Snow is on the way to UK next month

I hear we will have similar conditions to last year, but starting earlier in the year, with the weather being milder than last year afterwards
I for one welcome our new ice-crystal bsed overlords.

a) It'll be awesome.
2) I now have a job where I can remote to my office desktop from anywhere so at the first hint of the white stuff I'll not be getting up at 6am for the train and instead starting work at 9am in my dressing-gown & slippers.
d) It'll be awesome!
I hear we will have similar conditions to last year, but starting earlier in the year, with the weather being milder than last year afterwards

I know its a little stupid but...

Is there any way that scientists have got it wrong. Is it possible that the rate at which the Earth moves around the sun has been calculated incorrectly? thus each year the seasons shift a little?

It would explain why our summer is occurring more towards April and why we are having Snow towards October!
What happen to our government metion of "global warming", more fool you government!

This is a direct result of global warming :rolleyes:

Global warming results in the polar ice-caps melting which increases the amount of freshwater entering the sea decreasing the salinity levels and slowing the North Atlantic Drift (NDA). The NDA is what keeps us (Ireland, Britain and some of the Nordic regions, or at least their ports) relatively ice free during the winter months when other areas on the same longtitude suffer severe freezing.

Or at least, that's what some of the sciencey journal things said :p

Also, buying stocks now in snow shovels, shoes and tyre threads :D
Snow is evil to all those who drive to work.

Morning - Wake up, look outside, see the car is covered in ice. ''Sigh''. Drag your misserable arse down stairs and out to the car in the dark. Turn engine on with the heaters full. Scrape away at it swapping hands every now and then to reduce risk of frostbite. Get in car, sigh and feel sorry for self, slip and slide your way out of your un-gritted street whilst moaning about how they should be gitted, and go to work.
Snow is evil to all those who drive.

Morning - Wake up, look outside, see the car is covered in ice. ''Sigh'', drag your misserable arse down stairs and out to the car in the dark. Turn engine on with the heaters full. Scrape away at it swapping hands every now and then to reduce risk of frostbite. Get in car, sigh and feel sorry for self, slip and slide your way out of your un-gritted street.

It also results in having to get up earlier :(
Why does everyone think of themselves getting to work when things freeze?

Have you ever thought about the hundreds of thousands of animals kept indoor in the winter? The animals which rely on water which has a strange habit of freezing in the winter!

Imagine spending every day having to find a way to get water to them. That's my existance in the winter, to the point where it was so **** last year. That Christmas Day didn't even feel like Christmas.
Yay snow indeed :D

I love snow, I never see what the big deal with it is - it literally made no difference to my day to day life last year?!

I do live in a small town though and have a sensible car, which maybe why.

Not to mention how much fun the handbrake suddenly becomes in the snow :D
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