RB's training log

15 Feb 2009
I thought it would be much easier to keep track of my progress making a log here rather than trying to remember what I've done!

I've been on and off (mainly off) with basic weight lifting/running the past couple of years but really want to shift the fat/gain strength.

Just half a year ago, I went through a rough patch, where I went from 155lbs to 170lbs in the space of about 3 months :( and because I play a lot of badminton, I can really feel the extra weight moving around the court.
Because of that I'm mainly looking at getting lean again, rather than making serious strength gains, but hopefully I can still see progress with my workouts.

I've never logged my workout sets and reps before yesterday so it's very experimental with the weights atm.
But here's what I did yesterday (chronologically; I was there for about 1.5 hours):

Rope pushdown - 80lbs to 140lbs in 10lb increments 5x5

Pull-ups - 2x4 1x3

DB curls - 12.5kg 5x5, 15kg 2x5 1x2

Lat raises - 7.5kg 3x10

Hang clean - 40kg 4x5 1x2

DB shoulder press - 10kg 1x5, 12.5kg 5x10

Rope pushdown - 150lbs, 130lbs & 100lbs 1x5, 80lbs & 60lbs 1x10

Then I normally finish workouts with stretching and crunches.

Any advice or suggestions is much appreciated. Like I said, I'm fairly new to all this so anything you say could be new information and be really helpful for me.


Starting Stronglift 5x5 (23rd May 2013)

Starting stats:

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 170lbs


Bench Press

Barbell Row

Overhead Press

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Plenty of room for improvement. You would benefit from doing a strength program that focuses around the main lifts i.e. stronglifts. Have a look at some of the guys training for strength - djdom, icecold, myself.

Your diet will need to be good to make proper use of your gym time, so have a read up on the stickies.
Your 'workout' seems very arm-centric - as LiE said, you'll really benefit from working hard on a basic program such as Stronglifts 5x5 which focuses mainly on the big 3 lifts. This will give you a nice smooth introduction to the world of weight lifting without making it a daunting experience :)

If you want to know more, just post up and I'll get sommat written up.
Yeah, I'm pretty clued up on the food side of things so that shouldn't be any problem.

I'll have a look at the other logs.
So, Stronglifts is literally go to the gym to do 5 sets on 3 different lifts, and that's it?!
I'll read into more of course but seems a bit 'easy'?
And looking at the lifts used, it doesn't really seem to target the arms much? Or am I just being ignorant?
No routine that has you shifting lots of weight is 'easy'. The first few weeks will be easier - relatively - to the later weeks. A session that started off as 30 mins will end up as much longer if you're doing it correctly.

Nobody who can shift big weight has small arms.
Ok, should I be looking to lift weights which have me almost failing on the 1st set 5th rep, then take a relatively long rest between sets. Or have weights slightly less, being able to lift the first couple of sets without too much difficulty, but only taking 1-2 minutes rest and almost failing on the last couple of sets?
What differs in the result?

Just came back from doing leg press and deadlifts. Had to do so many sets again because I don't know what I can lift.

Leg press
150lbs to 370lbs in 20lbs increments 1x5 (so 12x5 total), 390lbs 1x2

70kg 1x5, 90kg 2x5, 100kg 3x5, 105kg 1x3
I found that it was mainly my grip that let me down on the deadlifts rather than my back, even using alternate grip. Anything I can work on for that specifically? Or is that just going to come with training?

Do these weights seem ok as a starting stat?
I find your lack of squats disturbing. /VADER

Grip will come with practise. :) You can do stuff like plate pinches or towel holds, but more deadliftng, SLDLs, rows with help.

Also, do squats; not leg presses.
Haha I was going to, but all the stations were busy and I'm heading out tonight so didn't have time to wait around. I'll do it next time (Friday).

Also, I'm not sure how I'm going to do bench, I don't know anyone who goes to the gym (well not atm; exam period), so don't have anyone to spot.
I've always benched without a spotter, but then I know when I've got one last rep left, of if I'm going to fail if I try another. I've also had to abandon the bar on my chest before in my more nooby days :D
Just use Dumbells. :)

Oh yeah, didn't think of that haha. Thanks.

I've always benched without a spotter, but then I know when I've got one last rep left, of if I'm going to fail if I try another. I've also had to abandon the bar on my chest before in my more nooby days :D

I've done solo before, but I've never gone heavy to get near fail because I'm scared that I'd drop it on myself!
My legs are truly DEAD.

Ran 6km yesterday.

Done the squats and barbell rows today (didn't have time for bench), because then I played some crazy intense badminton (singles for an hour, doubles for half).

Barbell Row
50kg 1x5, 55kg 5x5

50kg 1x5, 60kg 1x5, 70kg 1x5, 80kg 2x5

Edit: Added pictures of me to the op.
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Got body fat calipers in the post today. Done so many measurements of the chest, abdomen and thigh and got 10mm, 14mm and 13mm respectively, which calculates to having 10% bodyfat... that can't be right surely?
I even tried to grip different amount of skin, changing position slightly, but comes to about the same measurement.
Got body fat calipers in the post today. Done so many measurements of the chest, abdomen and thigh and got 10mm, 14mm and 13mm respectively, which calculates to having 10% bodyfat... that can't be right surely?
I even tried to grip different amount of skin, changing position slightly, but comes to about the same measurement.

To be blunt: so what? :cool:

Do you look/feel trimmer/better than you did before?
stfu with your hippy bahai **** thingyx, this is cold, hard, indisputable hard work and pumping iron we're talking about. We don't need any of your happy thinking or optimistic outlooks on life here, we need results. We need progress. We need to know 100% that the path upon which we walk is talking us in the direction of our hallow father, rest in peace his soul Lord Zyzz.
3 points probably isn't going to give you a very accurate measurement :)

Yeah I know, but I'm finding it quite hard to measure the other places by myself haha. I'll take them at the weekend when I meet up with my family.

To be blunt: so what? :cool:

Do you look/feel trimmer/better than you did before?

Yeah, I know that's the important thing, but I'm just curious as to what it is!
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Got body fat calipers in the post today. Done so many measurements of the chest, abdomen and thigh and got 10mm, 14mm and 13mm respectively, which calculates to having 10% bodyfat... that can't be right surely?
I even tried to grip different amount of skin, changing position slightly, but comes to about the same measurement.

stfu with your hippy bahai **** thingyx, this is cold, hard, indisputable hard work and pumping iron we're talking about. We don't need any of your happy thinking or optimistic outlooks on life here, we need results. We need progress. We need to know 100% that the path upon which we walk is talking us in the direction of our hallow father, rest in peace his soul Lord Zyzz.

Dude - you're talking precision and you can't even log on here any more? I'm wounded. :(
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