Post in poetry only.

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The Lambor-genie's magic smoke
escaped and made some people choke
Flames claimed the car that bore the name
Now ashes just, a better way than rust.

You have graced us with fine wordsmithery
Now: please rescue us from the misery
Of the generic rhyme that Gilly does so abhor
And write more couplets to make the heart soar
What a strange thread to see on OCUK,
That hasn't been locked despite being gay,
Just joshing old chaps I love lambos they're sick,
Even though they're all driven by men with small...willies
lol at all the poetry. rather good actually! im not even going to attempt it though because i know it would be lame.

i will just say one thing though....

ooooooooh firemen! :D

(yes im a girl!)
OCUK rhymes
come at the most unlikely
and tragic of times

Rest in peace noble
orange beast, sole survivor
of lost dynasty

your celestial
roar shall resonate no more
goodnight orange prince

The fighting bull, Man's creation
bred to perform before bloodthirsty nation
Its namesake just a luxury aspiration?

The supercar, also built by Man's art
just a collection of mechanical parts?
look! fused metal, the shape of a bull's heart.
The sun sets like molten mitsubishi magna
behind the nissan skyline.

Once, when times were datsun sunny,
bluebirds sang, mini-minor birds warbled
and jaguars, sleek and purring,
left black scratches
down the naked hatchbacks
of our austin free ways

Hillman hunters roamed the suzuki sierras
and like jeep cherokees
drove the ford mustangs and chevy impalas
to water, and to oil.

But now,
since the flaming ford meteor
crashed like a sunbird into this...
this giant people mover,
this mitsubishi earth
dark thunderbird clouds cover the sun
and the four horse powers
of the apocalypse
turn our free ways
into toll ways
into gravel
into dust

And only faded falcons fly
above the empty cattle station wagons
holden grimly onto a flaking landscape
too dark and too dry
torana herd of even subaru brumbies.

And I am me,
a land cruiser, a range rover
alone, with no ford escort,
I am an 'olden jackaroo
scuttling like a VW beetle
across the burnt out leyland

I am don quixote, the valiant charger
and I am on a quest,
at no small risk
to my personal subaru liberty,
to end the diahatsu charade
to triumph over stag and cobra
to wear the toyota crown
in dodge city
with a corona in one hand
and a lemon in the other ...

I'm gonna kill general motors!

No diahatsu applause please,
it's my honda civic duty.
What is this smoke,
Where is the fire ?
OMFG My Lambo's on fire
The outcome of this will surely be dire

Off goes some smoke and maybe a flame
Todays turning out to be frightfully lame

But heed this warning my forum-ite pals
A mish mash of webgoing guys and gals
The poem based banter can lead only to hell
So here i am to say IBTL
This thread greatly amuses, yet I dare not join in
For lurking inside me sits a deep seated fear
Should I mess up this rhyme and derail the thread
That the whole of OcUK will consider me queer

At dusk the car burned
the sound of despair great!
As the Owner cried.

Higher and higher
The orange flame did grow
the car died in bangs

A word to the wise
A Lambo must you not buy
For you burn in hell

I often trawl through GD threads;
So many words there to be read;
Though lots of rubbish does get said;

But to me this one did shine;
So too it I gave some time;
To write a response formed in rhyme.
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It seems the thread I posted on the other day was deleted on request. So,

We all know some professor
Who knows no more than lesser
For doubt, no room
A wit, to whom?
That truly expert guesser

//originally penned when I was put upon by a socialist academic at uni
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