Show off your heatsink

PsychoDuck said:
Ther are silenx fans both 25x120mm and 38x120mm versions. Some people on here like them, others dont as they are quite expensive and the CFM figures quoted are not entirely accurate. I think they are a decent low noise fan and havent had any issues with them.
Its the noise figure that most people have a problem with, they are way out.
I bought two silent x 40mm fans and one has been great, the other is one of my nosiest fans, rattles like hell. They are ok for most people i think but anyone wanting silent fans should avoid them and their misleading figures. Generally speaking there are better fans for the money.

Whats with all the wc setups, he said post your heatsink didn't he? ;)

Heres mine:

What you see there is a Scythe Ninja, ducted to a 120x38mm panaflo with a legedary nexus silent fan on the front. In front of that is a coolermaster 120mm blue led fan with a dust filter behind it and labels to dim the leds a bit. It hangs behind the grille on the side panel and draws in some extra air for the nexus.
The cm fans are ok, but to get low noise you suffer very little airflow.

Behind that lot are 3 40mm fans cooling the vreg/chipset heatsinks, and a silent x 40mm fan cooling the ram. At the bottom there is a 2nd silent x 40mm fan cooling the gpu vreg heatsink, and an ac silencer cooling the gpu. Undreneath that is a blower fan. At the top is a seasonic S12 and at the front are two more cm 120mm blue led fans.

Edit: And one more for good measure now that image shack is behaving:

Yess i know the dust filter needs de-gunking. And don't you dare say that the wiring is a mess. :p
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NachT said:
Take a look at this


It's not mine though, i'll take a pic later
Looks nice. Thats about all its good at though. Its not in the same league as the tower heatsinks.
And what are you supposed to do when the fan fails?
Joe42 said:
Looks nice. Thats about all its good at though. Its not in the same league as the tower heatsinks.
And what are you supposed to do when the fan fails?

Toss it in the bin and buy a new one :p

I don't have this heatsink, I just came across it and thought it was the wierdest heatsink i've ever seen. Looks funky though :cool:
pcknight said:
I don't see the need for loads of fans in some people's cases.
I've been adding more fans so that i can reduce the speed of the ones i have for very low noise. I prefer to have 2 fans at 5v than 1 at 12v, to get the same airflow.
Having more fans than i need means they can go slow and silent. ;)
pcknight said:
I don't see the need for loads of fans in some people's cases.

Exactly what I was thinking.. I've got like 6 fans in total, thats including the northbridge, graphics card and PSU! My temperatures are fine on an overclocked system with an X1900XT in the case and its fairly quiet as well:)
jackassuk56 said:
at first i wondered why the motherboard wasnt in a case but looking again i can see why!!

if that went vertical the heatsync would snap off :P

that thing is huge!!!
I don't think any have snapped off just yet, although its certainly pushing the boundaries. I had second thoughts about getting a ninja when i first saw it but its not as bad as it looks as most of the weight is at the bottom. With the Tuniq if anything the weight is at the top. :eek:

Welcome to the forums btw. :)
If you have a moment perhaps you'll consider joining the fold. ;)
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