PREY demo today...

18 Oct 2002
Swindon. =)
got this come into my inbox from Gamespot.

Havn't seen anything of this before, looks very Doom 3 ish, guessing it's the same engine.

edit: okay i just watched the latest trailer, Dang this looks good.

edit2: okay just watched trailer 3 which is basically 2 or 3 mins of someone playing the game, REAAALLLYY want a go!
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Interesting thing about prey, its the doom 3 engine using a new direct 3d renderer according to gamespot, at least unlike ea and thier pacific assault (which ea claimed was a new engine and was nothing but quake 3 with a d3d renderer, same as cod 2) 3d realms aren't swinging from the ceiling claiming its a new engine.
I will be downloading the demo of this as soon as I wake tomorrow I imagine. Looks great, especially the whole running the on the roof thing. Graphics look great.
clapton is god said:
5am...if we are lucky.
and i'd like to remind peeps that it could be even later if it is an exclusive d/load .
I'm hoping have a link..... there usually pretty quick. Everywhere else is really slow or you have to que for ages
Gerard said:
Really love how demo releases are usually timed to suit americans and screw the rest of the world. :rolleyes:
What do you expect them to do? Favour the UK and screw the rest of the world? It's an american game, it makes sense to release at a time thats convienient for the US.
It's arguably MORE convenient for europeans anyway, since by the time there are decent direct links up it will be morning in europe - meanwhile the yanks are going to bed.
Psyk said:
What do you expect them to do? Favour the UK and screw the rest of the world? It's an american game, it makes sense to release at a time thats convienient for the US.

Well why not have it around 7pm est or 8pm est? That asking too much? Around 5am for us is retarded.
Gerard said:
Well why not have it around 7pm est or 8pm est? That asking too much? Around 5am for us is retarded.
As it'll be some other awkward time somewhere else in the world instead then. Not everybody can be happy.

Best thing to do is get over it, it's not the end of the world that you can't get your mitts on a demo for a few more measly minutes or hours. I'm interested in the game, but I'm not going to be there hitting refresh at 5am to get it downloaded. It's something nice to wake up to at 9am maybe, or start downloading before you get off to work.
Well, this looks like the demo we have been waiting for :D 5 huge levels, and it all looks very very fun, I will so badly cry of laughter if the game is crap :p Waiting all this time, game looks amazing etc., then it turns out like timeshift ¬_¬
Gerard said:
Well why not have it around 7pm est or 8pm est? That asking too much? Around 5am for us is retarded.



1 restless and intolerant of delays
2 anxious and eager, especially to begin something
Gamespot always have downloads at retarded times, if they put it at 6pm est it would be 11pm in the uk and 8am in places like Japan. Instead they have it optimized for people living in the pacific ocean. :rolleyes:

Why dont they use gmt instead of their own timezone, makes it a hell of a lot easier to tell what time it will be in your own country. :confused:
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i dont mind, i dont finish work till 7am and i probably wont remember for a couple of hours after that :D
Energize said:
Gamespot always have downloads at retarded times, if they put it at 6pm est it would be 11pm in the uk and 8am in places like Japan. Instead they have it optimized for people living in the pacific ocean. :rolleyes:

Why dont they use gmt instead of their own timezone, makes it a hell of a lot easier to tell what time it will be in your own country. :confused:

They've probably got good reasons to release at that time, but at the end of the day, what, you're going to lose maybe 4 hours of not being able to play it if you get up at 9am tomorrow and don't have to go to school/work etc to get up for. Big deal you have to wait then to maybe 5pm tomorrow. Not as if you have to be one of the first people to download and play it or anything. If it was 12pm GMT, you'd still get people moaning about they've got to wait 12 hours, they want it at 00:01am !!!! :p
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