It's becoming increasingly annoying, that the BBC is behaving like any other commercial channel these days. Between each programme, there are now at least two or three "adverts" for upcoming BBC programmes/ iPlayer/ other BBC services.
Additionally I now find BBC News 24 so un-watchable I've actually turned over to Sky News, which tends have more news, and less "an old man dressed like Santa visited some orphans in a small village today" drivel.
Generally I find less and less on the BBC that's worth watching, and I'm more and more annoyed with the way they deliver the few remaining programmes I like.
In short, the BBC in this commentator's opinion is going to hell in a hand-basket. Thoughts?
Additionally I now find BBC News 24 so un-watchable I've actually turned over to Sky News, which tends have more news, and less "an old man dressed like Santa visited some orphans in a small village today" drivel.
Generally I find less and less on the BBC that's worth watching, and I'm more and more annoyed with the way they deliver the few remaining programmes I like.
In short, the BBC in this commentator's opinion is going to hell in a hand-basket. Thoughts?