The one you suspect is gay...

2 Nov 2004
Is it me or does everyone know someone who is a little too colourful for their own good, who never talks about their ex-girlfriend and generally gets up tight when you mention female relationships...

Obviously, none of this is conclusive but you begin to wonder... what are the statistics supposed to be 1 in 10?

So, are there people in your life that you have suspicions about? Is it impolite to simply ask... ARE YOU GAY?
Im asked all the time by my friends, im a big homo, i just dont like anyone elses penis and much prefer boobs, wish i was gay sometimes, girls are annoying.
cleanbluesky said:
JOKE: Then perhaps its you they suspect... :p

is this how you're going about not offending people now? quite clearly labelling all mick-takes?! :p

in high school, there was a kid i always thought was gay. everyone else thought he was just a bit fruity. then i saw him having sex with another bloke outside a club in evesham.

good times.

willd58 said:
Im asked all the time by my friends, im a big homo, i just dont like anyone elses penis and much prefer boobs, wish i was gay sometimes, girls are annoying.

dude, i dont envy that even a tiny little bit. that must be so frustrating for you if you're being serious.
A few years back i was both the asker and askee in this situation. Person who asked me was my best mate at the time and the person I asked is now also a best mate.

Didn't spoil anything there I'm glad to say.

At the end of the day, I wouldn't be offended if I was asked.

EDIT: Aaaagh Skunkworks you git! With Rachel Stevens in my sig and everything! Its not what it looks like! :D

EDIT AGAIN: Crikey, just realised Kylie is in there too :eek:
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I used to get asked a bit (when I was skinnier, more than when I was 'younger'). Never offended me or anything... didn’t care enough. Although it got annoying from time to time. There are situations where someone coming up to clarify your sexual orientation can be inconvenient to say the least (when you're trying to sweep a laydee off her feet, for example :p).
I was asked this by a girl once because we were both drunk and I didn't crack onto her. I love how that was her only explanation for it. :D

And I've just realised how bad Sic's sig makes me look in this thread.
My Uni mates thought I was. :eek:

Thing is they never asked me if I was though which I would ot have minded I would have told them I was not.

Basically I bumped into them while on a night out and I was quite drunk, the next day we were talking about it and they basically said I kept talking about chicks and spanking ass all night. Then they said they had thought I was gay because I never talk about girls and stuff like that at Uni.

I was quite shocked as I certainly am not, I just like to keep private things private and not talk about what I get up to with my mates, I dont see why I would want to tell them or bragg. Maybe I'm a little old fashioned like that, even though I am only 23.

I guess I make up for lost time when I'm wrecked though :o
My mate had a friend in Barnsley who we thought was flamboyant. When he last went up there he was shown a photo by him of him with some bloke and my mate blurted out "Haha is that your boyfriend?!?" Turns out while my mate was at uni his mate ahd come out and he was the only one who didn't know, making him seem like an insensitive jerk to everyone else there :p
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