Grr...!!! UK Keyboard on Unibody Macbook Pro

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20 Oct 2002
London, UK
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for 5 specific replacement unibody keyboard key caps (black), circled red in this picture:


The symbols on each of the keys circled have to be exactly as they are shown as the ones in the picture, so I dont want a euro symbol on the '2' key, for example.

Does anyone know where I could possibly get these, or if they exist?

Thanks in advance :)

P.S. Apple's decision to have a [§ ±] key rather than a [#] key was simply retarded. Why??! :rolleyes:

FYI I don't use OS X, i run windows on my macbook via bootcamp :p

OS X is a horrible polished turd imo.

FYI I don't use OS X, i run windows on my macbook via bootcamp :p

OS X is a horrible polished turd imo.
Well, that aside, I must admit the keyboard thing annoys me. Mainly the hidden # alt+3 and the fact the @ and " are the wrong way round. The other things I can live with.
Is this a troll post or subtle humour?

Troll IMO.

A bit of research would indicate all English Apple keyboard layouts have the @ and " symbols different to an IBM compatible PC.

If the keyboard is that retarded then go buy another brand of laptop. .|..
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Troll IMO.

A bit of research would indicate all English Apple keyboard layouts have the @ and " symbols different to an IBM compatible PC.

If the keyboard is that retarded then go buy another brand of laptop. .|..
lol... IBM compatible PC? No. A bit of research would indicate there's a thing called British Standard BS 4822, and if its a "UK keyboard", it should conform to this standard. Apple just did it differently for the sake of it :rolleyes:

Why do people think this is trolling? Have I struck a nerve? Did I insult somebody's mother? :confused:

or plug in an external proper keyboard. (if it is possible)

Or just find 5 replacement buttons (which can be bought individually)? It's just white translucent plastic painted black. :|

Its easy to change keys, I've already moved the [\ |] key to the bottom left instead of where the # key should be on UK keyboards.
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lol... IBM compatible PC? No. A bit of research would indicate there's a thing called British Standard BS 4822, and if its a "UK keyboard", it should conform to this standard. Apple just did it differently for the sake of it :rolleyes:

Why do people think this is trolling? Have I struck a nerve? Did I insult somebody's mother? :confused:

Or just find 5 replacement buttons (which can be bought individually)? It's just white translucent plastic painted black. :|

Its easy to change keys, I've already moved the [\ |] key to the bottom left instead of where the # key should be on UK keyboards.

Apple being an American company are really going to redesign an entire laptop family just to comply with an optional British Standard.

I think not.

Using your logic I'm off to sue Sony Ericcson for not fitting a BS4822 compliant keyboard to my K850i phone.

As for Trolling, you start a thread with an inflammatory post and a request for something that blatantly won't exist as it's a proprietary product. Sounds like the definition of trolling to me. If you wanted a sensible response you'd have worded the request more carefully and posted it on somewhere that more Mac users hang out like MacRumors or the official Apple discussion boards.
MagicBoy, changing a few keys is hardly "redesigning an entire laptop family" Heofz says you just need to buy keys. Im sure apple could have done that themselves if they had any sense. Most other laptop companies seem to manage fine putting proper keyboards on their products.
Apple being an American company are really going to redesign an entire laptop family just to comply with an optional British Standard.

I think not.

Using your logic I'm off to sue Sony Ericcson for not fitting a BS4822 compliant keyboard to my K850i phone.
Well, they have a "British" keyboard option on the configure list, so it must differ to the American keyboard ;) So why not differ it.. more. And don't be such a pedant - almost every other laptop company comply with the standard - so don't defend Apple.
MagicBoy, changing a few keys is hardly "redesigning an entire laptop family" Heofz says you just need to buy keys. Im sure apple could have done that themselves if they had any sense. Most other laptop companies seem to manage fine putting proper keyboards on their products.

It's a unibody chassis. A different key layout means a different chassis as the holes for the keys are machined in the solid billet of aluminium.

There is no such thing as a standard UK keyboard. BS4822 is a 1994 standard for data entry. It's a standard UK Apple keyboard. They've always been this way. Boot Camp comes with a keyboard utility, which works fine for me.

Most "standard" PC UK layout keyboards will differ significantly from the "holy grail" BS4822 anyway - eg Windows keys didn't exist in 1994 when the standard was last updated. When was the last time you saw a dumb mainframe terminal running Windows? The logitech keyboard I have at work doesn't have a scroll lock key. This makes it non-standard therefore I must kill it?

He's using a Mac, not a PC. It might share the same CPU as your mates Dell/HP/etc laptop but it isn't a standard/IBM Compatible PC - it's a Mac.

Edit : I don't actually know why I'm getting involved in this argument again. My MBP has US keyboard!

MagicBoy out.
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If its such a big deal I don't know why you purchased the laptop to begin with.

If apple id this with every type of keyboard of offer in every different language it would firstly increase the manufacturing costs and secondly the time it takes to produce. I don't want the cost of my macbook to rise because a few muppets cant work around a different keyboard layout.

As this is the first request I have seen for this I can only assume you are in an extreme minority and it wouldn't be worth apple even bothering to do this.
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A bit of research would indicate all English Apple keyboard layouts have the @ and " symbols different to an IBM compatible PC.

If the keyboard is that retarded then go buy another brand of laptop. .|..

Spot on.

If its such a big deal I don't know why you purchased the laptop to begin with.

