, anyone will run it on the optimum resolution as its not too small at all. I think the only bad thing is that I had 1 dead pixel at the bottom left and a 2-3mm long line of dead pixels at the bottom left. They are very undetectable. Also the monitor came with a wrong cable! There is no backlight leakage (maybe a little but its inevitable) so that’s good! There was a tiny bit of trailing when I scrolled quite slowly on the forums, (the black lines didn’t stay on each other and the posts trailed) but that’s undetectable really unless you do that. The screens pivot, height adjustable things and ergonomics are great as well. If I had to be really picky, then the power button is the tiniest bit unresponsive and the buttons are a bit small so its hard to read at night. Also, there’s only four buttons so that isn’t a problem. Its just me being extremely picky. BUT OVERALL!! I would give this monitor 9.5 out of 10 just because of the things I mentioned! Best buy of my comp anyhow!

PS: Try your luck for a dell 1905fp as you will probably most likely get one as no one on this forums got the 20ms one that I know of! (don’t blame me if you do though :P)

9.5 / 10
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Acer AL1916W review....

Acer AL1916W – By reddeathdrinker


User Pictures Of Monitor:



Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Very balanced picture, accurate colour reproduction. Nothing looks washed out, or over exposed.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Again, nice vibrant colours and excellent level of detail.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Clear picture, plenty of detail, even in the darker areas.


Gaming Observations: - Played a lot of Counter Strike:Source on this monitor, along with FS2004 and Far Cry. No noticeable ghosting is apparent in any of these games, which I'm running of a 9700Pro at the moment. Fortunately, the 1400*900 native resolution of this monitor is catered for by all my games so far....

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Very, very slight ghosting when there is white movement on a black background, but not really that noticeable tbh.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I play a lot of games - the widescreen gives FPS games a nice, wide field of view, and for less than £200 inc delivery, I would recommend this to anyone with a tight budget to consider, or someone who wants dual-screens.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - No noticeable backlight leakage in normal room conditions, very slight "blooming" round the edges if you look at it in a totally dark room.

White Screen - Nice, bright consistent white across the screen.

Image Clarity:

Running at 60Hz, with cleartype on, the panel is nice and sharp for both images, video and text.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - N/A, don’t have DVI

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - No colour change throughout the vertical, readable to 170 degrees +

Horizontal: - Whites go a bit yellow at around 45 degrees, but is watchable right round to 170 degrees.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - Good colour reproduction, very slight ghosting at full-screen resolution. Doesn't spoil the quality in anyway for viewing. If you want sharp, buy a CRT :D

General Movie Playback: - I watch a lot of both films and digital TV on this screen, and I have found no cause for complaint yet. The 16:10 aspect ratio plays movies with only a small black bar top and bottom, and 4:3 shows with vertical bars either side.
NEC LCD20WGX2 – By Richdog



User Pictures Of Monitor:

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y150/Richdog/NEC Review/IMG_4111.jpg

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y150/Richdog/NEC Review/IMG_4112.jpg


Specifications and Features:

Increasing the viewing angle: the first wide screen model from NEC Display Solutions.

The modern and practical 16:10 model - perfect for all multimedia applications. With 35 percent more active screen area from the new widescreen format, in comparison to a 19 inch monitor, gaming, looking at digital images and playing videos will become a real experience.

• 20.1 inch widescreen AS-IPS display with OptiClear DVM
• 1680 x 1050 recommended resolution
• 700:1 contrast ratio (1600:1 with Advanced DVM)
• 6 ms response time (grey-to-grey)
• 4-port USB hub 2.0


Looks and Build Quality:

Visually the monitor is very, very sexy. It features a slim silver bezel, pretty plain yet very unintrusive. The buttons are also very nicely shaped and easily pressable, and a joystick has been added for navigating the menu options (can be a bit fiddly at times but overall very decent). The Power button has a nice neon blue LED on it which you can even configure the brightness on.

Construction seems sturdy but the stand is not height-adjustable (doesn’t matter to me but some may find that annoying). Overall, it scores highly in this department.


Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Looks exactly as it should to me… but then again this is not my area of expertise. Colour and tone is well-balanced.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Again looks good to me… colours are bight and punchy and vivid. Advanced DVM gives them a quality which you won’t be able to see from the pic.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – As stated later in the review, blacks are deep black and faithful to all you CRT fans. Games like this are able to be played as they should be, with dark corners hiding all manner of nasty things.



Pixel Response Program: Results = 6ms; 166.666667Hz (Manufacturer's spec= 6ms )

Gaming Observations: – Ahh gaming… this ladies and gentlemen is what this monitor is all about. I once remember someone saying to me “once you go widescreen you’ll never go back”, a statement I greeted rather dubiously. Well, in retrospect that person was absolutely right. I could never go back to 4:3 aspect ratio now, it would be like putting a pair of blinkers on and suddenly being able to see only straight ahead, a bit like if someone had taken my peripheral vision away. With 16:10 monitors you do get a little cut off the top, but this is more than made up for the increased width and field of view that the widescreen angle grants you. It is simply irreplaceable, and if someone tried to take it away now they would be having to pry my cold and clammy fingers attached to my handsome corpse off of the thing. Rather than give a general overview of games I’ll just give a report from two of the most popular and demanding games currently available, TES IV: Oblivion and COD2.


This is the game that everyone with any sense is playing or talking about, the RPG to end all RPG’s. For anyone who has been living under a rock for the past three years all you need to know is that it’s very big, very clever, and looks like Angelina Jolie covered in honey. When I first fired the game up it was on a 7800GT, so we’ll just ignore that and skip to the point where I bought an X1900XT and fired it up for the first time on that. Oh. My. God. At 1680*1050 with max details possible along with 4xAA (and a couple of select texture mods) this game is probably the pinnacle of PC graphics here toda. Forget your Doom III’s or Half-Life 2’s, this game is the mutts nutts. Rolling landscapes and placid lakes are simply brought to life by this monitor, the colour reproduction is way better than my old Compaq 22” CRT, colours are simply more vivid and the blacks deep and true. I use Advanced DVM Mode: Gaming and that helps a lot, making the overall image deeper with less glare. This game is slower paced than your average FPS, but even so there is absolutely no tearing or ghosting to be seen with this monitor in any way, shape or form. Minimal blurring was there but negligible, I only noticed it when strafe-crcling someone and keeping my eyes rooted to one spot and lets face it if you do this in-game you’re going to be dead very quickly. Besides, in real-life when you whip your gaze from one spot to another do you not experience a bit of blur? Answer is yes, it’s a perfectly normal thing and in this case un-noticeable in gameplay, so quit worrying about it. Playing the game with this monitor is the perfect compliment to an uber-GPU like the X1900, for me it simply can’t get any better. This is it.


