Windows Boot Timer Benchmarks



8 Aug 2007
heres a nifty little tool i found on the net

it gives you a time of windows boot after POST

i thought it would be interesting to compare

i had a shocking 65 seconds on my seagate barracudas in RAID0 :eek:

here is my Intel X25 G2 RAID0 score for a pair of 80GB drives


this is with the drives half full

it was 11 seconds flat when it was just a clean windows7 and drivers!!!

anyone else care to share there scores?
I was expecting a terrible result, considering I'm using two really old WD 160GB drives in RAID 0. Surprisingly they booted Windows 7 x64 in 29.468 seconds. It is quite a newish install though, so maybe that has a lot to do with it!
Ran it, it rebooted, nothing has popped up saying boot time = xxxx, 5mins and counting on an SSD!

I think it needs to be able to boot straight to the desktop, so no password/login screen. I also ran it as admin, but not sure if that was necessary.
how on earth you getting 18 or so secs boot up?

i must be doing something wrong i get 24ish secs on mine?

i have windows 7 on my 64gb crucial ssd

could someone explain how you get those speeds i have the lastest firmware installed ect.
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