Anti-aliasing: my gripe

4 Jan 2005
This month has been a favourable one for 360 owners, with the demo of Forza 2 and the Halo 3 beta arriving on many consoles. However, both games in their current form lack one vital graphical feature: anti-aliasing. Forza 2 apparently does have 2xmultisampling, but I cannot notice it at all.

After the technical masterpiece that was Gears of Wars - a game that runs at 45 frames per second with 4xAA (yes, that's four!) and 720p, many would have expected games like the other two I mentioned earlier to at least put in the same effort. The disappointment is exacerbated by Peter Moore's pledge that the 'days of jaggies are over' due to the 360's eDram that provides the frame buffer with some headroom for apparently free 4xAA. Granted, he said that games have to be built up from the ground to support this feature and that is fair enough - we got our taste of this with Gears of War, which looks and runs fantastically well. So why on earth do two of Microsoft's own projects lack anti-aliasing?

Just now I went on the Halo 3 beta and looked in dismay at the hideous, hideous aliasing, and then on the Forza 2 demo and frowned in disappointment once more. It's moments like these when you really realize how much of a technical achievement Gears of War is.

Bungie and Turn 10 really need to get their backsides in gear - two of the most anticipated titles of the year, on a platform that the developers really should be taking advantage of, and yet we're not getting what is expected of them. Halo 3 for example, does sport better special effects such as HDR and other lighting tricks, but the aliasing really lends support to the 'Halo 2.5' suggestion.

In fact, if you put in Halo 2 on your 360, then put it to 480p and then changed the picture to 4:3 with borders, it looks considerably smoother than Halo 3 on the same picture settings due to actual anti-aliasing being added. It's that sad.

Give us anti-aliasing!!! You made the eDram, use it!

(edit: silly silly typos and errors)
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Its a good point you make, but I wonder if dev's are using the eDRAM for something else. The Halo 3 beta is a beta and should be treated as such, only finished games can be judged imho, i think that there will be a big difference in final image quality.
I suppose what it comes down to in the end is time, and getting the software on the shelf, if teams had an infinite amount of time and no pressure they could really dig deep when it comes to graphics processing power.
1 question, how can GOW run at 45fps?
It's 45. Not only has CliffyB said this, but it's noticeable. If you are a PC gamer, it's especially apparent. You're missing my point anyway, AA is supposed to be a strong point for the 360 yet it's not being utilized.
I have to say that it really doesn't bother me in the slightest. As long as a game plays well and keeps me entertained then thats good.

KNiVES said:
It's 45. Not only has CliffyB said this, but it's noticeable. If you are a PC gamer, it's especially apparent. You're missing my point anyway, AA is supposed to be a strong point for the 360 yet it's not being utilized.
Source where he said it? He said it would be 'more than 30 and less than 60' but there are also threads like this... which say it is locked at 30.
There is no denying that Halo 3 and Forza 2 are both extremely fun and playable games, but we are supposed to be seeing visuals that are a big step above their predecessors. They are not.
KNiVES said:
There is no denying that Halo 3 and Forza 2 are both extremely fun and playable games, but we are supposed to be seeing visuals that are a big step above their predecessors. They are not.
I'd be flamed for saying that, but I agree.
dirtydog said:
I'd be flamed for saying that, but I agree.

You'd be flamed because you would have already posted it numerous times, not just once and then moved on ;)

(tongue in cheek post - no serious reply needed)
KNiVES said:
There is no denying that Halo 3 and Forza 2 are both extremely fun and playable games, but we are supposed to be seeing visuals that are a big step above their predecessors. They are not.

You tried Forza since FM2? I guess not or you would realise how silly that comment it, not only has FM2 doubled the FPS it looks easily better.
I noticed the AA in Forza straight away. Made me puzzled why people were complaining on here of 'no AA'.

Personally, I see a big leap in visuals over the last gen, but maybe that's just me. I'll fish out my old XBox at some point to see if I'm just imagining it, but I believe there will be a considerable difference with both Forza and Halo.
KNiVES said:
There is no denying that Halo 3 and Forza 2 are both extremely fun and playable games, but we are supposed to be seeing visuals that are a big step above their predecessors. They are not.
Judging by the real time trailer Halo 3 is a huge step up, the multiplayer on the other hand isn't but as said by Bungie they have a lot of work to do on the multiplayer visuals.

I'll be shocked if Halo 3 comes out with multiplayer having no AA.
For what it's worth, the aliasing is the first thing I noticed when I got my PS3.

I don't own a 360, so don't know about that, but going from my PC, to a PS3 running a 1080p display, it was the first stand out thing I saw.

As time has gone on, I have got used to it, but I was quite shocked at the beginning.

I don't know if any official statements have been made regarding the PS3s capability to anti-alias, but I'd hope that games in the future would have cleaner edges.

It doesn't ruin the gaming experience for me, I was just shocked to see them on my new "next gen" console.

Jihad said:
Judging by the real time trailer Halo 3 is a huge step up, the multiplayer on the other hand isn't but as said by Bungie they have a lot of work to do on the multiplayer visuals.

I'll be shocked if Halo 3 comes out with multiplayer having no AA.
I'd rather have it locked at a solid 60fps than have AA seeing as it's a competitive game.
Kreeeee said:
I'd rather have it locked at a solid 60fps than have AA seeing as it's a competitive game.

Yeah the multiplayer wouldn't be so bad with no AA, but the single player has simply got to have it or it'll get heavily slated.
I think a few people are more disappointed that this gen of consoles still show a fair amount of aliasing..

The fact is that Forza 2 does have 2xAA in-game, it's just that isn't enough to completely dispel the aliasing effects at 720p for that type of subject.. even in the replays, Aliasing is present, and that's using 4xAA..

You really want 1080p + 2xAA to produce a nice 'smooth' look, but tbh that's too much of a stretch for the 360 and the PS3 unless we are talking graphically devoid game (Virtua Tennis for example)..

However, in context, the 360 is doing better then the PS3 when it comes to AA, Virtua Fighter 5 as an example, the developers are making noise about the 360 version having AA, with the PS3 having none..

Although the claims of free AA with the eDRAM are real, it sacrifices other effects, and largely developers are not taking up this option, however, clearly as a graphics system, eDRAM included, if developers can offer AA on the 360 in places the PS3 can't, I don't think we can criticise it too much..
V1N said:
It doesn't ruin the gaming experience for me, I was just shocked to see them on my new "next gen" console.
The much overused and abused term 'next gen' simply means the successor to the previous console. It doesn't imply that we have entered a whole new dimension or paradigm.
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