Which Hybrid for PS4?

yeah its fine bud - as long as its under 9mm it'll be fine.

Personally I've got a second hand SSHD to last me until we get some decent 2Tb ones hopefully next year!
The Western Digital Scorpio Black 2.5" 750GB 7200RPM Drive gave a significant boost to an old-ish laptop, running a 5200RPM Drive.

Not a Hybrid, but the high platter density and speed should give it a boost over the stock HDD, and the performance increase should be more consistent than a 5200RPM Hybrid.


Maybe someone wants to be the guinea pig and try one in a PS4? :)
I think I might just settle on the Seagate Momentus XT 7200rpm 750gb hybrid from the bay but I will just have to manage my hard drive space over the years until SSD's become inline with current hard drive pricing for space.
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