I know this has been out a while now but I only recently got this game bundled with a graphics card and am absolutely loving it as one of the best single-player FPS experiences I have had in a good while (barring Oblivion naturally). This game is all about atmosphere, and lots of it. From the awesome sound effect to the meticoulous attention to graphical detail this is as close to fighting in WWII as you’re going to get without dressing up as a Russian and trying to storm your local German embassy (not recommended by the way). However enough fluff, you want to hear how the monitor performs in such a fast-paced FPS, right? Well, coupled with the aforementioned X1900 I run this game at 1680*1050 at max details with 4xAA and the game is as smooth as particularly fine silk and the framerate is a constant 30fps+ (except when surrounded by very heavy smoke, then its around 25fps). There is no, and I repeat NO ghosting to be seen whatsoever, and trust me I was like the eye of Sauron when it came to this… my beady little eye was glued to the screen like a 15-year old watching his first blue movie. Blurring is also a non-issue, it simply was nowhere to be seen or noticed in the fast-paced gameplay that this sort of game consists of. The experience is sublime, and again this is the type of game where widescreen is in its’ element… it gives you that edge when trying to spot those “**** faschists” as well as giving the game the most cinematic feel it can get.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? -

An avid gamer? Hmm, well I’m not one of those pasty-faced cretins who sits there all day every day in their free time racking up Xfire hours on all their favourite games but I do consider myself a “hardcore” gamer in the respect that when I find a game I love I will play it and appreciate it no matter what the genre, and that’s what its all about. Would I reccommend this monitor to anyone looking to game? Unreservedly… I never thought that buying an LCD would be as satisfying as this. I mean, I knew from reviews that this thing was going to be goiod but actually owning and experiencing it is another matter. It has lent new dimension to all of my favourite games whether it be FPS or RTS (Rome: Total War especially), and all of my worries (mainly ghosting and colour reproduction) have been banished by the near-flawless (to my eye) picture this display provides. Make no mistake, it may be a bit pricier than most 20.1” monitors but this is the best LCD of its type that money can buy. Period.

Resolution scaling.

Also well worth a mention is the excellent resolution scaling of this monitor. Unlike many inferior widescreens you have the option of using 4:3 resolutions without stretching the image, as the monitor has the capability of scaling the image down to 1:1. Although this does mean that the viewable area will naturally be smaller with black bars at each side, it banishes the blurriness and picture degredation that running an LCD monitor at a non-native resolution causes. Considering you can get almost any modern game running at widescreen resolutions it's not an issue for me, but with older games it may be a blessing. Certainly a useful and welcome feature to have.


Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen – Hmm what’s the word. Luxurious? Velvety? Either of those will do. Just power off your monitor and you’ll get the idea… black is simply… well… black. Forget your “dark greys” or “almost blacks” that most monitors throw at you with an embarrassed shrug, this is the real deal. With Advanced DV on it is further enhanced, and you can rest assured that you will not see the monstie hiding in the corner until after its claws are wrapped around your pitifully gibbering face. This is as close to CRT as you will get without it actually being a CRT.

White Screen – Umm, white. It’s white, ok? Ranging from “glaring sun on snow” white, to Advanced DV “I can actually read the text for longer than 5 minutes” white. Just move on to the next section will you?


Image Clarity:

Ahh my Compaq P1220. Not only did it require its own fission reactor in order to power up, but it was also giver of the most eye-torturingly bad images a man could ever not wish for. At higher resolutions text was blurry and indistinct, making for some truly painful reading, and the screen had a “washed out” and non-vibrant effect to images and games that just left me wanting. This is the opposite. Text is a pleasure to behold and you find yourself re-reading the same sentence twice just to appreciate its laser-sharpness (ok maybe not but you get the idea) and photos and images are so good they are almost bursting form the screen... the colour and definition make the image come “alive”. Basically it’s like taking glasses that haven’t been cleaned in the best part of a year and removing the dirt to find that the world isn’t actually half as dull or grim as you thought it was. No complaints here (duh).


Viewing Angles:

Vertical: – 180 degrees, I can’t notice any image or colour distortion unless I almost travel beyond the field of vision.

Horizontal: – Ditto.


Movie Playback:

I have a TV and DVD player separate for my movie viewing pleasure but I fired up Gladiator and The Matrix and yeah… it looked good. No ghosting or blurring of images and colour reproduction seemed more than acceptable, certainly better than most LCD TV’s I’ve seen in stores. Saw a bit of twinkling but only when I really looked for it, however as I say I don’t use the PC for watching movies so I really don’t care about this category overmuch.

General Movie Playback: -

As above, the experience is good, no ghosting and blacks are black etc etc.


Additional Comments:

A big shout out has to go to NEC’s exemplary customer service. The first monitor I received had what is best described as a “wonky button” reminiscent of a ginger step-childs front teeth, and a slight bit of noticeable bleed in the lower left corner. Now after paying that kind of money I expect no less than perfection, and so phoned NEC’s customer service dept and spoke to a lovely lady there who very quickly agreed to swap my monitor out at work for a brand new one, and pre-tested for bleed (at my request) no less! When the second arrived a few days later it was a flawless example. Hats off to NEC for being so efficient and so accommodating, many inferior companies wouldn’t be so quick to please. My experience has also been replicated by many people who have had nothing but good things to say about NEC in this department… when they see a problem they aim to fix it a.s.a.p. and you can’t ask for any more.

Dead pixels?

No dead pixels with the first, or replacement monitor I received. I was very worried about this and to this day it remains a fact of life that some LCD’s will have them but I guess I was just lucky. It’s worth noting though that these monitors are experiencing a very low rate of reported cases of dead-pixels.

Screen reflectiveness:

I can honestly say, hand on heart, that for me this is not an issue. Yes, the screen is reflective, but I am sitting next to a south-facing window and it's not proving to be a pain for me. The only time it is really noticeable is if you have an internal light source directly behind you and the screen is dark, but just make sure you have no light sources shining directly behind you and voila, problem solved! It may bother others (indeed i've heard some gripe about it) but not this user. Indeed the glossy screen lends an even richer and smoother hue to colour depth and reproduction, I really wouldn't have it any other way.


