The one you suspect is gay...

iCraig said:
Or we are both just as gay as each other and are meant to be together.

willd58 said:
Im asked all the time by my friends, im a big homo, i just dont like anyone elses penis and much prefer boobs, wish i was gay sometimes, girls are annoying.
I havnt ever thought you were gay, but then I do know of your psycho ex's.
I know someone like this.

Despite always talking about how much he loves girls and sex and boobs he says one to many sexual innuendos and on occasion strokes men in a gay way... :confused:
I have a mate who i think is gay, knew him for two years and he never talks, looks at/about girls, i call him gay quite often.
Raymond Lin said:
As for friends who i suspect might be gay, i won't be suprise if one of my mate is. Even thou he's had a girlfriend through out college and uni (the same one) and then a new one started last year, he acts a bit camp, has taste in clothes, a bit femine, is a fashion designer and when i am in the pub now and again he rub another friiend of ours on the knee ! He even did it to me a couple of times, and he thinks is perfectly normal for guys to put hands on each other's leg/knee and give it a squeeze !

This sums up what I mean.
20% gay according to that test

Don't have any gay friends whatsoever

Know one person at uni who we joke about with as he's a little camper than the rest but he's not really

I think the 1 in 10 stuff is way over the top too - where'd they get the figure from? It's not nearly as high as that
chris_r said:
I have a mate who i think is gay, knew him for two years and he never talks, looks at/about girls, i call him gay quite often.

Nah, he's probably just shy and unconfident. When I started work all the people around me would talk about was fanny and willy which was a bit daunting at the time. Now it doesn't bother me and I join in the banter.

Oh and I'm 43% gay apparantly, though in all fairness half the questions I couldn't answer accurately - the moving in one pour exemple. :)
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