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Craig321 said:

Scythe with aska amber <<
I would love to use a Scythe Ninja but it won't fit in my case!! I have a Coolermaster 201. Looks like i may have to sell my case!
Ther are silenx fans both 25x120mm and 38x120mm versions. Some people on here like them, others dont as they are quite expensive and the CFM figures quoted are not entirely accurate. I think they are a decent low noise fan and havent had any issues with them.
Mine here being built...


...although the photo is a little outdated, thats when I built my rig, although since then Ive changed my case and changed my graphics card ;)

The stacker took up way to much room. Although the cooler of the stacker was great I needed something smaller as I had just moved into a flat with my Girlfriend at the time.
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