In my opinion the NEC LCD20WGX2 currently represents the pinnacle of LCD technology, the response rates are like lightning and the colour reproduction and overall image quality is superlative. Added to this the great feature that is Advanced DVM and you have a very versatile montor that will last the distance. The added USB ports are always welcome, seems like you just can't have enough these days with all the modern peripherals available. Yes, it will set you back a bit more than other examples of the same size but then again do you expect to pay for a Volkswagen and get a Jaguar? No, you pay for what you get, and in this case you are getting display royalty.

To all those umming and ahhing about migrating to LCD, terrified by over-exaggerated claims of ghosting and blurring that seem to fill the net, I say stop wringing your hands and just do it! LCD’s have now reached the point where they are wholly suitable for gaming and there really is no excuse not to be going out and getting one to replace that elephant-like CRT that is taking up half the space on your desk. Ghosting on recent models is non-existant and colour reproduction is improving all the time. Let those CRT-lovers cling on for dear life to their 100lbs of metal, glass and plastic moaning about how LCD's are just not up to scratch yet, but they are only delaying the inevitable, and ignoring the facts. It's their loss... don't make it yours too.

Now if you’ll please excuse me I think I hear Oblivion calling… ;)


*Sublime picture quality and excellent colour reproduction.
*Zero ghosting due to excellent response rate.
*Resolution scaling is excellent.
*Advanced DVM improves image quality.
*Black are deep and velvety.
*A true CRT replacement.
*Sexy design.


*No HDCP support for European versions as of yet.
*Price is higher than other monitors on the market.
*Some may find the screen too reflective.


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Dell 2407WFP – By keogh


Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – The image appears very vivid, crisp and clear. Although if looked at closely, the colour palette has a slight bleeding around each colour block. Although this is not very noticeable, and only seen if you look closely. Does not noticeably tend towards red or blue! Overall fantastic!

Image 2: Colour Sands – Very similar to the previous… looks very clear and vivid, although if looked closely there is a small bleed on the colours. But you would only notice this if you tried. Once again, very crisp and clear.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot - Can’t see any problems with this picture, this is as close to perfect as you can get. Also I have played Doom 3 on this monitor and it plays games PERFECTLY. Especially if you can be bothered to switch it to “Gaming Mode”, but games still look great in “Desktop Mode”. GREAT TFT for gaming!


Pixel Response Program: Results = 15 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 6 ms G2G)

Gaming Observations: - Ok, I’ve so far played Hitman Blood Money, Doom 3 and F.E.A.R on this monitor. There is no noticeable ghosting or any other issues that would affect the gameplay on any of these games. I’ve played most of these games on my 19” Sony Trinitron CRT, and if anything the games run better on the 2407. If you like gaming and want this TFT you will NOT be disappointed I can assure you that. The games run perfectly at the native res of 1920x1200 and also stretch and fit well with lower widescreen resolutions too.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - As with running games this was fine… although the blacks where slightly deep. Certainly not noticeable though and wouldn’t effect viewing.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I do play quite a lot of games, wouldn’t say I’m avid, but I know if a game looks correct as I am quite fussy like that. And my answer to this is if you like playing games, and want a good/large TFT I would definitely recommend this TFT without a shadow of a doubt!

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - This image appears completely black in the middle and gets slightly lighter around the edges. The bottom right hand corner is the most noticeably lightest

White Screen - The white screen compared to the black was very good. Maybe a slight leakage of colour around the edges, but this was minimal and barely noticeable.

Image Clarity:

I have no problems here… the text is very clear and crisp in my opinion and no one should experience any problems. ClearType, if anything makes the text more unreadable, as it blurs far too much.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - I have just tried Hitman Blood Money in VGA mode also, and tbh I can’t see any difference between this and DVI? If you where to play in both without any knowledge of what connection you where playing it on, you would not be able to tell the difference. With regards to the desktop, there is no way anyone could tell the difference!

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - I only saw a slight change of brightness once I was very near the end of the rotation. But its not a big change, and the screen is still very readable.

Horizontal: - As above… very similar actually. I’ve looked at the TFT from many angles, and only once you are at a very wide angle does the text become hard to read. But you could comfortably fit 5 – 7 people around the monitor and they should all be able to read it quite clearly and easily.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - This was exceptional! The trailer really jumped out at me and looked really, really clear and crisp. I watched it 3 times to carefully examine the movie and I did not notice ONE instance of ghosting or smearing. If I had to pick at something, it would be the fact that the blacks may have been a bit to dark, and detail was lost slightly (namely looking at Neo’s cloak). Even stretched fully to 1920x1200 this trailer looked good… slight blurring, but that can be expected I suppose. Overall this was very impressive!

General Movie Playback: - After viewing the Matrix trailer I chucked a DVD on, as with the trailer I was very impressed with this. I must admit I have never seen a movie look so good, the trailer was good, but the DVD’s where outstanding. Oddly the blacks on the DVD where fine! If you like watching movies then I can not recommend this monitor enough… I am still honestly quite shocked how good they looked :)

Additional Comments:

Overall, as you can tell from the review this TFT doesn't have many faults at all, and is definitely recommended for all types of users. But I couldn't leave this review without telling you about the two gripes I have with the 2407.

1. Firstly, and most importantly. The TFT does not sit level in its horizontal position. The TFT will turn clockwise in to its portrait position, but it will not turn the correct amount anti-clockwise into its landscape position. Therefore the 2407 slants to the right slightly. I'm not sure if this is a problem with all 2407, but I do know of others on ocuk who have a similar problem... but I don't think to the extent of mine. To remedy this I have used the modern, yet effective method of slotting a piece of paper/card under the right stand.

2. The second problem is not that big of a deal, as I have got use to it... but I think it would make a nice addition. When I first got my 2407 I instantly notice the difference from going to my desktop to a game... the colours in the game where to vivid and its just looked wrong. After wading through the TFT menu I found "Image Modes". After setting this mode to "Gaming Mode" Hitman Blood Money looked exactly how it should, but this is quite a chore and I wouldn;t want to do this everytime I booted up a game.

So a nice addition would be the addition of a auto switch between modes? Im sure that Dell could add information to the driver to tell the 2407 that I have switched from desktop to game, or multimedia? If not this, then a button should have been added on the front of the 2407 for an easy quick change between modes. The PIP mode has a button on the front, which I feel would certainly not be used as much as the modes button if it existed.

After saying all this though, I have actually become very use to playing games in Desktop mode, and know find "Gaming Mode".. lacking colour. So I actually prefer playing games in "Desktop Mode" now. Suppose it all depends on what CRT/TFT you have come from.

