Exceptional fisherman's cottage for sale...

Massive price anyways for the size of the house!

Could be worth it though if they get free electricity.

I did laugh when the camera pulls back from the house revealing the monstrous plant behind it. I can see how the property seller might have accidentally missed it from their description, it's not really that noticeable.
If I could get a mortgage for £200k, I'd snap that up. But then I ived within a few miles of Dounraey PFR most of my life and TBH, I find that imnposing few of the plant quite attractive. - and I'm well aware that most of the rumours about what happens to you if you live near a nuke plant are just that - rumours thrown up by the anti-nuclear brigade.

Would depend on ambient noise levels etc too though, but I certainly wouldn't discount it just because it's near a nuke station. After all, people live on high streets, and the average town high street is far more dangerous IME!
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