Apple keyboards (even the desktop ones) have had the @ key and the " in American positions since the dawn of time.
It's just Apple's way of doing things really. They like to dictate to the end user what they can and cannot do with their hardware. If it works for you, great - if it doesn't, then you're somewhat left out in the cold.
It's worse than that! My laptop doesn't have any mouse buttons!!! I should have bought a Dell.
You might be best off reading the exact same thread here.

They probably make 1 keyboard for europe as it's the most cost effective option to mass produce.

Buying a MacBook to only run Windows is also messed up :p
LMAO, some of the responses on this thread are nothing but hilarious. :D

I shall now proceed to destroy them point by point...

Using your logic I'm off to sue Sony Ericcson for not fitting a BS4822 compliant keyboard to my K850i phone.
Suing? I'm asking if it's possible for me to buy some UK standard style key caps, and you're assuming I'm going to file a lawsuit if I don't find any? :rolleyes:

As for Trolling, you start a thread with an inflammatory post and a request for something that blatantly won't exist as it's a proprietary product. Sounds like the definition of trolling to me. If you wanted a sensible response you'd have worded the request more carefully and posted it on somewhere that more Mac users hang out like MacRumors or the official Apple discussion boards.
Uhh, when I said apple was being retarded, I was referring only to the fact Apple decided that UK users needed to type the '§' and '±' symbols more often than the '#' symbol. Seriously, when have you ever had to type '§' in day to day computing tasks? :confused: What possible justification are you using to defend this decision? :p

It's a unibody chassis. A different key layout means a different chassis as the holes for the keys are machined in the solid billet of aluminium.
Sorry pal, you're totally wrong. The physical layout of keys on the UK unibody macbook pro keyboard is identical to the proper UK layout, I can provide photos if you don't believe me. Your argument about machining a different layout is a complete non starter.

Furthermore, the square buttons themselves are all exactly the same physical shape as each other. I've popped some open and swapped them around, all the square keys are structurally identical. Also, as I can touch-type, my macbook pro keyboard functions exactly as a proper UK one, the only thing that needs changing is the paint on some of the buttons.

There is no such thing as a standard UK keyboard. BS4822 is a 1994 standard for data entry.
It's a standard UK Apple keyboard.
I love how you try to claim that a "British standard" for keyboards doesn't exist (despite the whole BS4822 thing), unless its an "Apple standard" :D

They've always been this way. Boot Camp comes with a keyboard utility, which works fine for me.
What has this got to do with the shape of paint on keyboard buttons? :confused:

Most "standard" PC UK layout keyboards will differ significantly from the "holy grail" BS4822 anyway - eg Windows keys didn't exist in 1994 when the standard was last updated. When was the last time you saw a dumb mainframe terminal running Windows? The logitech keyboard I have at work doesn't have a scroll lock key. This makes it non-standard therefore I must kill it?
Dramaqueen much? All I asked was if the proper UK standard keys existed. I didn't ask for a windows key did I?

He's using a Mac, not a PC. It might share the same CPU as your mates Dell/HP/etc laptop but it isn't a standard/IBM Compatible PC - it's a Mac.
ahahaha, this doesn't even deserve a response. :p

Edit : I don't actually know why I'm getting involved in this argument again.
Because you seem to be a typical mac fanboy without a clue about anything? :p

If its such a big deal I don't know why you purchased the laptop to begin with.
"Such a big deal?" Hmm strange, I seem to have forgotten me writing about how I'm going to kill myself if I can't get the correct paint on the keys that I can touchtype on anyway. :p I suggest you read the first post again.

If apple id this with every type of keyboard of offer in every different language it would firstly increase the manufacturing costs and secondly the time it takes to produce. I don't want the cost of my macbook to rise because a few muppets cant work around a different keyboard layout.
Oh right I see, you mean like what they already do? :rolleyes:

As this is the first request I have seen for this I can only assume you are in an extreme minority and it wouldn't be worth apple even bothering to do this.
It is just a bit of black paint on white plastic. They could easily make some for next to nothing and sell the separate square keyboard caps for £10 each. People like me (who run windows on macbooks and like their UK keyboards) would buy them and Apple would continue to make lots of profit. Everyone wins.

Did I say apple was retarded because of the @ and " symbols? No. I suggest you read the first post again.

Apple keyboards (even the desktop ones) have had the @ key and the " in American positions since the dawn of time.
Yeah that's great, and what about the other 3 keys?

I'm sorry but, I find it absolutely hilarious how some people have taken my mini rant about the '§' and '±' symbols, blown the post completely out of proportion saying the most ridiculous things. Chips on shoulders anyone?

This thread genuinely wasn't a trolling attempt. Were some of you hypnotised at the apple store to immediately jump to apple's defense whenever anyone mentioned the words "apple" and "retarded" in the same sentence? :p

The replies I was possibly expecting were something like this:

No Heofz I don't think those specific keys exist, and yeah you're right, who the hell uses '§' anyway?

Yes Heofz, it was a bit weird how apple decided to change the keys and replace the hash key with a completely useless one for no apparent reason. Luckily theres a site here that sells replacement apple keys, and they have UK standard ones too!
Instead I got:

Apple Fanboys said:
... How DARE you insult our dear beloved apple!!! :mad: Apple NEVER do stupid things! I shall justify this statement by not referring to your point about the '§' and instead talking about the location of the @ and " symbols instead! You must accept everything apple give you as is, if you question anything they, you should never have bought an apple product in the first place!! :rolleyes:

Seriously though, if you want to have a rant about my opinion on apple or whether or not I should have bought the laptop, this is not the place. I simply asked if these keys happen to exist. I already knew from the beginning that it was a long shot but you never know :p
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