DCS:- Black Shark English Version Released!

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Edit 2:- Now on Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/61000/

Edit:- 2nd patch is out (Multiplayer with Lock On:- FC2) see this post


Muhahaha, I've been waiting for this! I think a few of you here were looking forward to this too. :D

Download version only for now........... No word on the DVD version yet. Edit:- DVD available now



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Very interested in this, but unsure about the payment company they use Protx, I'm a little bit apprehensive proving my card details to someon I know nothing about?

Anyone got any information on these?


Any chance of a screenshot after everyone turns on the rotors? I would like to see how the game engine handles all those 'coptors being parked so close :D
Just read this interview on SimHQ

Q: Isn't the team on a fast track development cycle? What is your turnaround time from title-to-title?

A: Right now most of the team has transitioned to DCS: A-10C Warthog and development is already moving along at a very good clip. Because many of the DCS building blocks were already created for Black Shark, the development time for Warthog will be significantly less. From the time Black Shark goes into retail, we hope to have A-10C out nine months after that. Note that that is not a promise, just our current goal!

So we can expect DCS: A-10C in September 2009 :).
so with this game, is it just like a flight sim, like fsx with missions? or a story? can you go online?

This is a full simulation, down to nearly every switch or button in the cockpit. It can be as realistic as you want or as arcade as you want, the options meny provides full scale between the two. It has I think 4 campaigns and a bunch of stand alone missions. There is a multiplayer coop mode.

If you know FS, think PMDG levels of detail.
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