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[H] 680 & 670 vs. 7970 & 7950 Stock+OC

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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
[H] has just released a 680 & 670 vs. Radeon 7970 & 7950 Gaming Perf article, you can find it here:


To summarise, at stock, 7970 is roughly the same as a 670, however, the 7970 just comes out top when all are overclocked.

'Kyle and I have both been running Radeon HD 7970 configurations in our primary gaming machines for months now and been happy with these solutions. Both of us are now going Green once again.'

Oh if only it was as easy as- can't be ***** with my 79's now, I'll just throw in some 680's.:D
Nice comparison.

Though I am pretty sure not many 7970's will clock to what they got. At least without insane noise/temps.

But I have not been following peoples gtx 670 experiences so far, so not sure if what they got the 670 clocks are high or average.
They really don't know how to sum up, Deus Ex:

"The AMD Radeon HD 7970 has benefited the most from overclocking and has the highest performance. HD 7970 OC is 23% faster than GTX 670 OC in this game, and even GTX 680 overclocked can't reach HD 7970 overclocked performance in this particular game."

The 680 min frame is 42, the 7970 is 29 and HardOCP not only don't think this is worth a mention but believe a min/avg frame of 29/83 beats 42/74

That aside these articles are always interesting, but of course heavily dependant on what o/c they can get with a single card.
They really don't know how to sum up, Deus Ex:

"The AMD Radeon HD 7970 has benefited the most from overclocking and has the highest performance. HD 7970 OC is 23% faster than GTX 670 OC in this game, and even GTX 680 overclocked can't reach HD 7970 overclocked performance in this particular game."

The 680 min frame is 42, the 7970 is 29 and HardOCP not only don't think this is worth a mention but believe a min/avg frame of 29/83 beats 42/74

That aside these articles are always interesting, but of course heavily dependant on what o/c they can get with a single card.

So if FPS drop to 29 for 0.10 of a second then for the next 10 minutes the game runs at 83 FPS that's a problem for you?

You cannot base an opinion of minimum fps without a detailed analysis of actually how long it stayed at that fps, which quite frankly can't have been that long as it would have made the average FPS lower no?
That 670 must be the cheap ref card, as that's a pretty weak overclock.

A good read and good comparison though, next time they should give me a shout and see if they can use my 670 clocked at 1369/7160 :p
So if FPS drop to 29 for 0.10 of a second then for the next 10 minutes the game runs at 83 FPS that's a problem for you?

You cannot base an opinion of minimum fps without a detailed analysis of actually how long it stayed at that fps, which quite frankly can't have been that long as it would have made the average FPS lower no?

No, I looked at the hardocp graph :rolleyes:

And by the way I'm not saying I'd take the 680 results above or the 7970, it's too close to call, just not mentioning the large difference in min frames is an ommision IMHO
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1260MHZ is not an average 7970 overclock and that GTX680 overclock is low, the 7950 is abysmal too.
But sure, let this be the review to say how "awesome" the 7970 is.
If you took another sample of each GPU there, the OC'ing results could be different etc.
It's not definitive.
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1260MHZ is not an average 7970 overclock and that GTX680 overclock is low, the 7950 is abysmal too.
But sure, let this be the review to say how "awesome" the 7970 is.
If you took another sample of each GPU there, the OC'ing results could be different etc.
It's not definitive.

Of course, the same could be said for almost any review of this nature.
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I haven't seen a review with such a pitiful 7950 and such a high clocked 7970.
But the review should be taken as a pinch of salt due to the factors, but you'll get the AMD trolls going wild with "7970 IS BETTER THAN GTX680" etc.

a lot of the reviews i've seen, they generally have a mediocre overclock on all cards.

I hope you aren't relating the AMD troll element to me, far from it in fact, hence why I said "the smart money".
a lot of the reviews i've seen, they generally have a mediocre overclock on all cards.

I hope you aren't relating the AMD troll element to me, far from it in fact, hence why I said "the smart money".

I was more thinking the obvious ; Dave Beast, etc.
Mediocre overclock on all cards in a review is better than a stupidly low one, a stupidly high one and a mediocre one.
Yet as per usual, its a [H] review that makes no sense, results, 7970 is the bestest, its cheaper and overclocks the best and ends up the fastest(and lets make no mention of 680gtx's cheating in surround, again... though I still don't know if that's true or not, several reviews mentioned it, most didn't).

So conclusion.......... we've all gone green again. Yes, a review where their results say the 7970 is better, so they've switched to Nvidia.

Though even that is unclear, Nvidia are Green, AMD are green, ATi are red.... there is no ATi but I am assuming they mean Nvidia by going green.

So how can you do a review that says "AMD wins" but we're going Nvidia anyway.

This is my biggest problem with [H], they say one thing, and do another thing in reviews and have conclusions that are a third thing entirely based neither on the views they express in their forums, nor from the results of the review.

THey banged on for a while in reviews about SLI just being better, while ignoring that 2 of the games IIRC, didn't actually work as standard in SLI but needed user hacking, while if AMD can have xfire enabled by a .exe rename, its ignored and berated for not having xfire working. THen on their forums they say SLI is worse this gen and xfire is doing great both performance and feel in games, then they do another review not long after saying Xfire sucks again.

Then you get a review, we've been using AMD, its faster according to our results...... so we're going Nvidia. Joke of a site, read the Asrock review, summed up "we know this board is broken, we KNOW there is a fault that means it isn't possibly working at 100%, we could get a free RMA and a working board.... instead we've run our full normal benchmarking knowing the board is **** and bashed it.... we'll also mention that we've been GIVEN a board by Asus for review and its awesome, and we bought this board ourselves out of our own money and we hate it because the board sucks".

Maybe the most awful site out there right now, pretending to be unbiased, being paid for reviews, purposefully reviewing broken boards of the competition of their PAID reviews......... lol

Either way, I'm pretty happy, I got a 7970 for £10 more than the very cheapest 670gtx I can see, and overclocked its faster than a 680gtx. Anyone paying £400 + for either AMD or Nvidia cards is off their rocker.
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Yet as per usual, its a [H] review that makes no sense, results, 7970 is the bestest, its cheaper and overclocks the best and ends up the fastest(and lets make no mention of 680gtx's cheating in surround, again... though I still don't know if that's true or not, several reviews mentioned it, most didn't).

Source for the reviews that mention it please.

I am intrigued as Nvidias own website only mentions a halving of framerates on the outside monitors under 3D Surround and my own testing with both a 7970 and 680 puts weight to the idea that this doesn't happen on the 680 - seriously 15fps would be very noticable in Crysis 2 on my Portrait Surround setup (game averages 30fps at near maximum settings).
Either way, I'm pretty happy, I got a 7970 for £10 more than the very cheapest 670gtx I can see, and overclocked its faster than a 680gtx. Anyone paying £400 + for either AMD or Nvidia cards is off their rocker.

Smart money is on the 670 or a £370 non ref cooled 7970 IMHO at the moment.

I think what they say does make sense DM but only IF they are going for multi GPU setups, they say in the conclusion SLI feels better than CF
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