As I said above, these are two issues that don't really bother me anymore, and I doubt will bother any at all, and they certainly shouldn't effect you buying the 2407 or not.

I said it once, I'll say it again, I can't recommend this TFT enough!
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* Device Type: 20.1" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor
* Features: 100 mm VESA Mounting, Antiglare with Hard-coating 3H, Includes Height Adjustable Stand
* Image Max H-View Angle: ±89°
* Image Max V-View Angle: ±89°
* Color Support: 16.7 Million
* Dimensions (WxDxH) / Weight: With Stand: 18.6" x 7" x 13.1" to 20.2"
* Dot Pitch: 0.258 mm (Pixel Pitch)
* Image Brightness: 300 cd/m2(typical)
* Image Contrast Ratio: 800:1 (typical)
* Max Resolution: 1680x1050 Pixels
* Response time: 16ms typical
* Port(s) Total (Free) / Connector Type: 15-pin D-Sub/DVI-D/S-Video/Composite Connectors
* 4 powered USB ports

Further specs: http://support.euro.dell.com/support/edocs/monitors/2007WFP/en/about.htm#Specifications

Following on from my ‘initial impressions’ in another thread, I have to admit that after a further 3 weeks of testing, I still remain slightly underwhelmed by this monitor.

When testing, using PixPiperAn, motion blur was definitely noticeable, and although it was an improvement on my 20ms Hydis based Acer AL1731M (a superb panel in its day), the improvement isn’t as much you would think. Having said that, all TFTs monitors that I have seen – including those using 2ms, 3ms, and 8ms panels – exhibit a degree of motion blur.

There are twinkling effects during video playback, although the effect is less noticeable the further away you sit from the screen. From a distance of more than 2 metres, the twinkling effect isn't particularly noticeable. However, as a result of the twinkling effect - which seems to be to inherent to S-IPS panels - and motion blur, this monitor can't be described as exceptional for watching video, although the end result is still acceptable. Watching films is generally a lot more satisfactory than watching sports programmes where the panning motion of say a camera across a football pitch results in football players momentarily becoming blurred. If you're planning to watch a lot of football on this monitor, it probably isn't ideal.

There is noticeable pixel interpolation when playing non-native resolution video files such as DivX interpolated up to full screen, although that is to be expected when the resolution of the source material is considerably less than the monitor’s 1680 x 1050 native resolution. Again, the effect is less noticeable the further you sit from the screen. High Definition video playback at 720p and 1080p was good and interpolated video from a PAL source / TV card also looked very good.

Early revisions of this monitor (Rev A00, and to a lesser extent, Rev A01) had problems in being able to display smooth colour gradients. The A02 revision seems to have resolved these issues. When testing using Gradlin v0.3, there was some very minor colour banding that was noticeable towards the darker end of the colour spectrum but it was very minor almost to the point of insignificance. Somewhat unusually, my monitor's firmware is the original V1B11, even though the monitor label is marked Rev A02.

Colour reproduction is very good. Images and videos look bright, vibrant and colourful. Even at the default colour settings, only minimal adjustments were required when calibrating using Adobe Gamma or Nokia N-Test. The monitor has 3 pre-set “image modes” – Desktop, Multimedia and Gaming. The default setting is Desktop and in this mode, all applications worked well including video, image editing, desktop work and gaming. When Multimedia was selected, horrific colour banding was exhibited when testing using Gradlin. During video playback in Multimedia mode, colours were oversaturated as if extreme colour hues had been selected. Gaming mode was also unsatisfactory although not as extreme as Multimedia mode. It’s difficult not to take the view that the 3 pre-set “image modes” are nothing more than a gimmick. The Desktop mode was by far the best mode to use for all types of applications.

Details in dark areas of the screen (particularly during video playback and gaming) weren’t particularly well defined although there was an improvement when adjusting gamma levels within the application itself. Increasing the monitor’s brightness setting wasn’t a satisfactory solution – when settings were adjusted so that details in dark areas of the screen became visible, other parts of the image or video that were predominately white became oversaturated and detail was lost in those areas.

There was no noticeable backlight bleed that I could see, and neither were there any dead pixels when checking using Dead Pixel Buddy. The ergonomics of the screen are good with adjustments for tilt, height and rotation. On a personal note, I’m not particularly keen on the silver trim on the top and bottom edges of the bezel, as I find it slightly distracting when watching videos from a distance. An all black bezel would have been preferable. The monitor has useful 'picture in picture' and 'picture by picture' options which allow you simultaneously display an image from two different sources eg. one from your computer, and one from a DVD player. The presence of 4 powered USB ports (2 underneath, 2 on the right hand side) is a useful bonus.

The monitor has options for 1:1 pixel mapping, 4:3 aspect ratio and widescreen stretch. However, the usability of these functions isn’t particularly well implemented. For example, if you have your desktop set to 1680x1050, the OSD automatically sets to "stretch" - you cannot force 1:1 from the OSD menu as the option is greyed out. So if you wanted to play a computer game at 1280 x 1024 (not all games properly support widescreen) you would have to change the resolution in Windows to 1280x1024, then go to the monitor OSD, change to 1:1 pixel mapping, then load up the game. Then after you’ve finished the game, you would have to go back into Windows desktop and re(set) the resolution back to 1650x1050. Then if you want to play a computer game again at 1280 x 1024, you would have to go through the whole process a further time. It’s a very long winded and unncessarily tedious way of doing things. Fortunately, there is a solution and that is to bypass the monitor's OSD image scaling altogether and instead use the scaling options within the graphics card drivers. With my Nvidia Geforce 7900GT, its simply a case of selecting “centred image” from the Nvidia control panel. It works perfectly and is far superior to the monitor's built in and cumbersome OSD scaling options.

Overall, its a fairly good monitor, albeit an imperfect one. It's at its best when being used for desktop and photographic work. It's quite good at gaming, but due to the type of panel used, it could be better at video playback.

Brightness and colours: 5/5
Desktop and photography: 5/5
Video playback: 3/5
Features and ergonomics: 5/5
Gaming: 3.5/5

Overall: 4/5


Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Colour reproduction was superb. Bright, colourful and extremely vivid colours. Easy to distinguish between the different shades of colours, with no two shades looking identical.

Image 2: Colour Sands – As above.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Main gripe is the contrast in the black area in the centre of the screen (the two black panels on the far wall) where its difficult to pick out detail.


