Snow is on the way to UK next month

I've said this many times before, and I'll say it again.

I'll actually go Insane this year if we get the Big Freeze ala 2010 :(
I don't want snow. However I do at least have 2 massive snow shovels this year which I didn't last year.

Sadly I don't have a job where i can just go "snow day!" and not bother even trying to get to work.
Big freeze: bring it on! I love snow and winter in general. Plus, I work from home and the little dip in the road opposite my office window means I can tippety-tap away on my keyboard all day while watching bedraggled BMW drivers kick their stranded cars in frustration :D
glad I insulated the loft this year though. Should bring the heating cost down if it does snow for a month again!
Great. That'll be another week or more of shovelling snow and breaking ice for 8-10 hours a day. Yay. .-. For normal pay.

Just as long it's gone by early-mid November. I have a tattoo booked and I can't exactly start shovelling snow and ice for hours on end all day when I have a nice fresh wound up my arm. ._.

Also I have a concert in London on the 5th. So go away snow.
What happen to our government metion of "global warming", more fool you government!

Lol, they went through this in a thread a couple of days ago about snow in Switzerland. Its now 'climate change'.

They can't even predict rain 5 days away with any reliability. How the hell can they say not only that its going to snow badly but that it might last 3 months with even the slightest iota of reliability? Sounds like fear-mongering to me.
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