Group of 7 on WoW looking for more rerollers

7 Sep 2005
Just thought I'd open the invitation on here. There's a big group of us who've transferred to Karazhan EU (Horde). We're all guys ranging from 20s-40s from a mix of england, northern ireland and wales, some are rl mates others we know online, a lot now are from here. Some are starting from scratch, others of us have brought over our 80s.

Anyway if you're interested let me know, you can either reply if you've got any questions or are just showing interest, or if you actually want more details check out the website If you're just applying on a social basis with no intent/little intent to raid then just drop us a whisper ingame and we'll invite you.

UPDATE: The guild is growing nicely. We have quite a few members here from OCUK which is great and we're all getting along famously. We could always do with more though!
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Couple of points regarding the questions raised in this thread.

Firstly we're more than happy to accommodate causal players, slow levellers, lifelong level 20s etc. We're more about the community, the people you play with often dictates the fun you have in MMOs. Sure we're aiming to see end content asap but that doesn't mean you have to be, so if you want to transfer your 80 or start fresh but slowly and just chat then you're always welcome. We'll have the guild website setup today inclusive of a community forum.

Secondly the server choice was made purely because it's a server that's having a lot of work invested in it to build it up. It's quite an old server but recently it's being promoted for free transfers/new players. Sure, we could have played Grim Batol or Magtheridon and sat in queues but it doesn't always follow that playing with the most packed servers leads to the best experience. There are a lot of new people joining Karazhan and as such there are a lot of new friendships and alliances being formed, and it's a nice change over the often well-established and elitist servers who are generally unwelcoming and hostile.

I'd urge you to play with us regardless of how you want to play, as we're very accommodating.
Good come back. Didn't notice the server was having investment. Me and a friend i've spoke to are up for it, will be starting from scratch. What time are you/have you started leveling?

We've started and the guild is setup. Would be good to have you with us, I'm just in the process of getting the site ready but if you check out

Few of our guys are ingame at the moment, rest of us are at work. Unfortunately I have an xmas do tonight too so won't be around but the others will help you out.

In terms of communication we tend to keep a skype group open for out of game messages and general banter (it's useful because it stores messages when offline etc so you can always catch up). Otherwise there's the forum, or ingame of course :D

Starting from scratch aye?

What side? If its ally I may be tempted

Horde! On a serious note there's a general trend towards horde players being older than alliance players, and alliance hoarding (exuse the pun) lots of u16s. Other than that Horde just look so much better :p

My problem isn't with the server choice, it's just that it's PvP.

Having played on one before, they just make the arduous grind of levelling even worse with griefing. No, thanks. :)

Pfft, back in the old days most MMORPGs were open PVP. You wouldn't have lastest a second in those!

If someone is genuinely camping a leveling spot then a simple /g help would suffice, we can be quite the hereoes when called upon :p
mmh im tempted,

ive just got 80 on my druid on Dunemaul horde dinged 80 1 day before the 3.3patch came out and i will buy purchasing my 2nd T9 suit tonight after a few instances to heals / DPs ***

what are your end game plans raiding every day or just 2 nights a week? i could give 2 nights 3 at a push but not much more, (talking hardcore raiding here not faffing about)

and what class's are you after right now?

got experience in Warlock, druid, mage, paladin, rogue, priest, hunter, dk,
all except Warrior and Shaman but willing to give anything a go

We have a pretty wide spread of classes so there's no specific desire for any one, all would be good. Just play what you want to play and we'll support. In terms of raiding, we'll probably be doing 3-4 nights a week, and will accomodate casual raiders... some people have to have lives I guess :(
Digital Gangster huh ? ....... digital nerd more like :p

only joking :) if this post was about 2months ago I would have jumped at the chance but I have recently settled in a rather nice guild now and am enjoying some pretty solid raiding.

Good Luck though !

... digital gangster SERIOUSLY !!! DIGITAL GANGSTER ! :p

lmao, the whole digital gangster thing was a joke in itself :p
Just an update, we're looking pretty strong now. There's around 15-20 of us, about 5 or 6 guys from here. All getting along really well (back me up guys!), the more the merrier though... it's definitely worth it :)
Well I've rolled a character on Karazhan - drop me a mail ingame to 'Irie' if any of you are about :)

Will keep an eye out for when you're online, and let the others know too.

Might come and say hello one day. When do you raid?

Might move my druid there later, only level 60 though.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays at the moment. With an extra day when we start 25 man content, I expect.

By all means though, come see us :)
Six level 80's online... I was vaguely interested (Horde outnumbering Alliance at more than 3 to 1 on Kara is a bit crap), but I deffo cba spending weeks/months of level and gear grinding boredom trying to catch up :p

There are lots of lower levels too! We're just getting quite large now.

I believe there are 5-6 level 20 somethings from OCUK.
Ah, you have level 80s already, nice :D.

I'll transfer one of my 80s over when i get back from work, what would you prefer, resto shaman or resto druid?

