Which Hybrid for PS4?

12 Jan 2009
Hi all,

Am a bit confused on why these two are very different in price even though the 7,200rpm is cheaper (when it was in stock) but the more expensive one says it has 8gb nand mlc flash?

Cheaper and faster: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-292-SE&groupid=701&catid=14&subcat=1894

More expensive and slower:http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-283-SE&groupid=701&catid=14&subcat=1894

If anyone can please advise if there is a better alternative? Am on a budget to be honest but ideally want a 1TB but best performance as this is going in a PlayStation 4.
No idea about what type of drives the PS4 supports but you have appeared to have linked to one 2.5" drive and one 3.5" drive.
The 7200RPM SSHD's are no longer manufactured by seagate I believe.
All new SSHD's are 5400RPM.

Look in the Official PS4 thread and we've got some recommendations bud ;)

Seagate Momentus XT 1Tb
Toshiba 1Tb SSHD (can't remember the model number off hand but it ends with a 'H' - denoting hybrid) - roughly same specs as the seagate - ever so slightly cheaper.
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The 7200RPM SSHD's are no longer manufactured by seagate I believe.
All new SSHD's are 5400RPM.

Look in the Official PS4 thread and we've got some recommendations bud ;)

Seagate Momentus XT 1Tb
Toshiba 1Tb SSHD (can't remember the model number off hand but it ends with a 'H' - denoting hybrid) - roughly same specs as the seagate - ever so slightly cheaper.

Oh ok cool, am ideally after a 7200rpm, any ideas why companies don't make them and are stopping? Makes no sense to only make slower hard drives :-(
Still no joy even in the PS4 section.

Am still stuck on what to really get however it seems the best one has been out of stock for ages: Seagate Momentus XT 750GB

Seems like theres no other 750gb/1TB hybrid 7200rpm for cheap, or is it worth just sticking to a 5400rpm? Im certain that its still faster than the standard 500gb hard drive in the PS4 by going to a hybrid.

Just would like some feedback on what others are using as want the best performance for around £70 or less ideally.
Same position as me, im probably just going to order a 5400 1tb drive for £50, as the only other option is an SSD, and that will end up costing more than the console!
Unless you are playing the same game wouldn't a SSHD be a bit pointless? 8GB of SSD seems a bit low.

And if you are changing games a lot then you will hardily feel the SSD part, plus it will wear out pretty quick.
The 5400 SSHD's are still going to give better performance than just a standard 7200 2.5" HDD.

Stick with the Seagate Momentus 1Gb SSHD tbh - can't go wrong for the price.

EDIT: Anyone seen any benchies yet regarding PS4 and SSD performance?
I've been looking for some as well.

There seems to be a distinct lack of 2.5 drive options. Its a real shame they cant take 3.5 drives, that would have been too good.
The 5400 SSHD's are still going to give better performance than just a standard 7200 2.5" HDD.

Stick with the Seagate Momentus 1Gb SSHD tbh - can't go wrong for the price.

EDIT: Anyone seen any benchies yet regarding PS4 and SSD performance?



However they didn't re-run the tests as from what I've found out is that you need to keep running the same stuff in order for the 8gb SSD part in the Hybrid to cache then go into programs and files faster when you keep using it.

Really don't have the money to spend £100 on a Hybrid :-( but looks like I guess I am gonna have to just stick with the regular console and save up for a new hard drive.
can pickup the Seagate 1TB SSHD for £78 these days mate ;)

I've personally got a Seagate 750Gb Momentus XT (7200rpm) SSHD sat here waiting for my PS4 ;)
To be honest, I just ended up getting a 1tb 5400 drive. Couldn't be bothered messing around, was nice and cheap to.
can pickup the Seagate 1TB SSHD for £78 these days mate ;)

I've personally got a Seagate 750Gb Momentus XT (7200rpm) SSHD sat here waiting for my PS4 ;)

Pixmania have it on offer for £78 but everywhere else its £100.

Im on a budget so kinda tempted to get the 7200rpm that you currently have from ebay for around £60 or thereabouts a refurb but its from the states :-/

Will have to see what my funds are like next week as would really like to have the 7200rpm.
yeah mine only cost me £40 of teh bay! :) - 6 months old so was a pretty good deal.

bearing in mind that we only get about 400Gb on a standard drive free I thought 750Gb would be good as it'll leave me with about 600Gb free to play with.

Shame I won't have time to do before and after tests sorry guys - I'll be whacking the drive straight in their before I power it up. I just hope the heat generated by a 7200 drive won't affect the PS4's cooling ability too much.....

It should do me until the 2tb SSHD's arrive hopefully next year ;)
Looks like IGN didn't give the SSHD chance to cache stuff:

Default 25.67s
Hybrid 20.3s
SSD 19.5s

Knack Disc
Default 39.67s
Hybrid 33.67s
SSD 34s

Killzone Downloaded
Default 60s
Hybrid 42s
SSD 39s

Resogun Downloaded
2/3 of a second difference

Looks like an SSHD is going to be worth it - :)
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