Response time test: Result = 15ms

Gaming Observations: - There's definitely motion blur. It's particularly noticeable when you do 360 degree pivots on the same axis in an FPS. It's not a huge problem in the sense that it would put you off playing a particular game, but it does demonstrate that TFT is still an immature techonology.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - See comments for video playback.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I'm not an avid gamer, but have all the usual titles ranging from Prey, HF2, Riddick, Oblivion, Fable etc. Its acceptable for gaming. However, I've yet to see any TFT that is as responsive as a high end CRT (the Trinitron / Diamondtron CRTs were particuarly good). I suspect that there are other TFTs available such as the Viewsonic VX922 and NEC 20WGX2 that are more suited to gaming than the Dell.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Fine.

White Screen - Fine.

Image Clarity: Excellent.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - didn't bother testing with VGA.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Very good. Noticeably better than TN+film panels.
Horizontal: - Excellent. Significantly better than TN+film panels.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - Good but imperfect. Primary weakness is contrast and detail definition in dark areas of the screen. For example, in some scenes it's difficult to pick out the detailing of the buttons and the chequerboard texture on the front of Neo's (very) black jacket.

General Movie Playback: - see review above.
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HP 1730 – By Snowdog


Monitor features
''This monitor is designed to display paper documents efficiently by rotating the screen vertically so that it can be used in a portrait mode.''
Display type Flat panel display - TFT active matrix Display (projector)
diagonal size - 17''
Viewable screen size - 17''
Features Rotating screen
color - Silver
Display (projector) technology - TFT active matrix
Response time - 25 ms
ImageMax resolution - 1280 x 1024
Dot pitch - 0.264 mm
Image brightness - 300 cd/m2 Display (projector)
image contrast ratio - 450:1
Max vertical view angle - 140 Max
horizontal view angle - 160 Max
Sync rate (V x H) 76 Hz x 83 KHz
Miscellaneous compliant standards - CE, UL, CSA, NOM, BSMI, VCCI, MPR II, NORDIC, TUV GS, TCO '99, ISO 13406-2, EPA Energy Star
Video Input - Digital Visual Interface (DVI), Analog video signal RGB
Power supply - built in: 110-240 V
Operational power consumption - 50 Watt
Operational power consumption - (standby) 2 Watt
Built-in devices - Stereo speakers

User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – The colours are very well displayed, they do not tend towards any colours, a lot higher quality compared to my 6 or 7 year old 17’ CRT

Image 2: Colour Sands – The colours are balanced, the pink stands out a little bit more than the rest and the monitor shows just a very small difference in the greens (top one is brighter by a tiny bit), but except this everything looks fine. CRT shows everything pretty much the same but everything is a bit whiter (due to age of the CRT) and the pink stands out less.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – Yes there is a clear difference between black and grey, they look deep and ok to see, not easy but not hard either. Compared to my CRT it looks a lot nicer, the CRT gives a red-ish touch to the image, while the TFT shows everything nice and looks more realistic and alive.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 24 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 25 ms)

Gaming Observations: - I haven’t noticed any ghosting to be honest, but that might be because I never pay attention to anything but the enemy in shooters, however it does display some things wrong like fog of war in age of empires 2, it shows this problem in some other games too with some colours, in space empires 4 for example the lines of the interface are also affected by it ( flying around a bit). Image

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Servers full atm (all 3), will update this when ASAP.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Yes I’m gaming a lot, I wouldn’t recommend this to be honest as the lines (see gaming observation) annoy me too much, but its only visible in some odd colours like fog of war in rts games, for fps games it isn’t visible, ever, in comparison to the crt i think the colours look a lot better, but response time according to the program is a bit worse compared to my crt , which showed 3 ms

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Black looks perfect in a bright environment, when dark it shows a white blob or whatever you like to call it in the center bottom border up to about one fourth of the vertical screen.

White Screen - White looks perfect in both situations and there is no difference between dark & bright conditions.

Image Clarity:

The text is perfectly clear with Cleartype on in internet explorer.
Text is ok without it on except when looking from down up to the screen, then the letters are jagged exactly at the points the 3 blackish lines are in age of empires 2. (see gaming observation pic)

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - I don’t have a DVI cable (monitor does have DVI), so I can’t test this, sorry.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - At about 30 degrees to bottom, and about 45 degrees from up, it becomes unusable.
The screen changes in brightness a lot in my opinion, best way is to just sit perfectly in front of it...

Horizontal: - The brightness starts changing near about 30 degrees of both directions but is readable up to almost 90 degrees, so its readable as far as your eyes can go. Clarity doesn’t change at all as far as I can see. Its viewable by 3 persons next to each other without any changes, however add a 4th and the brightness will be different for that person (but viewable still) (tested at distance of 35 centimetres, from distance it can be viewed by a lot of people with a perfect image)

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - The movie looks nice, no noise like it was for example in the game observation, no artefacts from what I could see, it does show some ghosting in the fighting scenes, and on the close up of the trucks in the chase, but not the chase itself if you know what I mean.

General Movie Playback: - Used for a few series and occasional movie, never noticed blurring to be honest, doesn’t look different compared to my crt to be honest from what i can remember, i mean i didn’t notice difference in movies when i started watching on my TFT instead of my crt, only that the colours are a bit clearer and less white...
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LG M208WA-BZ – By John S Duddy


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5 | Pic 6 | [Pic 7 | Pic 8

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – All colours stand out phenomenally and are satisfyingly vivid. The blues stand out ever so slightly better than the other colours on the default monitor settings but it is barely noticeable. This monitor made my previous 17” TFT Yusmart (178GP) monitor look dull and greyed in comparison.

I do a small amount of amateur photo editing and would say that I find the LG to be the better monitor for it.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Again all colours appear vivid and stand out well. The blues once again seem to be more noticeable however red tones match them in this picture. My previous 17” TFT is once again put to shame by the colour capability of this monitor

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot – The black levels appear dark and the differing shades of grey and black are clearly visible. Performance in this section is slightly better than my previous TFT.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 16 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 8 ms)

Gaming Observations: - I was able to test the monitor with the following games: World of Warcraft, HL2 (and other Source games) and Planetside. In all of the above games I noticed no ghosting or smearing, the performance I perceived to be flawless. It was a considerate improvement from my previous monitor. If I were buying solely for gaming, I would still personally choose this monitor. Unless you were to factor in things such as graphics card, size, resolution and price of course.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - Despite the quality of the video being somewhat questionable on it’s own, the video showed no ghosting or blurring. The Dark levels were displayed accurately and were significantly deep.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I would consider myself an avid gamer, and despite not having been able to test a wide variety of games with this monitor I must say that it’s performance as a gaming monitor really impressed me. Would readily recommend it to any gamer.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - The black is satisfyingly deep and there was very little backlight bleed except for an insignificant amount on the bottom right hand edge. By far the LG was superior in this regard as the contrast ratio shone through and the Yusmart had leakage around most of the edges.

