Antec's latest products!

Ive got one of the earlier true power 750w units in my other system. Fantastic psu, im actually thinking of swapping it into the rig in sig instead of the corsair hx 850.
Definitly would recommend you do that as the Corsair HX series is made by CWT who is not nearly as good as the original TruePower series.

HX up to 650w = seasonic
HX over 650w = CWT
TruePower = Seasonic

Corsair like to save costs using CWT.
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Well it was a cheap tactic, they built up reputation with Seasonic and then increased their margins by using CWT, CWT are good but not as good as Seasonic.
Well it was a cheap tactic, they built up reputation with Seasonic and then increased their margins by using CWT, CWT are good but not as good as Seasonic.

I believe you are right on this ocassion sadly. Early Corsair PSU's were far better quality than the newer Corsair ranges.
Were some of the 650w + HX range not seasonic oem units? My HX is an older model, i bought it secondhand about 4 years ago. My antec was bought last year, tbh i also prefer the braided cables on the antec. Though it would be nicer if it was a denser weave.
You've probably got a Seasonic in your case, I'd still prefer to use the Antec personally, they make flipping good PSU's for great prices. Antec certainly are making a come back and I'm happy for them!
The way to tell if it is Seasonic or CWT is look at the box and the part code. If the part code is CP-XXXXXXX-UK (The X's being numbers) it will be CWT if its a 850 watt, but if the part code is something like CMPSU-850HXUK then it will be Seasonic.
Thanks for that Ace, just checked the box and it is indeed CMPSU-850HXUK on the label. Though i think ill still go ahead with the swap. The corsair with its blue label etc will look better in my p6 x58 de based i7 930 system. And the antec cables will be a lot easier to use in the rig in sig.
As we all know 8pack uses Antec PSU's because they are epic, 1200w HCP can run at 1800-2000 watts continual at full load so that must help when smashing WR's
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550w - £74.99
650w - £89.99
750w - £99.99

Definitly would recommend you do that as the Corsair HX series is made by CWT who is not nearly as good as the original TruePower series.

HX up to 650w = seasonic
HX over 650w = CWT
TruePower = Seasonic

Corsair like to save costs using CWT.


I've just bought a HX850 from the MM, why did these not come out sooner :mad:

Well it was a cheap tactic, they built up reputation with Seasonic and then increased their margins by using CWT, CWT are good but not as good as Seasonic.

This doesn't fill me with confidence, hope my HX850 is stable for a good number of years!!
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I know everyone loves Seasonic, but I really can't see the differences in any reviews when you compair stuff like Seasonic, CWT, Superflower etc.. They are all just about the same, with Seasonic originals having a slight price premium.

What I am saying is, if you buy a PSU that has had good reviews, you will not run into problems even if it's not "TRUE SEASONIC!!1111". And then there is the odd 1% that break down, happens to all manufacturers.
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