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gtx 680 sli gpu usage % issue

8 Sep 2012
Good evening,

I have been noticing now for a week or so that my gpu's usage is sitting at around 50-60% during BF3 and both my cards aren't sitting at there full clock all of the time. They used to sit at full all of the time but not now.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

i5 3570k @ 4.2
16gb 1866 ram
310.90 drivers

As i said they were sitting at full continuously.

I am playing bf3 now and my temps are barely hitting 45'C, at first I thought precision x wasn't running and my fans were on stock profile but it was running, just gpu's not getting used to full potential at all.
I had this as well on my 680s on 306.97 (since sold them and downgraded).

A driver re-installation sorted it out.

You will get lower GPU utilisation on BF3 with 680 SLI though - you'll be CPU bound.
ooops feal like a right dope haha, just checked on my video settings in game and they were back down to auto so everything was just cruising along lazily! Upped them back to ultra and max on everything and I am back up to 140-150 FPS and fans going quicker with gpu usage up around 60% all the time and spiking to 90+ during hectic multiplay situations.

Also my clock speeds are sat at there highest again, must have knocked the setting downs when I updated the drivers.

Oh well you live and learn :D
306.23 I feel are the best for SLI 680's. I couldn't get my 680's to 99% usage in BF3 with a 2500K @ 4.6 and after upgrading to a 3930K at 4.625, I still can't get my GPU's to 99%.

I did some investigating into this, as it was bugging me and it seems more or less every SLI set up is poorly optimised in this game. Other games I have no problem but this game needs better support from Nvidia.
Had the same issue with two 670s, your CPU limited.

I moved to a 3770k and the extra threads helped but even then it still wasn't perfect.

Nothing really you can do unless you overclock more or unless you increase the resolution I would have thought?

That said you say they were at 100% before so could be a driver or game issue?
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