If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

Enjoy my second hand smoke!!

[picture of an ass]

Fair enough if you smoke in your own space and time, but I hate it when people at London Bridge station just smoke outside the exit next to that freaking NO SMOKING sign. And what is the deal with people just all up and smoking around the entrance and car park to Guy's Hospital? They're stanking out my university.
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Yup, agree on the spitting thing. It is a truly repulsive thing to witness. I've received a few torrents of abuse from (usually) feral youth who I've called out on it.

Once, a bunch of the little filth mongers were waiting at a zebra crossing when I stopped to let them cross and about 3 of them just walked across gobbing their guts up right in front of me and my daughter. Needless to say my verbal displeasure aired towards them was met with equal verbal vigour in retort, in somewhat more colourful language from the ****less little air thieves.

It's completely gross and moreover, totally unnecessary.

Note: f e c k less is a word. Not sweary!!
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