Grr...!!! UK Keyboard on Unibody Macbook Pro

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It's worse than that! My laptop doesn't have any mouse buttons!!! I should have bought a Dell.

Hahaha, its taken me all week to get my head round this crazy space of a touch pad thing.... Shame other laptops dont seem to work in the same way :(

Buying a MacBook to only run Windows is also messed up :p

Strangely mt Students Union did this for its exec.... Didnt really have the heart to tell them ms office is on mac amongst other useful things...

Least i know how to get a hash key on this (even if i will never need it)
Strangely mt Students Union did this for its exec.... Didnt really have the heart to tell them ms office is on mac amongst other useful things...
Windows Office > Mac Office. Always has been - even with the new versions (maybe just in my opinion). But that is what Parallels is for.
I bought my macbook pro thinking I'd like OS X. I tried it and instantly realised that my software abilities as a computer user were completely at the mercy of Apple. I went back to windows, and never looked back since. OS X looks pretty, and is great if you dont know how computers work and need an intuitive interface that was designed for 10 year olds, but it was too dumbed down and restrictive for my liking. Plus I can't play any decent games on it :p

My unibody macbook pro, for what it is, is a good looking slim laptop with powerful hardware and a really nice multitouch trackpad, and came with a student discount. It has an apple logo on it, so what? It's a brand, just like sony or toshiba is a brand. :p Putting windows on it, or DOS 6.22, or Ubuntu, or OS X, has nothing to do with the maker of the laptop :p

Also yeah, there is nothing anywhere near as powerful as Office 2007 available for OS X. If you fail to see the difference between the mac version and the windows version, you have entirely proved my point about mac users only needing dumbed down computer functions ;)
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Americans call the # symbol pound, and Apple's UK layout has £ where # is on their US layout. I wonder.. D:
Americans call the # symbol pound, and Apple's UK layout has £ where # is on their US layout. I wonder.. D:

Shhhh.. They'll attack you with alooominum bats!

@Heofz.. I know what you're saying, but it does depend on how much time you spend learning the new OS.

If it's running Bootcamp it will run the games just as fast as a native Windows install ;)

Also, not sure I understand what you mean when you said "great if you don't know how computers work".. that seems like a big generalisation when you consider Windows is run as a primary platform for business, and I've lost track of the people who don't understand anything more than Excel or Word.
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OS X looks pretty, and is great if you dont know how computers work and need an intuitive interface that was designed for 10 year olds, but it was too dumbed down and restrictive for my liking.

You're totally right - you can't do anything useful on a Mac at all, all the creative professionals who use them have the computer skills of a ten year old.


It's just different. If you don't like it, you don't like it, but having the typical 'I can't work this so everyone who can is obviously a spastic' tantrum's a little dramatic.

The Mac keyboard's been this way since the early 80s. Why should they change it because other firms did? I prefer the Mac layout, personally.
OS X looks pretty, and is great if you dont know how computers work and need an intuitive interface that was designed for 10 year olds, but it was too dumbed down and restrictive for my liking.


Also yeah, there is nothing anywhere near as powerful as Office 2007 available for OS X. If you fail to see the difference between the mac version and the windows version, you have entirely proved my point about mac users only needing dumbed down computer functions
What nonsense. You're setting yourself up as some kind of advanced computer user, yet you don't even mention the huge plus of having access to Terminal.

You go, you Windows GUI ninja, you.
Access to terminal? You mean like a command prompt? :p

If i want to use a "terminal" (I prefer bash), I'll SSH into my shell box using putty, thanks :)

Also, just a wee bit of fun :D

Edit: AND...

Why should they change it because other firms did? I prefer the Mac layout, personally.
I didn't ask for them to change it. I just want to buy 5 little pieces of plastic. Simple.
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The company that sells a "World Travel Adapter Kit" (a load of plugs instead of just the one you want) instead of the individual ones is unlikely to accommodate your Anti-Apple ways :p

As for @ being in the wrong place you adapt to it easily enough. Unless you have to use "proper" British keyboards as well... then it's a pain!
OS X looks pretty, and is great if you dont know how computers work and need an intuitive interface that was designed for 10 year olds, but it was too dumbed down and restrictive for my liking.

Guess you missed the UNIX goodness that lives under the intuitive interface? ;)

Windows is far more restrictive than OS X but looks like you didn't take the time to look past the interface, an interface that some users (and I'm one of them) find suits my workflow far better than the one in Windows.

I find it funny that my PC running Windows 7 RC has a "taskbar" that acts more and more like Apple's dock. Funny that.

Off topic I know and you'll probably brand me as an Appkle fanboi but hey ho!
I find it funny that my PC running Windows 7 RC has a "taskbar" that acts more and more like Apple's dock. Funny that.
To be honest thats quite a logical and natural progression of the taskbar. Each platform takes cues from the other, and it only leads to better products coming out of both camps.
If i want to use a "terminal" (I prefer bash), I'll SSH into my shell box using putty, thanks :)
So you've never even launched It uses bash by default.

This is probably the worst all-guns-blazing attack on OS X and its "dumbed down" users I've ever seen. Zero substance provided!
Back on topic..

You can get those rubber overlays for the keyboards. I'm sure you could get one with the characters you require. Hell, if you can get ones for ProTools and Photoshop I'm positive you can get one with a # symbol.
Can't say its ever been a problem switching between the two layouts in bootcamp or PC keyboards.

Hardly a major thing to complain about/try to change tbh.
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