Snow is on the way to UK next month

Snow is evil to all those who drive to work.

Morning - Wake up, look outside, see the car is covered in ice. ''Sigh''. Drag your misserable arse down stairs and out to the car in the dark. Turn engine on with the heaters full. Scrape away at it swapping hands every now and then to reduce risk of frostbite. Get in car, sigh and feel sorry for self, slip and slide your way out of your un-gritted street whilst moaning about how they should be gitted, and go to work.

Buy some winter tyres and learn to drive... That's what the rest of europe do... ;)

The UK is obsessed with gritters like no others for some reason.

‘Huge swirly low-pressure systems also offer the potential for widespread disruption from heavy snowfall across many parts of the UK including the South, as they clash with the predominant cold air.’

He added that Scotland and the North would face the worst weather, including possible ‘blizzard-like conditions’.

So some snow in the North and Scotland with "swirly" (I'm sure that isn't a real meteological term!) systems... A normal winter then?:p

You never know, where I live may actually get a reasonable amount of snow for once. We only had about 2-3 inches the last couple of years.:(
Snow is evil to all those who drive to work.

Morning - Wake up, look outside, see the car is covered in ice. ''Sigh''. Drag your misserable arse down stairs and out to the car in the dark. Turn engine on with the heaters full. Scrape away at it swapping hands every now and then to reduce risk of frostbite. Get in car, sigh and feel sorry for self, slip and slide your way out of your un-gritted street whilst moaning about how they should be gitted, and go to work.

Wake up - see car is covered in ice. Get up, do downstairs, flick kettle on. Go outside and start car, press button to heat front and rear windscreens/mirrors. Spray de-icer onto side windows. Go back inside and make coffee with now boiled kettle.

Go outside whilst waiting for coffee to cool to reasonable temperature and use wipers to clear windscreen of now melted ice. Turn car off. Go back inside and continue with morning routine.

Viva la focus :P
Snow is evil to all those who drive to work.

Morning - Wake up, look outside, see the car is covered in ice. ''Sigh''. Drag your misserable arse down stairs and out to the car in the dark. Turn engine on with the heaters full. Scrape away at it swapping hands every now and then to reduce risk of frostbite. Get in car, sigh and feel sorry for self, slip and slide your way out of your un-gritted street whilst moaning about how they should be gitted, and go to work.
Try this. Wake up, look outside, see the cover is covered in ice. Coffee time! Turn engine on with heaters on full, turn all demisters on. Run tepid water into a large container, pour over windscreens. Get in car, admire clear windows - then proceed with slipping and sliding your way to work. :(;)
Why does everyone think of themselves getting to work when things freeze?

Have you ever thought about the hundreds of thousands of animals kept indoor in the winter? The animals which rely on water which has a strange habit of freezing in the winter!

Imagine spending every day having to find a way to get water to them. That's my existance in the winter, to the point where it was so **** last year. That Christmas Day didn't even feel like Christmas.

Keeping the water flowing, and reguarly breaking the water surface should stop it freezing, have you looked at installing some sort of pump?
Keeping the water flowing, and reguarly breaking the water surface should stop it freezing, have you looked at installing some sort of pump?

I should have mentioned that i'm referring to farm animals :o

Last year we have to smash the ice on a pond and remove 1000 litres of water at a time (this would have to be done maybe 6 times a day). Then take it off to each individual pen of cattle. It froze every line of water up absolutely solid, and we didn't have enough water in the well to leave the taps running.
There were also 1400 pigs that had to get water! Which involved walking through each pen of 25 and trying to de-frost their water pipes with a watering can full of hot water!
I'm prepared for it...

We've got the mini shovel (not to mention several big ones), a snow shovel, multiple bags of salt and various other bits in the shed :)
Only the mini shovel was bought after the last lot of snow, most of the other stuff has been "standard" for our shed for years (we replace the salt as it's used obviously).
It best not be snowing next month, I really CBA to catch a train to work :(

That's a contradiction. You should know by now that the trains coming grinding to a halt at the first sight of snow! Seriously though, I'm in the same position as you. I really enjoy my cycles to work and the though of using public transport is frightening.

I'm really not looking forward to this winter. I saw the leaves start changing colour last month - in London!

Maybe I should speed up my plans to move to Cyprus.
Not nice :(

I assumed you were talking about farm animals, I was just thinking of the whales in the artic that keep a breathing hole open in freezing (obviously) conditions by contantly breaking the waters surface
We'll still get local councils, public transport claiming they weren't prepared.

Made it in to London on every day of snow fall last year yet had people living in the same area claiming they were snowed in. Walking cycling in the snow is good fun.. I love that muffled sound you get in the air :)

Still, you have to feel for the elderly, this can't be the best off news :(
"one long-range forecaster predicting"

That says it all really... long-range, forecast, predict and there's only one of them!
"one long-range forecaster predicting"

That says it all really... long-range, forecast, predict and there's only one of them!

We can barely predict a week's weather, let alone long range. I'll take that with a bucket of salt just in case ;)
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