Teamfortress 2 Teaser trailer!

25 Aug 2003
Man I'm so pumped for this.. had me going back over all my old QW TF screenshots with joy. This new look intrigues me totally.. cannot wait.

Well it's certainly very stylised... I'm more bothered about it being a good game though, graphics and sound come second.
DaveyD said:
Well it's certainly very stylised... I'm more bothered about it being a good game though, graphics and sound come second.

True, but its quite a tried and tested gametype really.. i think this will be fairly good and if it comes with Episode 2 and that portals game... ill probably get all 3.
this aint the real TF2 that we all know tho, its just a game that got canned 7 times, and they thought "sod it, lets just make TFC:Source", I can only imagine that its only taken 8 months to a year to make.

thats 2fort in the video aint it? looks good but i think it looks too childesh as well
Lets face it they have to give it something to make it look different from BF2, COD etc. I think it'll be more down to game and playability, I hope they've aimed it more at fun and less at realism.

I do however hope it's not basically "The invincibles - capture the flag". Thats what the clip reminded me of..

Still I'd give it the thumbs up, unexpected but the proof will be in the eating.. oh the erm game and stuff. etc. :confused:
dunno why but i liked it, reminded me of the tfc days and how fun that was to play. All games recently seem to be realistic and tfc definately wasnt, itd be rubbish without the ability to rocket jump!!
well TF2 was originally supposed to be what BF2 now is - it would be dull if they'd just produced a valve version of it.

I always thought what was fun about Team Fortress was that it wasn't too serious - unlike Counterstrike which is about tactics etc, you could play Team Fortress with a game plan etc etc, but equally you could just get stuck in too. IMHO this should thus be a lot of fun - it will be nice to play a game where I know what's coming at me from a way off aswell - rather than thinking 'hmm what class is that?'.


It looks superb. Its innovative and looks like it will be a laugh a minute. This is a game that will appeal to my sense of humour enormously. I think it will be an excellent game.

Apparently it is to be shipped with Episode 2 together with Portal ( single player )

I did'nt know much about this game. I was a huge RTCW fan and played that for years. I have discovered that TF1 was a huge infulence in class based games like RTCW and ET.

I think this is a brave step for Valve but one that will reap the dividends. Looking foreward to this...

Also Team fortress forever looks great
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Looks like it could be a laugh! If I want realism then I'll play BF2, TFC used to be fun to play and hopefully this will recreate some of that. I used to love the hunted map:D

Have been looking forwards to Fortress Forever as well, along with Black Mesa Source, but I think they could both take a while to come out..
It looks like a lot of fun. Nice to see something different tbh.

"If I want realism then I'll play BF2" - My tea is all over my keyboard. :(
I'm looking forward to this, just like I was looking forward to it 8 years ago when they put it on hold and released TFC instead.

The graphics look fun and will suit the incredible lack of realism in the original Quake World version. If it features rocket jumps, dare-devil grenade jumps and swirling melee of death then I will be happy.

I really hope it's closer to QWTF than TFC though. The great thing about QWTF was the skill involved and TFC removed most of that.
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