Yessssss! Now it's good news about the Vulcan..

And finally...

A tribute to Sir Frank Whittle - without him the Vulcan would not be possible.

The Sir Frank Whittle tribute


Wow great pictures. Saw a Vulcan at Duxford ages back... not sure if there is still one there on display?

IMO probably the best looking bomber built. And the ability to be able to strike that kind of blow with that age of technology still does my head in a bit!

Thanks again for the pics, looks like they put on a great show.
There is an excellent documentary called V-Force about the British nuclear bomber squadrons covering the Victor, Valiant and Vulcans. Check it out if you can.
Fusion said:
Awesome pics. She looks a beaut, Teasin' Tina looks bad ass also. Does she still do fast taxi runs?


Next one is in May apparently though. :(

Beren said:
Wow great pictures. Saw a Vulcan at Duxford ages back... not sure if there is still one there on display?

Kind of...

It's in the new 'Airspace' hanger which only has very limited access at the moment.

Should be fully open next year though.

KizZ said:
Awesome pics!
. Love the secong owl :p.

They were hand reared and very tame.

The second one apparently does that when he's happy - it's his smile. *he'd just been fed a chick so that makes sence ;)*

The first one was remarkably friendly. Gave it a stroke and it tried to climb onto my hand... Lucky the handler had hold of the strops to heep it on his glove.

Weren't scared at all of anything that was going on - including all the people around.

Great to see the Lancaster too :)

That was my Uncles baby some years ago, flew it over my home on the way to an airshow; dipped her wings for me :D
Yeah - was very nice to see her again.

It was also very appropriate - Roy Chadwick designed both the Avro Lancaster and the Avro 698 *which later became the Vulcan*

I knew the Lancaster was going to fly over - but was expecting only 1 pass.

Everyone was very surprised by it - there was a lot of moise going on and them the Lanc went over with it's 4 Merlins making their wonderful noise.

Then a minute later - she flew over again...

...and then again....

...and again... :D

Beautiful. :D

Haven't seen the Lanc for ages, used to fly over Nottingham quite often but haven't seen her for about 2 years :(
Kyzia said:
Flibster - all I'm getting for your pics are red crosses. I'd love to see the pics, are they online anywhere else please?

What URL are you using to access OcUK?

Could be that it's blocked from my site.

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