nice and clean really nice, shame about wires outside
I changed most of my fans around. Still a bit of a mish mash of fans and colours but slowly improving it. Replaced stock case fans from side cover and front panel with better cfm fans, removed the blue green fan from vga cooler, and added an ac ryan blue-orange to the cpu. Is it in any way improved from my last pics in terms of colours? Does the xigmatek work colourwise with the others? I've mostly got ac ryan fans now and considering replacing the enermax and xigmatek with ac ryans to at least keep a theme of one fan brand
i like the yellow paint job on the antec skeleton
Cheers chiLLZ
Does the cooler occlude any of your RAM sockets? I have a Fenrir on a P6T Deluxe v2 and had to mount it cross ways as it was occluding the 1st and second RAM slots.
Still very much a work in progress, i'll stick more up when I can get hold of a better camera.
Lian Li A16, modified front panel with slot loading Laptop DVD, triple 120mm fan intake.
Powder coated Black interior, cable management etc, (not finished).
build looking awesome there arcane. One of the lucky ones with the 5870s i see!
judging by the fact cables come in from side, definitely not 5870o, I would say 5770s myself....Judging by the length of the cards, I think they are 5850's?