Group of 7 on WoW looking for more rerollers

7 Sep 2005
Just thought I'd open the invitation on here. There's a big group of us who've transferred to Karazhan EU (Horde). We're all guys ranging from 20s-40s from a mix of england, northern ireland and wales, some are rl mates others we know online, a lot now are from here. Some are starting from scratch, others of us have brought over our 80s.

Anyway if you're interested let me know, you can either reply if you've got any questions or are just showing interest, or if you actually want more details check out the website If you're just applying on a social basis with no intent/little intent to raid then just drop us a whisper ingame and we'll invite you.

UPDATE: The guild is growing nicely. We have quite a few members here from OCUK which is great and we're all getting along famously. We could always do with more though!
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good luck :) . When I was playing WoW I did something similar and went pretty well ended up as one of the top guilds on the best pve server in the world at the time
Me and another of my mates fancy a re-roll just i get bored at end game pretty fast and I'd only like to do some casual raiding like 2 nights a week or something. Is the server set in stone?

Also, you looked into doing recruit a friend for tripple XP?

edit: Yea server choice looks bad :P
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Just got the 7 day comeback offer on my account. Been trying it again, my enthusiasm took a battering after going through the hassle of reinstalling and setting up the various addons I used to use with my 80 lock. Then I realised I had totally lost the ability to be good with the affliction casting chains.

Funnily enough due to the new find a group system I wasn't even the worst player in the groups I went in. I thought PUG's were bad back then but now with Blizz making it even easier for random players to join they are really bad.

Started a new char but got bored after an hour, Moonglade seems very quiet compared to 6 months ago. Auction house is noticeably more barren than it used to be.

Will probably uninstall tommorrow and this brief comeback has practiclly killed off any thoughts of returning for Cataclysm which I was briefly looking forward too.

I can imagine it being 10x better playing with a load of RL mates though so good luck :D
I may be interested when you guys get closer to 70, or transfer your characters over, really don't want to level again considering i have 5 Level 70s and 3 Level 80s.

I do miss playing my 70 mage tho, so I'd probably transfer him over (after getting a race and sex change from male gnome to female Belf) or maybe my resto druid/shaman.
Couple of points regarding the questions raised in this thread.

Firstly we're more than happy to accommodate causal players, slow levellers, lifelong level 20s etc. We're more about the community, the people you play with often dictates the fun you have in MMOs. Sure we're aiming to see end content asap but that doesn't mean you have to be, so if you want to transfer your 80 or start fresh but slowly and just chat then you're always welcome. We'll have the guild website setup today inclusive of a community forum.

Secondly the server choice was made purely because it's a server that's having a lot of work invested in it to build it up. It's quite an old server but recently it's being promoted for free transfers/new players. Sure, we could have played Grim Batol or Magtheridon and sat in queues but it doesn't always follow that playing with the most packed servers leads to the best experience. There are a lot of new people joining Karazhan and as such there are a lot of new friendships and alliances being formed, and it's a nice change over the often well-established and elitist servers who are generally unwelcoming and hostile.

I'd urge you to play with us regardless of how you want to play, as we're very accommodating.
Surprised to actually see a few other cows running around in the newbie area this morning, guess I may stick around for a few days. Quite refreshing to play a new character without any seed money for a change :)
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