Potential fun for OcUK beer drinkers...

17 Oct 2006
OK people I've been thinking about trying something like this for a while but just never got around to posting my ideas. Firstly who would be up for some beer buying, posting and drinking fun? This is not about consuming large quantities but something completely else :)

The idea I've had, trust me it's only an idea and I'm sure full of faults and problems but nothing that between us we can't find a work around to. Ok my idea is "OcUK World of Beer Competition" or such like :p and the plan is something like this...

1) Each week (Sunday - Saturday) we decide upon a country, starting with A working through to Z.
2) We will vote on the Saturday / Sunday to agree a country, highest vote count gets it or judge decides if voting is split. (ammended from by Wednesday)
3) Country decided then you go purchase (hence only open to 18+ years of age) your beer ... Homebrew is NOT allowed!
4) The beer - points will be awarded simply as ONE point if you select the most popular choice between everybody, TWO points if you select the second most popular choice and lastly THREE points if you pick that elusive one that nobody else has :D
5) You will need to have access to a camera / webcam / or phone as each week you will take a picture of your beer of choice and email it (to a soon to be setup account for this only) by a certain time ie. can be emailed anytime during the week BUT must be recieved by the Saturday and ONLY 1 email will be accepted which contians ONE picture of ONE beer for that week. After an agreed time on Saturday you may post the same pic in the competition thread, for banter and confirmation if you like.
6) Highest points when hitting country Z is the winner.

Yes lots of flaws, but remember this is posted for your ideas and above all else fun! So please feel free to post if you fancy the idea and secondly any suggestions that will improve it for everybody else.

PLEASE only post if you want to register an interest in trying some different beers from around the world and above else, having a laugh. Cheers.

Names signed up.... (not including me) X = Has Voted on country selection (A - C)

1. aceface57 X
2. Mrs_Seakitchen X
3. ots3go
4. PapaLazaru X
5. GhostlyPea X
6. seabiscuit X
7. Kanifee X
8. pieplough X
9. Ahleckz X
10. ~Divine~Wind~ X
11. Marvt74 X
12. Going_to_Cali X
13. Clov!s X
14. Judgeneo X
15. Jolteh X
16. Belmit X
17. p1RATE X
18. Spuj1988 X
19. Kilkus X
20. pingwing X
21. silent X
22. satchef1 X
23. Mike306 X
24. Gilly X
25. opstrat X
27. manveruppd X

Voting so far - and correct me if I'm wrong!

America 14
Australia 6
Argentina 3
Austria 2
Armenia 1

Belgium 23 (looking a safe bet now)
Belorussia 2
Bulgaria 1
Brazil 1

China 8
Croatia 1
Czech Republic 10
Cyprus 2
Canada 2
Chile 3
Cameroon 1
Keep them coming.
Last edited:
16 Jan 2008
I think instead of pre-agreed time it should just be email to one email (like OcUK anon) before a time on Saturday/Sunday morning and then that person posts them all at a predetermined time. Just makes everyone's lives a bit easier.
17 Oct 2006
I think instead of pre-agreed time it should just be email to one email (like OcUK anon) before a time on Saturday/Sunday morning and then that person posts them all at a predetermined time. Just makes everyone's lives a bit easier.

Great idea... and into the mixing pot it goes :)

Cheers everybody else good to see some names coming aboard :D
7 Nov 2009
Do you really need to ask if I'll take part!

My friend and I tried this thing before, trying to drink every a beer from every country in the World. We quickly bailed out of it though as postage was going to cost far too much.
Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
I'm at work til 11pm on a saturday :(
I could post pics but might not be at correct time.

all chip in a fiver or summit for a prize for the winner?
how many beers are we buying per week? 3?

If my randomly timed pics would be accepted I'd be in for a bash
17 Oct 2006
I'm at work til 11pm on a saturday :(
I could post pics but might not be at correct time.

all chip in a fiver or summit for a prize for the winner?
how many beers are we buying per week? 3?

If my randomly timed pics would be accepted I'd be in for a bash

Funny the prize thingy was something that had crossed my mind... was toying with idea something Beer related rather than money. As for how many beer / beers it would all depend upon which beer you go for and what format it can be purchased in ;) ie. say six pack or singles :)

IE: Beer related.... Brand new sealed Guinness playing cards etc etc :D bottle openers or such like?


Last edited:
7 Nov 2009
We could all get something beer related and send the winner that? 20 beer related prizes, AMAZING!

We also don't need to wait until Wednesday to chose a country, that can be done on Sunday + Monday. Wednesday is leaving it a little late if people are buying beer online (like I probably will).
17 Oct 2006
We could all get something beer related and send the winner that? 20 beer related prizes, AMAZING!

We also don't need to wait until Wednesday to chose a country, that can be done on Sunday + Monday. Wednesday is leaving it a little late if people are buying beer online (like I probably will).

Yes the more the better mate :) As for wednesday it was just to try and allow time for people to vote on the country. I mean not everyone is gonna be here on the sat/sun is all. Though that said if the people want more notice than I'm all for it :) Point noted and also added to the mix.
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