Both are geared for 25man Ulduar, druid has 2 or 3 piece 25man T5 iirc.

Edit - T5? Eurgh, it's been way too long since i played :p. I mean what ever tier is in Ulduar (8?).

That would be awesome, we could definitely do with a resto shaman for raiding totc. With you we'd practically have our 10 man team.

Sadly I'm at work but some of the guys are on now if you need someone to pm for invites etc. Just do a who on the guild and message anyone :p
OK I am incoming too. Been looking for a friendly guild who have decent raiding aspirations and this sounds like the guild for me. Done it all and seen it all before played vanilla pvp, was an officer on the no4 guild on Dragonmaw during TBC and done a fair bit of raiding during WotlK too.

Dont raid as much as I used now that I live with the lass and work a lot more but I can manage anyway between 1-4 raids a week depending on what projects I am handling at any time.

Recently re-rolled a DK who I am currently gearing up, thinking of a spec change to duel wield dps to see how that works out. Gear is pretty poor at mo but only been 80 for 4 days :)

Here is my armory

But ofc I will have to faction change etc depsite not particularly liking the horde side :(

Give me a few names of characters and playersand a guild name and I will whisper someone when I arrive, I imagine it will be today tommorow depending on faction change and server change times.


Awesome, we could really do with a DK too. Will be great to have you with us.

In terms of who you can message:

Pumpty, Steakpuncher, Infamy, Mancold, Manflu, Yamuda, Fetchi, Leebing, Mashscar. One of them is bound to be online! Otherwise there are other members in the guild who can notify an officer via skype if you just use the ingame who function on the guild.

Im up for this ill install wow soon, probably wont play till sunday though:)

Fantastic. Let one of the guys above know and we'll drop you an invite :D

i'm interested to do the two week trial of WoW. I have never played a MMO though. I' am unsure what to expect, I don't understand anything about the game. I have watched all of the Harry Potter films and have watched all three of the Lord of the Rings extended boxsets once, if that helps?

Haha, well that will obviously make you a pre-defined professional when it comes to MMOs.

WoW is pretty easy to get to grips with if you've played RPGs before. They've got quite a good ingame help and tips system. You'll also be able to chat with us in the guild should you have any questions.

There are a few addons we can hook you up with to make leveling easier too :D
Is there room for a loladin? Only level 70, but a smidge easier to get to 80 than the level 18 Priest I'm currently finding tedious to play :D

Merry Crimble :)

Yeah definitely, just message one of us ingame and we'll drop you an invite. What do you normally play, ret holy or prot?

Merry Christmas :D
Hi guys, just rolled a tauren druid called Solidsteak on this server.
Would love to join you guys :)

Good to hear :D I'll get the guys to drop you an invite, assuming you're not in already.

I would join up for that. Havent played for some months and sick of my current server

But..... I have to say that seems like a bad server choice :p From what I have heard from other people playing there atleast.
Got four lvl 80's to transfer so it's too expencive to transfer if I dont end up playing eh.

But I'll have a look at it. Got a Prot/Dps Warrior (most ulduar 25 HM gear on), Holypriest, Enhancement Shammy and a Mage (And lvl 75+ of The rest of the classes..). So whatever you would need if you progress to 25 mans I could join up on. I would say I prefer the warrior tho :)

We've been playing a couple of weeks now and have had no problems at all with the server. It's in a good battlegroup, it's very active and there are massive influxes of new players. There's a slightly high horde to alliance ratio but that is currently being balanced.

I've pmed the so-called ney sayers before who believe you should "turn around" if you transfer to Karazhan. But every one of them I've messaged has some personal reason for not wanting to be there, such as having been in a bad guild or saying the server is 'full of loot whores'. All of which are generalisations and can be found on any server.

This may be interesting to me, im not really sure yet :p

I played WoW a lot for the past 3/4 years or so, I have been in top raiding guilds at level 70 and 80 (probably the best known is Underground Kosmonavts on Al'akir). So while im not quite up to speed of the last few months, I do know what im doing.

I stopped playing a few months ago due to getting a new job and being sick to the back teeth of the whordes of swedish whining children.

However, I could be tempted to start playing again, albeit not hardcore but some 10 man stuff and Arena for sure (had Gladiator for several seasons on several classes).

I have all classes except hunter/rogue at level 80 and my best equipped (from Deadly Gladiator/Ulduar level) are Death Knight, Paladin, Priest, Druid in hateful stuff, and an Obsidian Slayer mage :p I can play them all in any kind of role in raids/instances or arena.

Would be kind of ideal to play with some folks from OCUK and chill a bit more, but im not quite decided yet :p

I'd also be more than happy to help out any of the new players as my days of scrub-bashing are well and truly over now the game has been massacred by Blizzard :( ;)

Anyway as above im not decided yet but if you think I might be of use I could be persuaded! (Was pointed to this thread by my girlfriend, the above poster, who is looking quite tempted to play again :eek:)

You should both definitely join us, you'll have a blast.