White Screen - The panel looked uniform and the whites were pure. This applied to both monitors and there was very little noticeable difference

Image Clarity:

The image was sharp but not jagged. I was unable to test it at 75hz as the monitor would simply not allow it (The option became unavailable in the graphical display options). Compared to my previous monitor the clarity was a pleasing improvement. I would say that the LG was more suitable for office use simply due to it’s size but the improved clarity does also play a factor in this.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - Using VGA the picture was as you would expect. The picture lost a little clarity however I found it to be too insignificant to notice unless you looked for it.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - The vertical angles are the weaker of the two with colours beginning distorted after 45-50 degrees both up and down, it became quickly unusable (for practical uses) after 90 degrees, it did however remain viewable up to the specified angle. The brightness was more affected by being beneath the monitor where it would cause it to go darker. Despite this the clarity of the image still remained remarkably clear. Overall the LG performed better in this regard as the Yusmart monitor would lose more brightness and clarity.

Horizontal: - The image was only noticeably altered after 90 degrees of side viewing and remained usable (within reason) up until the stated specifications. The brightness changed little with movement and the clarity remained the same. I would suggest that the monitor was suitable for several people sat side by side for watching a movie provided you kept within up to 90-100 degrees for the optimal viewing. The viewing angles on the LG were far superior to those of the Yusmart this was particularly due the widescreen format.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - I found there to be no noticeable problems whilst viewing the trailer. The only problem I found was when trying to view dark areas out of the 90 degree horizontal viewing angle where they began to converge. Overall the movie trailer looked great, which is an obvious plus for this monitor as its primary use would appear to be for Movie/TV playback. It was no contest that the movie trailer looked better on the LG, the wider viewing angles, better contrast ratio and other factors ensuring its victory.

General Movie Playback: - I watched a few movies and TV shows on the monitor and found it to be highly appeasing in the quality of what I could see. No noticeable noise at all on the LG. I find that it is more than suitable for all forms of media especially when compared to my old TFT. The LG is better for many reasons as have been stated such as the higher resolution, greater contrast, better brightness, widescreen resolution and so on. That said given that this monitor appears to be aimed at the media user, I’d expect little less.
Belinea 1925S1W – By andrewbell1984


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – They are excellent colours. Well produced in the picture. Image looks strong

Image 2: Colour Sands – Very precise colours. Very strong.

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot - Colours look deep. I can make out the areas of colours produced by this image.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 13 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 5 ms)

Gaming Observations: - MOH War Chest, UT2K4, F.E.A.R, Q4 … There is no ghosting or smearing. This monitor is ok for games.

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - No ghosting or blurring. Black colours are deep, dark areas are displayed correctly.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Not really a gamer. Just a casual now and again gamer. I don’t think I would recommend it to a gamer because I think there are better monitors out there for a little more money.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Looks all black, no leakage or washed areas.

White Screen - Looks all white, no leakage or washed areas. The whites look pure.

Image Clarity:

This monitor can do to modes 59hz and 60hz. The image looks sharp but on the icons you sometimes get a shadow effect on the icons. Usually pressing the auto button does help clear it. This TFT is better than a CRT just because of the space saving. Clear type actually does help the screen quality a lot. Icons and text look sharper. I really recommend any user to turn on Clear Type as the quality of the screen is better when reading text.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - This monitor does not have DVI only VGA so N/A on this question.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Can read the screen no matter how much I tilt it vertically.

Horizontal: - As above only time I can’t read the monitor is if it is completely on its side. Good for watching movies at around 3/5 meters away.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - Movie is watchable, no artifacts or noise. Movies are fine to watch on this monitor.

General Movie Playback: - No noise problems with them at all. Fine for viewing movies.
Just need some quick info, got a new Acer P series arriving during the week and would like to review it here so people can check up on it.

just need to know how to work out the response time, i know what its meant to be and i have the review package thing but dno how to work out the ms :/

also how do you test with full screen images? sounds stupid i know :(
the response time prog in the review package is a crude way of testing the ISO black > white transition, but at least gives an idea. You alter the rate at which the two boxes flash by using the arrow cursors on your keyboard (up and down alters by 10ms, and right /left by 1ms iirc)....get it so both are flashing about the same speed which kind of looks like both are white boxes, but flashing very fast. then the number at the top of the window will tell you the response time (ish) :)

to make images full screen you can press F11 on keyboard :)
Acer P223W – By Pulse


user pictures of monitor:

pic 1 | pic 2
admittedly my camera isn’t that great!

colour reproduction:

the following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

image 1: colour palette picture – this picture on this monitor is just stunning, the colours are produced with life like colour production, clear and vivid throughout.

image 2: colour sands – colours produced perfectly, no tinting, vivid and vibrant. astonishing!

image 3: doom 3 screen shot – pretty much excellent. the colours are well defined but the contrasts between greys and blacks in dark areas could be a little better with some tweaking (using out of the box settings for now)

pixel response program: results = 15ms (manufacturer’s spec 5ms)

gaming observations: - after playing of just half an hour of css i can instantly see how good this monitor is, the colours are vibrant and produce such a nice picture to look at. there is absolute no ghosting, banding, blurring or stuck pixels and so it is just purely brilliant. after just finishing airborne on this new screen, i still can’t believe how good this screen is, it so large that you feel almost immersed in it in real life, it’s just so good, the lovely clear iq means that you feel like you really are there, the only problem is that the full resolution of 1680 x 1050 it kills my graphics card so it’s time to upgrade, it would probably be fine at medium quality but i feel the need to play every game i have on the highest possible settings :d

Unreal Tournament Test Video (17MB) - colours and the IQ was pretty good although as said in previous reviews such a small res video being stretch to 1680 x 1050 does lead to some pixilation but never the less there was no ghosting issues, some of the blacks and greys could have been defined a little better but still absolutely fine to watch.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I would consider myself an avid gamer and yes I would definitely be able to recommend this to other people for the price that this can be had for it makes it cheaper than most 20” monitors let alone the fact that it is a 22” version. It’s just spectacular for its price. The colours in game are awesome and the response time albeit different to the manufactures rated one is still more than enough to play games seamlessly. I honestly did not expect this much and so am more than happy to recommend it!

