Yep twas in the motors section.
My Lambo taken from me, my utter pride and joy.
The car that I have wanted since I was a little boy.
I can't express my sadness, my total utter shock.
I thought I'd post this poem so I'm in before the lock.
You are a Poet that didn't know it.
A suggestion without a Question,
A Boy in blue to keep the peace,
I'm sure I've seen you in a sketch from Grease.
Will both of you stop rhyming words,
Because you sound like utter nerds,
However, i admit, it made me laugh
But now i'm going to get a bath.
Indeed, derailed this thread has been,
But it's been worth it with all this poetry i've seen,
Now, i think it's Von Smallhausen's turn,
P.s. I'm so glad that Lambo burned.
Why so glad the Lambo burned ? It is a work of art.
Better than a Ford Fiesta or a horse and cart.
Some might say in doing this, I do abuse mod power
But cease it will so very soon because I need a shower.