Then / Now / Who Knows!!

30 Dec 2003
Bigger box!

Had a pretty crazy year so far and a pretty eventful couple of years really.

5 years ago i'd NEVER have seen me in the job i'm in now and i'd have hoped i wouldn't be in the position i'm in.

I've got aspirations for the next 5 years but who knows?? :confused:

So my questions are these.......

1) Has your life turned out how you expected?

2) Are you pleased that it's turned out this way?

3) Where do you see yourself in 5 more years?

Oh yeah, feel free to elaborate on your answers........
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1. Hard to say. Don't know what I want to be when I grow up yet.
2. Meh. Its not bad, but things need to start happening now.
3. High-powered executive management job.
1. Not at all, I never saw myself with the most perfect man ever, let alone living with him :)

2. Absolutley 110%, I cant imagine where I would be now

3. Hard to say, hopefully Ill have a better paid job and a sprog on the way ;)
My life isn't going as I expected at all. I'm currently living 160 miles away from my home town and studying to be an accountant. Just 2 years ago I was planning my wedding, which never happened :(

I like how its going though, its got potential. And Phil is the best thing ever (how soppy).

In 5 years I want to have a better paid job to do with accountancy. And still be with Phil.
5 years ago I was at school while working part time as a computer techie. I honestly didn't see myself doing anything other than working with computers. I was what was known as a 'metalhead', walking around in band t-shirts whilst listening to Megadeth on my ghetto blaster, getting drunk and in general being a bum.

5 years later I'm living in England with a house, a car, bills and in a well paid high pressure job, a career even. I honestly didn't have a clue things would turn out like this. I expected to be bumming around in university or in a dead end techie job. It's amazing how things turn out. Time flies when you're having fun, they say. I honestly feel like I blinked when I was 16 and next thing I'm where I am now. As much as I love what I do know, I do miss the old carefree days.

Where do I see myself in 5 years? I hope I'm still doing my current job as I love it. I should be quite a bit up the scale, probably valid on another sector and instructing as well. I'll more than likely be living on the south coast within commuting distnace from Swanwick, Hampshire as the centre at which I work is moving down there next year. As far as the love life goes, I'd hate to be in a really serious relationship or even married in 5 years. I'm a bit of a free spirit and want to enjoy life with the freedom of a single until I'm ready to settle down.

But who knows, eh? Lets just ride it out and see :cool:
I didnt expect to do what I am doing now, not completely happy, but I am still young and am planning as possible change anyway. In 5 years I expect to be a homeowner, in a more senior role at work, etc. Just natural progression in the chain of life with hopefully a few interesting things happening along the way, i.e. holidays, cars, women, hopefully no kids! etc. :)
1) Has your life turned out how you expected?

Hmmmmmmmmmm - Well I'm at uni so that's got to be a plus, I've got this condition where by I'm unnaturally laid back and generally not bothered by just about anything so I never really had an expectation of what I'd be doing now that I can recall.

2) Are you pleased that it's turned out this way?

Why not? I've done more and experienced more of life than most people I know, the fact I couldn't care less about most things in life is great for things like this, cos I always feel like I've got absolutely nothing to loose - so I do what I want to do - regardless of any negatives (such as money, work, uni).

3) Where do you see yourself in 5 more years?

I should imagine I'd have a proper job with some IT company in Birmingham - purely because that's what Ive currently been offered for when I graduate. Though my tendency to do whatever I want may be at odds with serious employment.

Who cares tbh.
Things were going OK until a few years ago. I took a couple of risks, career wise, that went spectacularly wrong so I'm starting from scratch really. Bit of a pain at 26 but it made me realise I was possibly going down the wrong path anyway.
5 years time? I'd like to have a secure job in the nuclear or oil industry, I don't want to be staring at a monitor for 8 hours a day though. 6, max.
Tru said:
Things were going OK until a few years ago. I took a couple of risks, career wise, that went spectacularly wrong so I'm starting from scratch really. Bit of a pain at 26 but it made me realise I was possibly going down the wrong path anyway.
5 years time? I'd like to have a secure job in the nuclear or oil industry, I don't want to be staring at a monitor for 8 hours a day though. 6, max.

Ever thought of moving to Iran?
Chris [BEANS] said:

1) Has your life turned out how you expected?

2) Are you pleased that it's turned out this way?

3) Where do you see yourself in 5 more years?[/B]

Oh yeah, feel free to elaborate on your answers........

Not one bit, a geek with a girlfriend of 2 and a half years and instead of going into computing becoming a chef? 5 years ago I would never of thought of this. Though I must say I am pleased at how things have turned out. There are things which I would like to be better, but I feel that these will turn out better when I go to do my catering course.
In 5 years? Who knows, I'm thinking of getting a 6 month visa for Australia after I've done my catering course (my best friend is moving out there in a couple of months).
1) Has your life turned out how you expected?

Not at all!

2) Are you pleased that it's turned out this way?

Not really although things have drastically improved in the last 6 months :)

3) Where do you see yourself in 5 more years?

I really don't know tbh :confused: Hopefully I'll have a decent job and a family, but who knows :)
Chris [BEANS] said:
1) Has your life turned out how you expected?

2) Are you pleased that it's turned out this way?

3) Where do you see yourself in 5 more years?

1) Nope! Five years ago I was what.. 16.

Just been kicked out of school, in an unpaid job. Now I've come out of the Mac Operator industry and I'm doing a dead-end job in a bank for a while. Surprisingly, I really, really like it. I don't have to think about it when I'm not there, I find it easy, the hours suit me, and it puts money in my pocket - plus I've made friends there.

2) Right now, I'm doing just fine. I've got money, I enjoy my job, and I'm happy to stay where I am a while.

3) Either back as a Mac Operator or Designer in the print/publishing industry, or possibly still something to do with RBS but better money. Wouldn't surprise me if it was something totally different though. I like winging it.
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