We've just been doing ICC, check the latest news post:

Also check out a couple of blogs from members that have written about their experiences with us (we didn't know them, met them on the server)
is this not the geekiest game ever made?

You're on a computer hardware forum talking about what is and what is not geeky :confused:

I might bring my troll hunter over to play with you guys a bit. You seem to be having a blast. Atm I'm getting a bit bored of just logging into my DK main just to not really do a lot. I tend to only log on just to raid :p

Maybe I need a bit of a fresh start. I might just roll a troll mage instead tbh...

I've been playing a drainpipe mage the last few days. But I really don't like being Alliance tbh :p

We're in desperate need of a good hunter :D
I didn't say I would be a good hunter :p But I mean to be honest I tend to adapt to classes fairly easy.

He is only level 39 but I mean it wouldn't take me that long to get to level 80.

Do I need to apply online or can I just /w one of you. I'l have to transfer him over to Kara.

Just w/ one of us. I'm at work at the moment but there should be at least one officer on (assuming they've woken up). If you do a who query ingame on the guild you can see who's online and pm one of them
Yea, true that.

I'll do that then :) On vacation atm so will be sometime within the next two weeks. Any preference on what character I should play?

Ohhhh like a kid in a candy store :D prot warrior would be immense, atm there's just the two of us tanking and I've got an imba holy offspec that I'd like to use more often :p
I'm also temped. I havent played in a while as I got a bit bored, but I might just transfer one of my level 80's over. I have a 80 horde rogue (which I prefer playing) and an 80 DK tank but he's alliance right now, so i'd get a double wammy on the relocation costs i'd expect?

Seems' like you guys are exactly what i'm after, people online who want to play for fun and do the odd instances and raids. I havent really experienced much of the raid content in WOTLK, which is something I think i'd enjoy as I used to play in quiet a hardcore raiding guild back in the days, but time+life got the better of me and I gradually phased ou WoW.


You summed us up pretty well, we're all about keeping the spirit and the fun high while trying to do what we can.

We could definitely do with another rogue, as one of ours is MIA while he is being whipped by some girl (meh).

Started the free trial a couple of days ago, I'm a level 7 horde warrior.

I sort of like the game but feel embarrassed playing it. I feel such a nerd lol.

I dunno if I will continue after the trial, I don't see how so many got addicted to it.

If I do buy it I can only play friday or saturday nights as I got my masters course. Is this to little time to even bother buying it?

Haha you shouldn't feel embarrassed playing. WoW has such a diverse audience these days it's certainly no longer played by just young male nerds/old sweaty men. We have couples in our guilds, crusty ********, females, Irishmen, Dutchmen, Swedish men, Slovakian men (who sounds hilarious, like terminator).

The main addictiveness on WoW comes when you start to get higher level (well, did for me anyway). As for time dedicated to it, you can literally play as much or as little as you like and never feel left behind. There's always something to do, somewhere to go no matter how casual you are.

Let us know your name and we'll drop you an invite.

Well i keep browsing this thread and i feel the same as sean.... I am currently on Eonar with a 80 Mage t8.0/8.5 gear and a couple of lvl 40s or so that i am leveling..

I am really tempted to join you guys as i am not tied to a guild on this realm, the only pain is the cost of transferring the characters :p I'll prob start with sending my mage and a druid (lvl 46)

Oh.... when i transfer realms can i also change to hoard? or will it cost more money?

I assume when i transfer realm the only thing i cannot change is my class....

In total it costs about £35 to transfer and faction change. Blizzard are lining their pockets with people swapping sides at the moment. It might be best to only transfer one, or something.

It seems like there are a lot of recovering players here, it seriously sounds like a smack addiction for some, which is worrying!

I dunno, I prob won't buy it as I won't get me work done if I get addicted.

It's a great addiction though :D

It really is. I go through phases of desperately wanting to play and absolutely hating the game. I've "quit" at least once each year since it was released. I haven't touched it in 7 or 8 months this time.

A close friend of mine has 6 level 80s and a bunch of alts. I don't think he'll ever stop playing! :D

I'm not really much of a gamer anymore. Lost interest (I blame WoW, hah) and a lot of people I used to spend nights with on Teamspeak/Ventrilo kind of just split up.

It's the banter of spending a night on TS/Vent I miss the most.

EDIT: Decided to edit this post a bit as a few of my RL friends that play WoW actually browse this forum. :p

There's always like 10 of us on Skype. We have a really active voice comms community within the guild, often suffering from side-splitting laughter. Our resident northern irish officer is one of the funniest guys you'll ever hear. :D
im interested who do i ask for in game to join?

If you open the who tab on social when you ingame and change the selection box from player to guild and type in The Unit, just message a member asking if an officer is online and tell them you're from OCUK. There will likely be an officer on.

theres already an OcUK guild on Shattered Halls (horde).
had some good times with them, so +1 for this idea, its how we started up back then!

is the intention to raid eventually? (sorry if thats already been answered havnt read all posts)

:D come on over!
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