Exceptional fisherman's cottage for sale...

But will the plant be decommissioned and dismantled, or decommissioned and replaced in 2018?

The waste store and reactor building will then be placed on a care and maintenance basis until 2103, with final site clearance and closure by 2111.

I'm sure the time will fly in, it'll be gone before you notice it. :D
What's the problem with the listing? Surely if anyone is stupid enough to buy the house without looking at it first it's their own fault really.
It's only a few miles from me. Did they mention the airport that is also trying to getting planning permission to extend the runway to cater for passenger jets as well (Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 size).

So not only will you have the hum from the power station, you'll also get the roar of passenger jets.
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