War for the Overworld (Did someone say DK remake?)

2 Dec 2006

Hey guys, I'm starting up a youtube channel and I thought I'd start it off with a first impressions of the spiritual sequel to Dungeon Keeper 2. It's just been beta released onto steam and I wanted to get a video up asap to show people what a mixed bag it currently is.

Bare in mind that the video is extremely dark at the start this changes quickly and is something I talk about in the game as being quite a problem.


and a gameplay of sandbox mode here:


I also want to let you guys know that I will be doing a series of competitions for free games to promote my channel and you can look out for them. All of them will be done through the overclockers forums and I expect there will probably be around 4 of them. Depending on how much interest I get I may give away multiple copies of free games each time.

I will also be doing a Dungeon Keeper 2 lets play very soon for you guys who want the nostalgia trip, I know I do! I'm currently sitting my finals exams so my youtube channel won't truly take off until june and then I will be posting daily content and be aiming to put out 25-35 videos a month.

If you have enjoyed this feel free to leave a comment, like and if you think you might like my future content why don't you hit the subscribe button!


I've been doing some scouting looking for DK2 remakes as it is, without a doubt, my favourite game of all time and I stumbled across this gem. Now it's in early development but it looks promising, however the website is very bare at the moment. Definitely something to keep an eye on if they don't get sued through the floor.


Here are some other remakes in progress as well:

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All the remakes of it are still in development and "Dungeons" Isn't even similar to DK in my opinion. There are some remakes of theme hospital as well which interest me. I wish EA would release the rights to it and then we could have a DK3 and there would be much nerdgasm. I imagine lionhead studios would lap it up.
Here's some early pictures from the game:





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Dungeon Keeper inspired 'War for the Overworld'

Just wanted to bring to peoples attention a project on Kickstarter which looks like a third in the DK series. Have to say I'm really looking forward to it, so much so that I backed it to the tune of £60. No Horned Reaper by the looks of it but plenty of intriguing gaming to be had.


*Sorry should have searched. Mods can delete if you wish.
They updated the kick starter with a video from Peter Molyneux saying that this game has to get made and backing them, which I thought was quite nice to see.
I went to school with their lead dev/PR guy, only 19 and completely inexperienced but managed to convince people to back it to the tune of £100k, pretty impressive.
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