Teamfortress 2 Teaser trailer!

Wow this looks sweet.. glad to see they havnt gone with the realism of most other shooters this is much more of what we need. Good art not just realism..

:p thumbs up.. hope its out on 360 soon too
Personally I think it looks great. Reminded me of the stylisms from the Incredibles movie. I think it will get a lot of negative initial community feedback though as this is not the game many people have been waiting for. I'm sure loads were expecting valves take on BF2 to be honest. Qudos for at least trying something different.
I used to be heavily into TF before the CS betas.

I think it looks quite amusing

as long as its got game play, runs well it will be fun.

I need an alternative to DOD:S

bring it on :O
I'm looking forward to it, hope they make the pyro vagually useful, he's little more then an annoyance in TFC.

Agreed. You hardly ever saw them in clan matches apart from when a flag was in the open and being swamped with people. The medic's axe was a lot more annoying though. :D
Pinkeyes said:
I hope they don't just redo all the same maps though. Something new in the map department please ?
I played TFC for years, If I find this is just 2fort, the well, and the rock, I think I will get bored quite quickly.

It looks like the map in the trailer is 2fort. The base looks similar (bridge too etc) and where the scout / spy are looks suspiciously like the basement.

I must say I'm really looking forward to it. Portal really exciting too, not seen anything like it. The old tfc rocketjumpers / concjumpers will be bound to like it. :D. Lets hope its not a compensation for removing conc / rj in tf2 :(
tbh it hsows ntohing about the game. all character totally animated there and not how they will appear in the game imo, kind of leave u wondering wt* its gona be like still :P
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