OCUK Sandy Bridge, SB-E and Ivy Bridge 5GHZ Club

25 Nov 2002
To join the club post a screen shot proving you can run Super-Pi 1.5 at 5GHz or above.

Screen shot should show:
SuperPi with the score breakdown (i.e. having been just run)
CPUZ showing the CPU and the magic 5GHz +

Maybe later we will have a 5GHz + Prime Stable Club, but for now lets keep things to Super-Pi 1M

I have changed the table to a google spreadsheet as managing the main page was getting too hard. I have left the top 10 on the page.

Full members list here... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvJOklMTu2A5dEMxek1SSFFzU0M0QlljOXdJWDlib0E#gid=0

Current top 10 Overall...
  1. 8 Pack 6.083GHz - 6.046s 3570K ES Under -100c Freon
  2. newhit 5.828Ghz - 6.396s 2600K
  3. HiVizMan 5.748GHz - 6.437s 2600K
  4. 1Day 5.724GHz - 6.500s 2600K
  5. topdog555 5.632GHz - 6.599s 2600K
  6. BurntOutMutha 5.609GHz- 6.690s 2600K
  7. rickss69 5.580GHz - 6.703s 2600K
  8. minty 5.600GHz - 6.708s 2500K
  9. SimonMaltby: 5.508GHz - 6.718s 2600K
  10. postmanfw 5.487GHz - 6.781s 2600K

Top 3 Ivy Bridge
  1. 8 Pack 6.083GHz - 6.046s 3570K ES Under -100c Freon
  2. simonmaltby 5.307GHz - 6.854s 3770K
  3. Karan538 5.188GHz - 7.070s 3770K

Top 3 SB-E
  1. 8 Pack 5.570GHz - 6.781s 3930K under Freon
  2. simonmaltby 5.288GHz - 7.098s 3930K
  3. Cammy5477 5.240GHz - 7.175s 3960x

Top 3 Sandy Bridge 2700K
  1. debs3759 5.500GHz - 6.800s 2700K
  2. Cammy5477 5.487GHz - 6.801s 2700K
  3. Wazz-1 5.421GHz - 6.900s 2700K

Top 3 Sandy Bridge 2600K
  1. newhit 5.828Ghz - 6.396s 2600K
  2. HiVizMan 5.748GHz - 6.437s 2600K
  3. 1Day 5.724GHz - 6.500s 2600K

Top 3 Sandy Bridge 2500K
  1. minty 5.600GHz - 6.708s 2500K
  2. Sampsy 5.511GHz - 6.833s 2500K
  3. ChrisGTL 5.486GHz - 6.835s 2500K
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I get in first, of course, with a 5.1GHz score


Settings as requested
Asus P8P67 Pro Bios 1053
Vcore 1.40 (Bios)
LLC Extreme 100%
VCCSA 0.96875
CPU PLL 1.8025
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Nicely done mate :) Looks like you got one of the golden chips! What cooling are you using?

Look forward to seeing more and faster - love seeing what different people can milk out of their processors :)
Nice :)

This is not helping to convince me not to upgrade from my q6600 at 3.2ghz

In fact, I've got a GTX 570 like you. Have you got any more benchies so I can compare? As many as you can sainly do will be ideal - at 1080p res with AA on :)

Maybe resident evil 5, mafia 2, hawx2, and unigine. Or anything you have so I can do them on mine : ) Need numbers before I splash out the best part of £600 only to find a 5% improvement

Reason I'm asking is I cant find many reviews using my card with sandybridge, and when I do, they are running the res at very low to take the card out of the equation.

Much appreciated
Nice :)

This is not helping to convince me not to upgrade from my q6600 at 3.2ghz

In fact, I've got a GTX 570 like you. Have you got any more benchies so I can compare? As many as you can sainly do will be ideal - at 1080p res with AA on :)

Maybe resident evil 5, mafia 2, hawx2, and unigine. Or anything you have so I can do them on mine : ) Need numbers before I splash out the best part of £600 only to find a 5% improvement

Reason I'm asking is I cant find many reviews using my card with sandybridge, and when I do, they are running the res at very low to take the card out of the equation.

Much appreciated

I did a quick 3dMark 2006 at 4.9GHz late last night with the GTX570 at stock and it came in at a score of 32500 which beats my previous best of 30500 with tri SLIed 275's and an i7920 at 4.4Ghz

Using the H50 cooler with supplied Fan. At these speeds I getting to 70c after about 10 minutes of prime... to go further i may need a better fan.
Nicely done mate :) Looks like you got one of the golden chips!

Maybe, but it might be partly down to the way I approached the over clock. I have been taking it very steady over the past 2 days moving from stock through the multipliers one at a time and getting each 1 hour prime stable before moving onto the next one. This lets the CPU get used to the voltage and frequency without getting too much of a shock.

Everything was very easy on this chip up to and including 4.8GHz hitting 4.9GHz + was much more difficult.

My next step is to try and achieve 5.0GHz prime stable - Can prime for 10 minutes so far, so getting there.
Asus P8P67 Pro Bios 1053
5GHz Boot settings. 5.1GHz SuperPi by setting 5.1 in windows
The only other changes from standard are my DRAM Timing settings and some Fan Control (CPU onto Turbo and Chassis not controlled as I have my H50 Pump on it)

Things to notice:
'INTERNAL PLL Overvoltage' to ENABLED (Default is AUTO) *NB This is only on the 1053 Bios
'Load Line Calibration' to Extreme
'Phase Control' to Extreme
'Duty Control' to Extreme
Voltages as you can see.

I would like to thank the person that posted the Asus over clocking video yesterday, this gave me both clues and confidence to change these settings.



Thanks for the benchie

Am I right in thinking that 3Dmark 06 is very hungry for CPU power though?

How is it in more modern games that use the latest tech of modern cards?

Prime95 is rubbish, use LinX or similar. Folding@Home is also a great stability checker.

I agree LinX is better. I have been using prime, mainly because its a simple program that keeps all the cores at 100%, so it is a test but more importantly its a good tool to burn in you CPU at that speed.

I think you are right though... time has come to move over to LinX
You can't really say linx is better though. There isn't one single definitive test to ensure it's stable. Seems quicker to fail at times but sometimes it'll pass but fail a prime blend.
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