Grr...!!! UK Keyboard on Unibody Macbook Pro

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So you've never even launched It uses bash by default.

This is probably the worst all-guns-blazing attack on OS X and its "dumbed down" users I've ever seen. Zero substance provided!

OS X also has Ruby on rails support built in! RUBY ON RAILS FFS. OS X is not all show and no substance! :D

Can't say its ever been a problem switching between the two layouts in bootcamp or PC keyboards.

Hardly a major thing to complain about tbh.

I have my keyboards laid out in the same fashion at home but it sure bugs me at work when i go for an @ and get a "

For some reason they won't let me have a "non standard" Apple keyboard on my work PC. Thankfully the IP KVM uses an American keyboard layout!!!
If a few keys annoy the living **** out of you how do you get on with everyday life. The way your going on you would think somebody had cut off your penis and replaced it with a door knob.

This is exactly what I was getting at above.

Your posting is far to much of an over reaction and is fairly confrontational.

I was going to comment on the fact that you could just ssh directly from terminal instead of using windows and putty.

Or you may even find that most of the things that run on your "shell box" would also run on OSX with a bit of jiggery pokery.

but as you so correctly pointed out OSX is just an idiots os.
Sounds like complaining to me.
I use both. I don't care.

If a few keys annoy the living **** out of you how do you get on with everyday life. The way your going on you would think somebody had cut off your penis and replaced it with a door knob.

So by me calling something retarded and questioning why something that seemed to make no sense was done, that automatically means "it annoys the living **** out of me?"

lol, your powers of deduction are astounding. I hope none of you work in law. :p

This is exactly what I was getting at above.

Your posting is far to much of an over reaction and is fairly confrontational.


OSX is just an idiots os.
How is it confrontational? By what definition? I made a comment on how a decision to make "§" more accessible than "#" is retarded, and all of a sudden I'm the bad guy?

This is hilarious. :D

Edit: and why dwell on the "P.S." comment rather than just answer the question in the OP?
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I have to say, I agree with Heofz with regards to the § key, but that's pretty much as far as it goes. I got used to alt + 3 pretty quickly, though.

Edit: But, being a compsci student, I love having ± accessible!
Heofz, your incredulous routine doesn't work, since you've thrown plenty of mud around outside of the (perfectly reasonable) issue with the keyboard.
Well, though all this negativity, at least I've learnt Alt+3 is for # :)

As far as I can see, it's clear Heofz has not used OS X much or even given it a chance.

Quite how you can imply it's not a main contender as an OS is almost beyond reason.

You may as well say Ubuntu isn't user friendly either, or Windows is barely compatible with anything. At least then you'd maintain some consistency in your comments being totally unfounded gibberish.
you've thrown plenty of mud around outside of the (perfectly reasonable) issue with the keyboard.
And I wouldn't have even mentioned my personal opinion on OS X if it weren't for this post. Regardless, I did make it clear it was my opinion, hence the following "imo".

Everything after that was responding to cynical comments such as calling me a troll and completely rubbish posts like "If its such a big deal I don't know why you purchased the laptop to begin with."

Obviously it was a mistake to think revealing my personal opinion on OS X wouldn't result in a bunch of oversensitive people going to great lengths jumping down my throat and talking nonsense like how there's no such thing as a standard UK keyboard. :rolleyes:

I honestly thought people would be more mature than that, perhaps a "well Heofz if you gave OS X more of a chance you might like it, but you do have a point about the games, though we all have our own perspective on things... moving on... no I don't think those keys exist. /thread" but I guess I underestimated the sensitivity of the 'windows vs mac' subject on this sub-forum.

At the end of the day, it's clear I'm never going to win here in "enemy territory" so to speak, it seems as soon as I make a valid counter-argument in this thread, it is conveniently forgotten about and the focus switches back to dwelling on a couple of tongue in cheek remarks I made.

Oh yeah, and Draeconis, the only "incompatibility" I touched on was the fact that you cannot play decent games in OS X (Crysis being one of many examples). Everything else was just me basically talking about the way you can only do things in OS X that Apple want you to do. How many times have you come across a useful program on a PC and there was no mac release or equivalent? To those of you who say "NONE!", either it's a case of "lucky you", or you've not used windows long enough to discover the ridiculously large choice of applications available for it. :p

I'm sorry guys, but I'm not confrontational unless provoked or annoyed at a cynical/sarcastic comment aimed towards me, at which point I'll happily retort in kind. I get the feeling there's some selective reading going on here. Was I being a knob from the very first post?

I reply to specific points made by people using quotes, please grant me the decency of doing the same rather than making uncited passive comments. :) It's not like I'm the only one apparently throwing "unfounded comments" around, it seems to be acceptable here though so long as it is pro-Apple and anti-Windows. It's like I'm being backed into a corner by an Apple lynch mob :p

Just to keep this thread interesting though, I was searching online ensuring my Crysis claim was valid, when I came across this article. I found it rather amusing how a webpage called "vistasucks" celebrates how awesome it is that you can now run vista on a mac :D
You've found a excuse to enter an Apple forum and tell everyone there you find their operating system of choice to be a 'horrible polished turd'. You then gleefully embark upon perceivedly 'destroying' others points of view on the subject of Apple keyboard layout, despite the fact that very few laptops of any manufacturer use the standard you feel so strongly should be adhered to.

So when all this has been said and done it comes down to not being able to play some game? Grow up.
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