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Deep black was produced perfectly with only a little bit of back light bleed about 1cm down from the top and 1 cm up from the bottom, this was only in the middle about 15cms long, barely noticeable unless in a completely dark room.

White Screen - White is consistently the same all across. No differences.

Image Clarity:

The image clarity is just amazing, I went from having 2 17" Medion (Generic) monitors to this and I stunned at how amazing the image clarity was Just perfect, have the same image or window on this then swapping to one of the 17" screens I can instantly see a difference. This has much better contrast and much better sharpness and the colours are just amazing.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - N/A

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - no matter which angel I am at up to about 160degrees I can still read everything, the colours do start to become greyed from the opposite side but image quality is still there so I can still read it from the side.

Horizontal: - Again the same response as above.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - *NEED TO DO* (cant at the moment due to poor internet connection)

General Movie Playback: - awesome, just amazing. You may need to change the profile as I did as I had the contrast quite high but you can easily choose from one of the presets from the profile menu and it instantly becomes so much better, play back of HD quality trailers and movies is just astonishing, colours and sharpness is just outstanding!
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With thanks to Baddass for kindly converting this into code

Samsung SM2433BW – By Monstermunch


User Pictures Of Monitor:

Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5

Colour Reproduction:

The following tests have been conducted after the monitor has been calibrated to the reviewer’s satisfaction.

Image 1: Colour Palette Picture – Colours look natural and vivid, with no discernable leanings towards any one spectrum, all the colours look very well produced and overall the picture looks how I would imagine & want it to look.

The SM2433BW stands up very well next to my old 19” Hyundai CRT monitor, colours and reproduction are very similar but perhaps the Samsung appears a little bright at first glance.

Image 2: Colour Sands – Again the colours all look natural and vivid, with no discernable leanings towards any one spectrum and all the colours look well produced. Although to be honest it’s a pretty revolting group of colours & I was left asking myself what weird places must Badass go on holiday to come back with sand like that?

Image 3: Doom 3 Screen Shot - The black areas appear deep and as proper shadows should appear without encompassing the dark grey areas which are still easy to make out and differentiate from the shadows. The shadowed areas appear to be very similar to the reproduction my CRT gives but perhaps the CRT is slightly better although the difference is very hard to spot and I’m sure that very few people would stand still long enough in Doom3 to tell the difference.


Pixel Response Program: Results = 4 ms (Manufacturer’s spec 5 ms)

Gaming Observations: - In Counterstrike Source and Company of Heroes there doesn’t appear to be any noticeable ghosting or smearing and overall it compares extremely well to my CRT

Unreal Tournament Test Video - Unable to find the UT2003 trailer I went for the UT2004 trailer and there is no noticeable ghosting or blurring and the dark levels appear deep and fine.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - I play a lot of games and I would definitely recommend this monitor to anyone looking for a 24” TFT.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Setting the Desktop to Black to maximize the screen the black looks deep and is consistent throughout although there is a tiny amount of backlight leakage around the edges which is hardly noticeable.

White Screen - Again setting the desktop background to white to max the screen display the white appears uniform across the panel and the white appears pure and unvaried.

Image Clarity:

Images look sharp & distinct although text does seem very slightly jagged.

Q. Does DVI make any difference to the image? - Yes

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - The image does change with a small vertical change but this is expected from TN film panels but doesn’t appear to get to the unusable state.

Horizontal: - The brightness and clarity does change a reasonable amount with side movement but again never really enters the unusable spectrum.

Movie Playback:

Matrix Reloaded Trailer (58MB, 640 x 346 resolution) - Movie playback is generally very good for a TN Film panel however the common small amount of artifacting and noise are present. I find the movie playback suitable for my needs but people wanting a panel that’s excellent for playback should opt for an MVA or an IPS panel.

General Movie Playback: - Using PowerDVD again I find the movie playback suitable for my needs but people wanting a panel that’s excellent for playback should opt for an MVA or an IPS panel.

Conclusion and General Observations:

Out of the box the build quality appears fine and the monitor is very stylish and has a nice glossy frame. The panel itself is surprisingly light especially compared with my older Viewsonic VX2025wm 20” widescreen which must weigh 5x the larger Samsung Panel.

Out of the box performance leaves a little to be desired if I’m honest, brightness was a little ridiculous being set to 100% as standard and contrast was also very high, colours weren’t terrible but definitely had leanings towards the blue spectrum.

The bundled Natural Colour software soon sorted out the calibration issues and in approximately 20 minutes the monitor was in my eyes pretty much perfect.
Samsung SM2443BW – By fish99


Gaming Observations: - Black colours leave noticeable trails when moving, plus there's a general sensation of lack of sharpness to anything that moves, kinda like motion blur. The screen is definitely slower than my S-IPS Dell 2007WFP and significantly slower than a CRT.

Q.Would you consider yourself an avid gamer and would you recommend this monitor to a gamer? - Yes I'm a gamer and most gamers would think the screen was 'ok' but not perfect.

Panel Uniformity:

Black Screen - Noitceable backlight bleed at the top, bottom and sides as is usually the case with Samsung TFTs. Doesn't bother me since I won't be playing games which need a good black depth on this screen (I have a CRT for that) or watching any movies (I have a HDTV for that).

Black depth is frankly no better than any other LCD. Sure it can do 20,000:1 if you turn on dynamic contrast, but I've tried it and it's horrible, you can constantly see the screen adjusting the brightness and the black depth changing. It's plain nasty, you will turn it off too. So you're actually getting a 1000:1 screen with much worse black depth than a CRT.

White Screen - A few areas that look different brightness, and the colour gradient from top to bottom is very obvious when looking at a single colour screen.

Image Clarity:

Picture is less sharp (I'm using DVI) than my old S-IPS Dell 2007WFP and text looks a little worse.

Viewing Angles:

Vertical: - Typical TN, visible colour gradients from top to bottom even when your head is still. Constantly makes you want to adjust the tilt. Either the bottom is too pale or the top is too dark, but both at the same time and you can do nothing about it.

Horizontal: - Contrast goes off quickly when viewed from either side. Not an issue for one user sat in front of the screen though.

Conclusion and General Observations:

I knew what I was getting with a TN, and for £215 for a 24" with height adjust and decent build quality, I have hardly any complaints despite the negative sounding comments above. I wanted a big screen and didn't want to pay a lot, and even if I'd been willing to spend £400+ I couldn't find a MVA/PVA/IPS screen at 24" or above that didn't have issues (mainly input lag). I consider it a temporary screen until something better comes along.

