PREY demo today...

Hudzy said:
First I've heard of this game... looks pretty cool.

It's actually been a product for well over a decade now, it was due to be a Half-Life competitor at the time, but it was 'cancelled' so more time could be spent on the development of Duke Nukem Forever, but it's been under development using the Doom 3 engine and it's looking rather sexy now, if a weeny bit late.
that demo rocks :D

one of the best in ages... definatly getting the game :cool:

Energize said:
Hmm when I first saw the title name prey the game, F.E.A.R. popped into my head for some reason.

nothing like fear :) completly different to all other games really

now to play through with fraps :p
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Well at the risk of ridicule i cant even find a way out of the first room after you go through the tunnel that spits stuff out !!
Slinwagh said:
Well at the risk of ridicule i cant even find a way out of the first room after you go through the tunnel that spits stuff out !!

You're mean to use one of those little ball things move it over to the lft hand side of the room and tehrs like a membrane, i think the ball eats through it after you shoot it.
Thats was a great demo! Ran awesome and considering getting it on PC rather than xbox now! Had everything on high settings with 4xAA and 8xAF and it ran sweet! I am actually quite amazed by how it ran!

Will be buying this one!
Just completed the demo. All I can say is wow.

I havent been this impressed by a demo since I played FEAR. Graphics do well showing at what the doom engine is good at (lots of shaders) gameplay is unlike anything I have played before. I love the gravity puzzles.
Gerard said:
You're mean to use one of those little ball things move it over to the lft hand side of the room and tehrs like a membrane, i think the ball eats through it after you shoot it.

Im right at the start!

Your in where you drop down too, you go throught the first"vavle" then there is a guy cowering.

I don't have a gun just a wrench.
Slinwagh said:
I don't have a gun just a wrench.
You get the gun when one of the aliens run at you with the gun, you kill him with the wrench, then you pick up his gun.
Up to that point is easy.
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