If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
..what would it be?

I would have public spitting a heavily fine-able offense.

There is absolutely no need and it is bloody disgusting seeing hocked up phlegm everywhere and even worse witnessing someone do it.

How about you?
Women who insist on carrying umbrellas at my eye level, and then stopping for no good reason in the street.

Plus, I wish that the police would enforce littering laws.
cigarettes. Cant stand them

Enjoy my second hand smoke!!

Reality TV, including but not limited to:

X-Factor, I'm a Z-lister get me a contract, Big Brother, and Sky 1 dancing program, and so on.

The charge? Turning a nation's minds to mush, simplifying and dumbing down conversations across the land, and making people with more time than they know what to do with moan about it on the Internet. :D
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