Show off your heatsink

What's the temperature of the hard drive inside the foam enclosure? I was thinking of doing a foam or rubber box for all 3 HDDs but i'm not sure how hot they will run.
Day03 said:
What's the temperature of the hard drive inside the foam enclosure? I was thinking of doing a foam or rubber box for all 3 HDDs but i'm not sure how hot they will run.
I have two identical raptor 10,000rpm 74gb drives, one as the OS drive in a Nexus drive a way, one loose in the case.

Room temp 24. Drive in box 42, drive in case 31. So about 10 degrees extra for the one in the box. It does get a little toasty in the summer, getting near to 50.
If i get another box i think I'll get the latest scythe one with a bigger heat pad, as the drive-a-way makes compromises with cooling in order to reduce seek noise and vibrational noise and i don't suffer from that much so its unnecessary.
Joe42 said:
One thing you have to remember is that that heatsink is also attached to the voltage regulators, and temperatures like 50 are pretty cool for voltage regulators, getting it much lower than that is going to require considerable effort. I imagine the chipset mush have been designed to run at the same sort of high temperatures as the voltage regulators.

I think that the mofset runs cooler than the chipset on this mobo, the heatpipes are suppose to take heat from the chipset and dispose of it at the mofset heatsink. The fact that in a V1000 case the mobo is upside down does not help as the heatpipe does not have a wick inside and does not work efficiently in this position.
Day03 said:
I think that the mofset runs cooler than the chipset on this mobo, the heatpipes are suppose to take heat from the chipset and dispose of it at the mofset heatsink. The fact that in a V1000 case the mobo is upside down does not help as the heatpipe does not have a wick inside and does not work efficiently in this position.
Actually i believe its likely that the mosfets heat the chipset up!

The reason i think that is the chipset on my a8n sli deluxe (nf4 sli) would bsod at 50 and 40 was getting warm, it was certainly very intolerant of high temps.
The mosfets under the silver heatsink on this board routinely go above 55, and i believe this is normal for them.
So while the chipset has been designed to be more tolerant of high temps, i believe it would not get as hot as the mosfets if it wasn't attached to them with a heatpipe.

standard freezer64 on a s754 system, the heatsink infront is for the gpu, heatpipes were shaped by hand


s939 system with an xp120 + 140mm aerocool fan (without fan adapter fitted)
ArchAnGeL said:
is that the carpet your motherboard is lying on?

Yup. Probably not the best idea I know, but I had no room on the desk at the time. :p

Anyway, it's still going, so no harm done.
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