[Project] RROD Fix

24 Jan 2008
Ok kinda went a bit crazy over the past few weeks and ordered loads of parts to fix an old 360 I had that suffered from the R.R.O.D. Already wanted to buy myself one of the lian li custom xbox 360 cases so decided to make it a little more intresting.

The Case:





I then recieved some of the goodies that I was gonna use to cool the xbox, which didn't actually cost as much as I thought. I decided to go for 1/2" barbs with 3/8" tubing for a nice snug fit.





One thing I have to say about the block is the threads on them seem to be rough around the edges and very tight fit, which is obviously good for water flowing through but they are very difficult to fit barbs into. I actually threaded one in the process but managed to eventually even out the problem with a bit of sandpaper and a knife.



Block assembled on the motherboard things are starting to take shape :)

Resevoir / Pump:


A nice and compact XSPC pump and resevoir combination which should fit in nicely.



120mm Swiftech Rad.

Building Stage:

I decided to mount the rad externally to make use of the gromets that are already in the case and also to maximize space inside of the case, here is how it looks bolted through the 120mm silent fan that came with case. (I did order a sharkoon 120mm fan but the one provided seems quieter.)


So with that easily fitted time to install the motherboard and the rest of the 360 components, erm well dvd drive :)



So everything is going in nicely, and also my tubing was here today so continued with the build, one problem though was when fitting the tubing onto the rad there was gonna be far to much sticking out the back and far to tight a bend. Luckily I managed to find barbs that I had just for this very occasion.


Basically all is finished now and fitted so just a few more photos of different angles.




The resevoir/pump isn't actually secured just now as I had to find the best place to sit it, fill it up and it's actually running a test run just now.

The only things that I have left to do is find the spare harddisk I had lieing around strip it and fit it inside the case, make a proper wiring harness for the pump as it was slightly different from anything in the xbox360 and I've also got braiding to go round the fan cables so they don't stick out so much.

Well I hope some people appreciate this sort of thing as I know a lot of people will say its a waste of cash but I wanted to do it and will look nice on my desk next to everything else :D

Oh and sorry if too many photos for anyone who still uses dial-up?!?
Cheers, I have seen other watercooled ones but have all been standard with external units, funny thing is this is my spare xbox so once I 100% finish this time to throw the other in the cupboard of goodies :D
Well no leaks overnight so I'm pretty much ready to rock once I make the new wiring for the pump tonight after work. Also yeah it should work fine I had fixed the R.R.O.D issue before I put it all in here :)
I figured out how to change the power light on your xbox from green to red and its really easy!

First -

Turn your xbox on.


Wrap your Xbox with a blanket, try to use a comforter or thick layers, try to get around 6 inches of blanket around your xbox.

Very nice mate.

While were talking rrod, what size are the screws and washers as i have to fix a few of these and keep buying the screw kits off ebay, could really do with buying bulk :)
That mean I can get your spare xbox360 off you now then boyo? ;)

p.s. Get some clamps on the barbs! :p

Just need to sort out the firmware on it ;) and then yeah you can have my spare one, or you could have the other spare with ms28 :p

I used 3/8" tubing and warm water to help it go on so they are secure. Only used clamps / cable ties on the res/pump as its mounted sideways just to make sure they don't budge.
Very nice mate.

While were talking rrod, what size are the screws and washers as i have to fix a few of these and keep buying the screw kits off ebay, could really do with buying bulk :)

I just went up to b+q got pack of 10 nylon washers (8 needed to fix) they were slightly to big so had to snip the a bit off 2 of them so they would fit snuggly. Then I just used the clamp / screws that come with the 360. (Obviously not on this one :))
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