I only use the screen for racing sims (specifically iRacing) where you sit very still in one spot, so viewing angles don't matter so much (although the colour gradients caused by the vertical viewing angle are still very noticeable and a little frutrsating), and where black depth is not a big issue.

My only real complaint is that a 5 ms TN is clearly significantly slower than the 8ms G2G S-IPS panel in my old 2007WFP. I was expecting it to be at least as quick, but it isn't, it's slower. Picture quality is generally much nicer on still images than anything that moves.

No dead pixels.
NEC MultiSync 24WMGX3 – By ViRuS2k



HDMI Optimal Calibration:

For the best Optimal Quality use the following settings.
I have optimized this pannel useing online tests/configurations aswell as a few hardware tests.

Resolution : Native *1920x1200*
DV Mode : Game1
Brightness : 16.4%
Contrast : 42.0%
Sharpness : 30.1%
Black Level : 56.2%
Imput Range : Pc Mode
Through Mode : Enabled
Illumanance Sensor : Disabled
RGB : Native
Led Brightness : 50% - Personal Prefrence
DDC/CI : Enabled


ATI Control Pannel : DTV *HDMI*4 / Avivo Color / Saturation :115
this will give you better vivid colors on the pannel/ not to much but just enough.

Nvidia Control Pannel : Unknown / I do know they have there own color Saturation so up it a little.



What can i say, the quality is outstanding in every way, no ghosting what so ever, ultra sharp image and it only gets better when you dive into Bluray/HDDVD 720p or 1080p formats.

Check out some of the HD Trailers on apples Trailers Website. You will be amazed.


Very Vivid and Sharp and Crisp images, though if your looking for Critical Image work then i would suggest you go for a higher budget pannel. from extensive viewing of this pannel for the last week, im Very Very impressed, havent noticed any ghosting what so ever.


Very good, Pannel has a great reduced Imput lag wich for some people this is a deal breaker.
Tested the following games and i have noticed no Ghosting/Lag what so ever.

TomClancys HawX
Clive Barkers Jericho
BurnOut Paradise Ultimate Box
Left For Dead
Devil May Cry 4
Doom 3
Mass Effect
+ meny More.

There are a few exceptions though, CSS Source Ghosts slightly but only on some maps and not them all.
Fear 2 Ghosts Slightly but only on static Dark Images Like Chairs and Wall Fixtures.

But there is a way to fix most of it by enableing the pannels MP Mode Level 1
If you encounter a game that has slight ghosting enable the mode Level 1 and turn your brightness up or down a touch ingame. this should fix the issues as it does for me.


Well guys what can i say its a great AMVA pannel, Viewing angles are awsome, blacks are really good, and backlight bleed, what backlight bleed. thats right folks this pannel has some of the best blacks i have seen if wipes the floor with more expensive TN pannels

im not going to say anything more, GO BUY IT AND BUY IT NOW! prices for this pannel at time of writeing review : £420 @ OCUK
Last edited:
You've probably already thought of this but look else where.
There's plenty of review for it.
I bought one about 6 hours ago.
Samsung SyncMaster 2443BW

SyncMaster 2443BW


The colour representation is outstanding. In comparison to a Dell UltraSharp 2209WA it is the same if you are in the optimal viewing position - so thumbs up there.

Response Time
Using lcdtest.exe I discover the true pixel response time is somewhere in between 16 and 17 ms for black to white/white to black at 60Hz. (Samsung say 5ms grey-grey)

The first game I tried was counter-strike source after plugging in the monitor to check it for input lag and ghosting. I could not detect any problems in that respect, even with different enhancements turned on in the OSD. I noticed an instant improvement in my playing ability due to the extra size, better picture quality (silhouettes in smoke) and widescreen (had 1280x1024 before) - even with my gpu struggling to run the game at my preferred fps.

Viewing Angles & Uniformity
With the black screen JPEC fullscreened I can properly gauge the backlight bleed and viewing angles to some degree.
Firstly I would note that as it is a TN the bottom and top of the screen appear slightly grey due to the viewing angles; this doesn't occur horizontally for shades but has an effect on colours.
There is a small amount of backlight bleed at the top and bottom (I moved my head perpendicular to avoid viewing angle differences). But this is with the brightness down at 30% how I like it - to get nice contrast in dark scenes in games. So if you like your brightness up high I would worry a bit about the levels of backlight bleeding; particularly noticeable when watching a 1080p video with the black bars. There seems to be no backlight bleeding at the sides.

The contrast in games and when testing is rather good, but it doesn't stand out particularly over other monitors. I have seen other TN panels with much nicer representation - even with their default settings (take a look at the Dell S2309W).
I chose this monitor for its size and resolution, it is extremely productive for just about any type of development I use it for - game environments, web development, programming etc. The extra space over a 1920x1080 monitor certainly makes a difference.
The stand allows the monitor to be in pretty much any orientation you desire, I know somebody with 2 of them at the moment who is planning on buying a 30" for the center and aligning their two 2443s at the sides in portrait orientation. When I connected the monitor up I sat it on my desk and rotated it 90 degrees to access the ports, though that wasn't samsung's intention I did find it helpful. The problem with the stand is that it seems a little too loose - simply by typing or moving my mouse fast the monitor will wobble slightly. I also worry that the height adjustment may wear down and be unusable eventually - it was rather loose out of the box.
The osd is ok, problems knowing where your fingers are when adjusting it as you have your eyes on the image when tweaking settings - the controls simply feel totally flat as it uses touch sensitivity. It is certainly a good talking point but I find it quite impractical.
When enabling/disabling enhancements you can have the monitor only apply to one side of the screen to compare, which is certainly a nice touch - though in the end you of course want all the useless 'enhancements' off with any monitor.
Overall I am extremely pleased with my purchase, as far as TN panels go I am adamant that this was the best option considering I want a good amount of working space. If I was to go purely for the gaming side of things the Dell UltraSharp 2209WA would be my first choice (not TN of course) - though it may be hard to get hold of now.

The monitor decided to turn itself off randomly, I RMAd it and the replacement wouldn't even turn on. Now I have opted for a refund as it seems the latter manufacture batches of this monitor are inferior to the ones made earlier in the year. Going to spend the money on a Dell UltraSharp 2209WA probably, even though it is only 22". Out of all the 1920x1200 TN panel monitors the 2443BW seems the best - it wasn't, and I feel that none of them are and I can't afford a non-TN 24".
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