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GPU Issues ( I believe)

26 Aug 2012
North West
Ok my setup:

  • 3930K at Stock
  • 2 Sapphire 7970's in Xfire.
  • Asrock x79 extreme 9 Mobo ( recently replaced due to other faults, so it probably isn't related to this.
  • 1200W Silverstone Pro Gold Plus PSU
  • 2 Samsung 830 in Raid 0
  • Crap load of other HDD's for storage.

I play at 1440p


When in Hitman if I turn my settings to Max in everything, my entire PC crashes after about 5 minutes with me being forced to reboot. I can run the game in High in everything from either a single card or in Xfire and experience no crashes.

Every other game seems to work fine in Xfire. Furmark caused no issues. Temps seem ok not passing 60 odd on either card in Hitman or not passing 75 in Furmark. CPU passes intel burntest and prime95 perfectly fine, and in Hitman gets a max temp of about 45 degrees on any core.

I've tried backtracking drivers, you name it.

So any ideas? Surely Xfire 7970's should run Hitman in MAX settings easily (at 1440p)?

Ask me more questions if needed be (what I explained to you probably makes no sense as i'm fed up of typing out my problem so many times in different places lol).
When I switched my Cards around in the posistion, the 2nd card displayed all crazy stuff while in a game on hitman like red lines white lines really slow e.t.c? Then system crashed.

Is this a problem with a card, as the other one seems alright?
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I would try a few other games before pointing the finger at hardware, do a search on Hitman freezing issues as well see if anything pops up... it could just be the game engine doing something naughty or a Catalyst bug.

Try looping Heaven to test your GPU's, Furmark is no good anymore because the cards will just throttle and not be stressed.
I've Prime96 tested my CPU which got perfect results.

Temps seem fine ( barely hitting the 60s on either of the cards ) when in Hitman on Max.

My PSU is 1200W, so that should be fine.

Does heaven pick up errors? and By running Heaven , how will I know if my GPU has any issues?
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If it doesn't crash on Heaven would you say that means it has passed?

Yeah pretty much.

You can try the Extreme settings to really push the GPUs and leave it running for an hour or so...

Generally speaking now it's always best to troubleshoot rather than blaming potentially faulty hardware. Testing a few other games would help as well.

Why have you got a 6 core processor and 2 7970s and then no software to really test them with and let them loose? :(
Yeah pretty much.

You can try the Extreme settings to really push the GPUs and leave it running for an hour or so...

Generally speaking now it's always best to troubleshoot rather than blaming potentially faulty hardware. Testing a few other games would help as well.

Why have you got a 6 core processor and 2 7970s and then no software to really test them with and let them loose? :(

Just Literally bought the system. I have Farycry3 that came free with it, so I can test that when it is released on friday. I also got 2 7970s cause they were £200 each on grand opening sale, so thought might as-well. Also 3930k for my Video Work (but that isn't GPU intensive)

Also I did run it on max settings in Heaven and was getting pretty much constant 60+ FPS. Would you expect this to be a issue with Hitman then? I have tested in Skyrim and Total war games (with no issues at all) but they are older games so don't require the grunt Hitman does.

EDIT: Going to bed, will check this thread in work tomorrow.
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OK mate let it loop for a while to test for problems. It will weed anything out.

Hitman Absolution performance is knackered for 7000 series CF if I remember correctly. If it passes Heaven and your score is about the same as others in the normal heaven thread (at the settings in that thread) then that would say to me that it's definitely a driver problem with that game. :).

Not sure if the latest 12.11 beta versions resolve it - might be worth checking the release notes.
Yer as other have said you really need to test first before saying its an hardware issue. Heaven on max settings looping for 1 hour is a very good test. But do keep an eye on Temps.
Also run the Heaven Benchmark test and compare to other 2x 7970 cards with same settings.
You really do need more games also :( maybe jump on Steam and download Demo's and Free to play games for other tests.

With Hitman being new this could very well be a driver issue.
OP give your system a few runs on the free version of 3dmark11. If the crashes on the first four graphics tests it could be a problem with your cards, if it crashes on the physics or combined test it could be a problem with your CPU or memory.
OK mate let it loop for a while to test for problems. It will weed anything out.

Hitman Absolution performance is knackered for 7000 series CF if I remember correctly. If it passes Heaven and your score is about the same as others in the normal heaven thread (at the settings in that thread) then that would say to me that it's definitely a driver problem with that game. :).

Not sure if the latest 12.11 beta versions resolve it - might be worth checking the release notes.

I'm on 12.11

I will try running heaven for an hour and compare to other people results. I will also try 3d mark for a bit and compare results.
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